# This scope is for general settings related to the execution of a # specific service. application { baseUrl: "localhost:8080" environment: "local_testing" cors.allowedOrigins: [ "localhost", "driver.xyz", "driver.network", "cndriver.xyz" ] } services.dev-overrides { // {"service1": "http://localhost:8080"}, // {"service2": "https://stable.sand.driver.network"} } # Settings about the auto-generated REST API documentation. swagger { # Version of the Swagger specification # (https://swagger.io/specification/). Note that changing this will # likely require changing the way Swagger is integrated into # driver-core, involving upgrading libraries and web resources. apiVersion = "2.0" basePath = "/" docsPath = "api-docs" # Description and usage of the specific API provided by the service # using this library. apiInfo { # Name of the service title = "NEW SERVICE (change config swagger.apiInfo)" # Description of the service description = "Please implement swagger info in your new service" # Contact for support about this service. contact { name = "Driver Inc." url = "https://driver.xyz" email = "info@driver.xyz" } termsOfServiceUrl = "TOC Url" license = "Apache V2" licenseUrl = "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0" } }