import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import complete.DefaultParsers._ object CodegenPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin type TableColumn = (String, String) object autoImport { lazy val codegenURI = SettingKey[String]("codegen-uri", "uri for the database configuration") lazy val codegenPackage = SettingKey[String]( "codegen-package", "package in which to place generated code") lazy val codegenOutputPath = SettingKey[String]( "codegen-output-path", "directory to with the generated code will be written") lazy val codegenSchemaWhitelist = SettingKey[List[String]]( "codegen-schema-whitelist", "schemas and tables to process") lazy val codegenForeignKeys = SettingKey[Map[TableColumn, TableColumn]]( "codegen-foreign-keys", "foreign key references to data models add manually") lazy val codegenSchemaBaseClassParts = SettingKey[List[String]]( "codegen-schema-base-class-parts", "parts inherited by each generated schema object") lazy val codegenIdType = SettingKey[Option[String]]( "codegen-id-type", "The in-scope type `T` of kind `T[TableRow]` to apply in place T for id columns" ) lazy val codegenSchemaImports = SettingKey[List[String]]( "codegen-schema-imports", "A list of things to import into each schema definition" ) lazy val codegenTypeReplacements = SettingKey[Map[String, String]]( "codegen-type-replacements", "A map of types to find and replace" ) lazy val slickCodeGenTask = TaskKey[Unit]("gen-tables", "generate the table definitions") } import autoImport._ override lazy val projectSettings = Seq( codegenSchemaWhitelist := List.empty, codegenForeignKeys := Map.empty, codegenSchemaBaseClassParts := List.empty, codegenIdType := Option.empty, codegenSchemaImports := List.empty, codegenTypeReplacements := Map.empty, slickCodeGenTask := Def.taskDyn { Def.task { new, codegenPackage.value, Some(codegenSchemaWhitelist.value).filter(_.nonEmpty), codegenOutputPath.value, codegenForeignKeys.value, (if (codegenIdType.value.isEmpty) codegenSchemaBaseClassParts.value :+ "DefaultIdTypeMapper" else codegenSchemaBaseClassParts.value) match { case Nil => "AnyRef" case parts => parts.mkString(" with ") }, codegenIdType.value, codegenSchemaImports.value, codegenTypeReplacements.value ) } }.value ) }