path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 2fd3976..f1fa42f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
import mill._, scalalib._
+import ammonite.ops._, ujson.Js
+import $file.upload
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
+import $
object cask extends ScalaModule{
def scalaVersion = "2.12.6"
@@ -26,12 +44,111 @@ object cask extends ScalaModule{
object example extends Module{
- object todo extends ScalaModule{
- def scalaVersion = "2.12.6"
+ trait LocalModule extends ScalaModule{
+ def ivyDeps = super.ivyDeps().filter(_ != ivy"com.lihaoyi::cask:0.0.1")
+ override def millSourcePath = super.millSourcePath / "app"
def moduleDeps = Seq(cask)
- def ivyDeps = Agg(
- ivy"org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc:3.18.0",
- ivy"io.getquill::quill-jdbc:2.5.4"
+ }
+ object compress extends $ with LocalModule
+ object compress2 extends $ with LocalModule
+ object compress3 extends $ with LocalModule
+ object cookies extends $ with LocalModule
+ object decorated extends $ with LocalModule
+ object decorated2 extends $ with LocalModule
+ object formJsonPost extends $ with LocalModule
+ object httpMethods extends $ with LocalModule
+ object minimalApplication extends $ with LocalModule
+ object minimalApplication2 extends $ with LocalModule
+ object redirectAbort extends $ with LocalModule
+ object staticFiles extends $ with LocalModule
+ object todo extends $ with LocalModule
+ object todoApi extends $ with LocalModule
+ object todoDb extends $ with LocalModule
+ object variableRoutes extends $ with LocalModule
+val isMasterCommit = {
+ sys.env.get("TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST") == Some("false") &&
+ (sys.env.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH") == Some("master") || sys.env("TRAVIS_TAG") != "")
+def gitHead = T.input{
+ sys.env.get("TRAVIS_COMMIT").getOrElse(
+ %%('git, "rev-parse", "HEAD")(pwd).out.string.trim()
+ )
+def publishVersion = T.input{
+ val tag =
+ try Option(
+ %%('git, 'describe, "--exact-match", "--tags", "--always", gitHead())(pwd).out.string.trim()
+ catch{case e => None}
+ val dirtySuffix = %%('git, 'diff)(pwd).out.string.trim() match{
+ case "" => ""
+ case s => "-DIRTY" + Integer.toHexString(s.hashCode)
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ tag match{
+ case Some(t) => (t, t)
+ case None =>
+ val latestTaggedVersion = %%('git, 'describe, "--abbrev=0", "--always", "--tags")(pwd).out.trim
+ val commitsSinceLastTag =
+ %%('git, "rev-list", gitHead(), "--not", latestTaggedVersion, "--count")(pwd).out.trim.toInt
+ (latestTaggedVersion, s"$latestTaggedVersion-$commitsSinceLastTag-${gitHead().take(6)}$dirtySuffix")
+ }
+def uploadToGithub(authKey: String) = T.command{
+ val (releaseTag, label) = publishVersion()
+ if (releaseTag == label){
+ scalaj.http.Http("")
+ .postData(
+ ujson.write(
+ Js.Obj(
+ "tag_name" -> releaseTag,
+ "name" -> releaseTag
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ .header("Authorization", "token " + authKey)
+ .asString
+ }
+ val examples = Seq(
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ $,
+ )
+ for(example <- examples){
+ val f = tmp.dir()
+ cp(example, f/'folder)
+ write.over(
+ f/'folder/"",
+ read(f/'folder/"").replace("trait AppModule ", "object app ")
+ )
+ %%("zip", "-r", f/"", f/'folder)(T.ctx().dest)
+ upload.apply(f/"", releaseTag, label + "/" + example.last, authKey)
+ }