/* ========================================================================================= * Copyright © 2013-2016 the kamon project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * ========================================================================================= */ package kamon import _root_.akka.actor import _root_.akka.actor._ import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigParseOptions, ConfigResolveOptions} import kamon.metric._ import kamon.trace.TracerModuleImpl import kamon.util.logger.LazyLogger import _root_.scala.util.control.NonFatal import _root_.scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} trait ConfigProvider { def config: Config final def patchedConfig: Config = { val internalConfig = config.getConfig("kamon.internal-config") config .withoutPath("akka") .withoutPath("spray") .withFallback(internalConfig) } } object Kamon { private val log = LazyLogger("Kamon") trait Extension extends actor.Extension def defaultConfig = ConfigFactory.load(this.getClass.getClassLoader, ConfigParseOptions.defaults(), ConfigResolveOptions.defaults().setAllowUnresolved(true)) class KamonDefaultConfigProvider extends ConfigProvider { def config = resolveConfiguration private def resolveConfiguration: Config = { val defaultConf = defaultConfig defaultConf.getString("kamon.config-provider") match { case "default" ⇒ defaultConf case fqcn ⇒ val dynamic = new ReflectiveDynamicAccess(getClass.getClassLoader) dynamic.createInstanceFor[ConfigProvider](fqcn, Nil).get.config } } } class KamonConfigProvider(_config: Config) extends ConfigProvider { def config = _config } private[kamon] var configProvider: Option[ConfigProvider] = None def config: Config = configProvider match { case Some(provider) ⇒ provider.config case None ⇒ throw new Exception("Kamon.start() not called yet") } lazy val metrics = MetricsModuleImpl(config) lazy val tracer = TracerModuleImpl(metrics, config) private lazy val _system = { val patchedConfig = configProvider match { case Some(provider) ⇒ provider.patchedConfig case None ⇒ throw new Exception("Kamon.start() not called yet") } log.info("Initializing Kamon...") tryLoadAutoweaveModule() ActorSystem("kamon", patchedConfig) } private lazy val _start = { metrics.start(_system) tracer.start(_system) _system.registerExtension(ModuleLoader) } def start(): Unit = { configProvider = Some(new KamonDefaultConfigProvider()) _start } def start(conf: Config): Unit = { configProvider = Some(new KamonConfigProvider(conf)) _start } def start(provider: ConfigProvider): Unit = { configProvider = Some(provider) _start } def shutdown(): Unit = { _system.shutdown() } private def tryLoadAutoweaveModule(): Unit = { Try { val autoweave = Class.forName("kamon.autoweave.Autoweave") autoweave.getDeclaredMethod("attach").invoke(autoweave.newInstance()) } match { case Success(_) ⇒ val color = (msg: String) ⇒ s"""\u001B[32m${msg}\u001B[0m""" log.info(color("Kamon-autoweave has been successfully loaded.")) log.info(color("The AspectJ loadtime weaving agent is now attached to the JVM (you don't need to use -javaagent).")) log.info(color("This offers extra flexibility but obviously any classes loaded before attachment will not be woven.")) case Failure(NonFatal(reason)) ⇒ log.debug(s"Kamon-autoweave failed to load. Reason: ${reason.getMessage}.") } } }