# Driver Core Library [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/drivergroup/driver-core.svg?token=sarWaLdsCrympszs6TRy&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/drivergroup/driver-core) Core library is used to provide ways to implement practices established in [Driver service template](http://github.com/drivergroup/driver-template) (check its [README.md](https://github.com/drivergroup/driver-template/blob/master/README.md)). Also it provides implementations for interaction with [Driver Infrastructure](https://drive.google.com/a/drivergrp.com/folderview?id=0BxKLZIfIpO8SOUdaRWtINzMxcE0&usp=sharing_eid&ts=578fbc14). ## Components * `core package` provides `Id` and `Name` implementations (with equal and ordering) and also `make` and `using` functions, * `time` Primitives to deal with time and receive current times in code, * `config` Contains method `loadDefaultConfig` with default way of providing config to the application, * `messages` Localization messages supporting different locales and methods to read from config, * `database` Method for database initialization from config, `Id` and `Name` mapping and schema lifecycle, * `rest` Wrapper over call to external REST API, authorization, context headers, does logging and stats call, * `json` Json formats for `Id`, `Name`, `Time`, `Revision` and converters for enums and value classes, * `file` Stub for file storage web-service and implementations for S3 and FS `FileStorage`, * `app` Base class for Driver service, which initializes swagger, app modules and its routes. * `generators` Set of functions to prototype APIs. Combine with `faker` package, * `stats` Interface to the infrastructure statistics service, currently just logs events, * `logging` Facade to the infrastructure logging service. Gives ways to report events supported by the infrastructure namely: fatal (for application-level events), error (for user errors), audit (for auditable events that might be needed for compliance), debug (for finding bugs and easier investigations). Dependencies of core modules might be found in [Dependencies of the Modules diagram](https://github.com/drivergroup/driver-template/blob/master/Modules%20dependencies.pdf) file in driver-template repository in "Core component dependencies" section. ## Examples ### Functions `make` and `using` Those functions are especially useful to make procedural legacy Java APIs more functional and make scope of its usage more explicit. Runnable examples of its usage might be found in [`CoreTest`](https://github.com/drivergroup/driver-core/blob/master/src/test/scala/com/drivergrp/core/CoreTest.scala), e.g., useObject(make(new ObjectWithProceduralInitialization) { o => o.setSetting1(...) // returns Unit o.setSetting2(...) // returns Unit o.setSetting3(...) // returns Unit }) // instead of val o = new ObjectWithProceduralInitialization o.setSetting1(...) o.setSetting2(...) o.setSetting3(...) useObject(o) and using(... open output stream ...) { os => os.write(...) } // it will be close automatically ### `Time` and `TimeProvider` Usage examples for `Time` [TimeTest](https://github.com/drivergroup/driver-core/blob/master/src/test/scala/com/drivergrp/core/TimeTest.scala) Time(234L).isAfter(Time(123L)) Time(123L).isBefore(Time(234L)) Time(123L).advanceBy(4 days) Seq(Time(321L), Time(123L), Time(231L)).sorted startOfMonth(Time(1468937089834L)) should be (Time(1467381889834L)) textualDate(Time(1468937089834L)) should be ("July 19, 2016") textualTime(Time(1468937089834L)) should be ("Jul 19, 2016 10:04:49 AM") TimeRange(Time(321L), Time(432L)).duration should be(111.milliseconds) ### Generators Example of how to generate a case class instance, import com.drivergrp.core._ Consumer( generators.nextId[Consumer], Name[Consumer](faker.Name.name), faker.Lorem.sentence(word_count = 10)) For more examples check [project tests](https://github.com/drivergroup/driver-core/blob/master/src/test/scala/com/drivergrp/core/) or [service template](http://github.com/drivergroup/driver-template) repository. ## Running 1. Compile everything and test: $ sbt test 2. Publish to local repository, to use changes in depending projects: $ sbt publish-local 3. Release new version of core: $ sbt release ## Things to do * Logging: * Custom akka-http directive to extract tracking/correlation id from the requests and put to MDC (diagnostic context). Also custom MDC needs to be implemented (or found on github/stackoverflow) to pass context among different threads in asynchronous environment when next computations may occur in other thread, * Custom log appender with its own format, using diagnostic context with request tracking/correlation id from request, * Try to store possible common typesafe config parts in core library.