SHELL := /bin/bash # see git describe documentation for a descption # the version as set in meta.yaml RELEASE_VERSION = $(shell cat VERSION) PROJECT_NAME = $(shell grep -Eo "name: .*" conda-build/meta.yaml | cut -f 2 -d ' ') GIT_URL = $(shell git config --get remote.origin.url) GIT_REV = $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) DEV_VERSION = $(RELEASE_VERSION)_dev$(GIT_REV) # conda-build 2.1.12 started breaking our builds. # 2.1.10 was the last version we know works so let's lock to this and more carefully update. CONDA_BUILD_VERSION = 2.1.10 CONDA_OUTPUT_FOLDER ?= /opt/releases/driver/ # where to put the build objects. We can't use the default because # there is a known bug by which conda can't build on encrypted drives CONDA_BUILD_FOLDER = /tmp/$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(DEV_VERSION)_$(shell whoami) # EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: will cause conflict with conda specific ENV variables. # this is required to satisfy our dependencies PYTHON_VERSION = 3.5 DRIVER_CONDA_CHANNELS = -c conda -c driver export GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE=1 .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: #################################################################################################### # Development commands # develop: install-deps-in-current-env VERSION=$(DEV_VERSION) DRIVER_BUILD_GIT_URL=$(GIT_URL) DRIVER_BUILD_GIT_REV=$(GIT_REV) \ python develop # builds a conda package from the meta.yaml file and places it into the local repo build-in-current-env: verify-conda-build-installed -mkdir -p $(CONDA_OUTPUT_FOLDER) && test -w $(CONDA_OUTPUT_FOLDER) conda config --set anaconda_upload no VERSION=$(DEV_VERSION) DRIVER_BUILD_GIT_URL=$(GIT_URL) DRIVER_BUILD_GIT_REV=$(GIT_REV) \ conda-build conda-build/meta.yaml \ $(DRIVER_CONDA_CHANNELS) \ --croot $(CONDA_BUILD_FOLDER) \ --output-folder $(CONDA_OUTPUT_FOLDER) \ --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) # Install package into the current environment install-in-current-env: build-in-current-env conda install --yes $(DRIVER_CONDA_CHANNELS) -c file://$(CONDA_OUTPUT_FOLDER) $(PROJECT_NAME)=$(DEV_VERSION) uninstall-from-current-env: # develop uninstall # install uninstall -conda uninstall --yes $(PROJECT_NAME) || pip uninstall --yes $(PROJECT_NAME) install-deps-in-current-env: install-in-current-env uninstall-from-current-env #################################################################################################### # Conda environment commands # # run the test scripts in a clean conda environment setup-clean-env: -conda create --yes --name test_env_$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(DEV_VERSION) python=$(PYTHON_VERSION) teardown-clean-env: conda remove --name test_env_$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(DEV_VERSION) --all --yes #################################################################################################### # Release commands # git-tag: git pull --tags git tag -a v$(RELEASE_VERSION) -m "v$(RELEASE_VERSION)" git push origin v$(RELEASE_VERSION) build-release-and-upload: verify-conda-build-installed conda config --set anaconda_upload yes # Create the package if it does not already exist and set the permission to # private (to driver). -anaconda package driver/$(PROJECT_NAME) --create --private VERSION=$(RELEASE_VERSION) DRIVER_BUILD_GIT_URL=$(GIT_URL) DRIVER_BUILD_GIT_REV=$(GIT_REV) \ conda-build conda-build/meta.yaml \ $(DRIVER_CONDA_CHANNELS) \ --croot $(CONDA_BUILD_FOLDER) \ --python $(PYTHON_VERSION) \ --channel driver release: test-in-clean-env git-tag build-release-and-upload #################################################################################################### # test commands # test-in-clean-env: verify-conda-build-installed $(MAKE) setup-clean-env source activate test_env_$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(DEV_VERSION) && \ $(MAKE) install-in-current-env && \ $(MAKE) test-in-current-env && \ source deactivate test_env_$(PROJECT_NAME)_$(DEV_VERSION) $(MAKE) teardown-clean-env # run tests in the current environment test-in-current-env: git lfs fetch echo TEST #################################################################################################### # helper commands # # make sure that we don't have uncommited changes, we'll want to check for un-added files in the future verify-changes-commited: git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- verify-conda-build-installed: -source deactivate && conda install conda-build=$(CONDA_BUILD_VERSION) --yes