package xyz.driver.core package init import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import sealed trait Platform object Platform { case class GoogleCloud(keyfile: Path, namespace: String) extends Platform { def credentials: ServiceAccountCredentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream( Files.newInputStream(keyfile) ) def project: String = credentials.getProjectId } object GoogleCloud { lazy val fromEnv: GoogleCloud = { val credentialsFile = sys.env.getOrElse( "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", sys.error("Expected GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS file to be set in gcp environment")) val keyfile = Paths.get(credentialsFile) require(Files.isReadable(keyfile), s"Google credentials file $credentialsFile is not readable.") val namespace = sys.env.getOrElse("SERVICE_NAMESPACE", sys.error("Namespace not set")) GoogleCloud(keyfile, namespace) } } case class AliCloud(accountId: String, accessId: String, accessKey: String, region: String, namespace: String) extends Platform object AliCloud { lazy val fromEnv: AliCloud = { AliCloud( accountId = sys.env("ALICLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID"), accessId = sys.env("ALICLOUD_ACCESS_ID"), accessKey = sys.env("ALICLOUD_ACCESS_KEY"), region = sys.env("CLOUD_REGION"), namespace = sys.env("SERVICE_NAMESPACE") ) } } case object Dev extends Platform lazy val fromEnv: Platform = { sys.env.get("CLOUD_PROVIDER") match { case Some("alicloud") => AliCloud.fromEnv case Some("gcp") => GoogleCloud.fromEnv // For backwards compat, try instantiating GCP first, falling back to Dev case _ => util.Try(GoogleCloud.fromEnv).getOrElse(Dev) } } def current: Platform = fromEnv }