package byspel import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{Marshaller, ToEntityMarshaller} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.HttpCookie import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{MediaTypes, StatusCodes, Uri} import app.HttpApi import scalatags.Text.all._ trait Ui extends HttpApi { self: Service with Tables => // allows using scalatags templates as HTTP responses implicit val tagMarshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[Tag] = { Marshaller.stringMarshaller(MediaTypes.`text/html`).compose { (tag: Tag) => tag.render } } def page(content: Tag*) = html( scalatags.Text.all.head( link( rel := "stylesheet", `type` := "text/css", href := "/assets/normalize.css" ), link( rel := "stylesheet", `type` := "text/css", href := "/assets/main.css" ) ), body( content ) ) def loginForm(alert: Option[String]) = page( img(src := "/assets/logo.svg"), h3("Sign in to crashbox"), alert match { case Some(message) => div(`class` := "alert")(message) case None => span() }, form(action := "/login", attr("method") := "post")( label(`for` := "username")("Username or email address"), input(`type` := "text", placeholder := "", name := "username", required), label(`for` := "password")("Password"), input(`type` := "password", placeholder := "", name := "password", required), button(`type` := "submit")("Sign in") ) ) def mainPage(user: UsersRow) = page( h1(s"Welcome ${user.fullName.getOrElse("")}!"), form(action := "/logout", attr("method") := "post")( button(`type` := "submit")("Sign out") ) ) def authenticated(inner: UsersRow => Route): Route = optionalCookie("session") { case Some(sessionCookie) => onSuccess(self.checkSession(sessionCookie.value)) { case Some(user) => inner(user) case None => complete(StatusCodes.NotFound) } case None => complete(StatusCodes.NotFound) } def route = pathPrefix("assets") { getFromResourceDirectory("assets") } ~ path("login") { get { complete(loginForm(None)) } ~ post { formFields("username", "password") { case (u, p) => onSuccess(self.login(u, p)) { case None => complete(StatusCodes.NotFound -> loginForm( Some("Incorrect username or password."))) case Some((user, session)) => setCookie(HttpCookie("session", session.sessionId)) { redirect(Uri(s"/${user.primaryEmail}"), StatusCodes.Found) } } } } } ~ path("logout") { post { cookie("session") { cookiePair => onSuccess(endSession(cookiePair.value)) { _ => deleteCookie( { redirect(Uri("/"), StatusCodes.Found) } } } } } ~ path(Segment) { userEmail => authenticated { user => if (user.primaryEmail == userEmail) { get { complete(mainPage(user)) } } else { complete(StatusCodes.NotFound) } } } ~ get { redirect(Uri("/login"), StatusCodes.Found) } }