path: root/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/LocalSpanSpec.scala
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diff --git a/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/LocalSpanSpec.scala b/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/LocalSpanSpec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e24f8727
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kamon-core-tests/src/test/scala/kamon/trace/LocalSpanSpec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+package kamon.trace
+import kamon.testkit.{MetricInspection, Reconfigure, TestSpanReporter}
+import kamon.util.Registration
+import kamon.Kamon
+import kamon.trace.Span.{Annotation, TagValue}
+import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually
+import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, OptionValues, WordSpec}
+import org.scalatest.time.SpanSugar._
+class LocalSpanSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with Eventually with OptionValues
+ with Reconfigure with MetricInspection {
+ "a real span" when {
+ "sampled and finished" should {
+ "be sent to the Span reporters" in {
+ Kamon.buildSpan("test-span")
+ .withSpanTag("test", "value")
+ .withStartTimestamp(100)
+ .start()
+ .finish(200)
+ eventually(timeout(2 seconds)) {
+ val finishedSpan = reporter.nextSpan().value
+ finishedSpan.operationName shouldBe("test-span")
+ finishedSpan.startTimestampMicros shouldBe 100
+ finishedSpan.endTimestampMicros shouldBe 200
+ finishedSpan.tags should contain("test" -> TagValue.String("value"))
+ }
+ }
+ "pass all the tags, annotations and baggage to the FinishedSpan instance when started and finished" in {
+ Kamon.buildSpan("full-span")
+ .withSpanTag("builder-string-tag", "value")
+ .withSpanTag("builder-boolean-tag-true", true)
+ .withSpanTag("builder-boolean-tag-false", false)
+ .withSpanTag("builder-number-tag", 42)
+ .withStartTimestamp(100)
+ .start()
+ .addSpanTag("span-string-tag", "value")
+ .addSpanTag("span-boolean-tag-true", true)
+ .addSpanTag("span-boolean-tag-false", false)
+ .addSpanTag("span-number-tag", 42)
+ .annotate("simple-annotation")
+ .annotate("regular-annotation", Map("data" -> "something"))
+ .annotate(4200, "custom-annotation-1", Map("custom" -> "yes-1"))
+ .annotate(Annotation(4201, "custom-annotation-2", Map("custom" -> "yes-2")))
+ .setOperationName("fully-populated-span")
+ .finish(200)
+ eventually(timeout(2 seconds)) {
+ val finishedSpan = reporter.nextSpan().value
+ finishedSpan.operationName shouldBe ("fully-populated-span")
+ finishedSpan.startTimestampMicros shouldBe 100
+ finishedSpan.endTimestampMicros shouldBe 200
+ finishedSpan.tags should contain allOf(
+ "builder-string-tag" -> TagValue.String("value"),
+ "builder-boolean-tag-true" -> TagValue.True,
+ "builder-boolean-tag-false" -> TagValue.False,
+ "builder-number-tag" -> TagValue.Number(42),
+ "span-string-tag" -> TagValue.String("value"),
+ "span-boolean-tag-true" -> TagValue.True,
+ "span-boolean-tag-false" -> TagValue.False,
+ "span-number-tag" -> TagValue.Number(42)
+ )
+ finishedSpan.annotations.length shouldBe (4)
+ val annotations = finishedSpan.annotations.groupBy(_.name)
+ annotations.keys should contain allOf(
+ "simple-annotation",
+ "regular-annotation",
+ "custom-annotation-1",
+ "custom-annotation-2"
+ )
+ val customAnnotationOne = annotations("custom-annotation-1").head
+ customAnnotationOne.timestampMicros shouldBe (4200)
+ customAnnotationOne.fields shouldBe (Map("custom" -> "yes-1"))
+ val customAnnotationTwo = annotations("custom-annotation-2").head
+ customAnnotationTwo.timestampMicros shouldBe (4201)
+ customAnnotationTwo.fields shouldBe (Map("custom" -> "yes-2"))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @volatile var registration: Registration = _
+ val reporter = new TestSpanReporter()
+ override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {
+ enableFastSpanFlushing()
+ sampleAlways()
+ registration = Kamon.addReporter(reporter)
+ }
+ override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
+ registration.cancel()
+ }