package cbt_internal import cbt._ import import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ trait Library extends PackageJars with Scalariform with GoogleJavaFormat with DynamicOverrides with AdvancedScala { def groupId = "org.cvogt" def inceptionYear: Int def description: String def version = "0.9-SNAPSHOT" override def compile = { googleJavaFormat() scalariform() super.compile } def publishIfChanged = newBuild[PublishIfChanged]({s""" def inceptionYear = $inceptionYear def description = ${description.quote} def apply = if(changedInMaster) publish """}) } trait PublishIfChanged extends PackageJars with DynamicOverrides with Shared{ override def url = super.url ++ "/libraries/" ++ name def gitHash = { val p = new ProcessBuilder( "git rev-parse HEAD".split(" "): _* ) .directory( projectDirectory ) .start val sout = new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream); import val out = Future(blocking(Iterator.continually( != -1).map(_.toChar).mkString)) p.waitFor val revision = Await.result( out, Duration.Inf ).trim revision } override def version = "rev-"++gitHash def changedInMaster = ( 0 === new ProcessBuilder( "git diff --exit-code --quiet master..master^ .".split(" "): _* ) .directory( projectDirectory ) .start .waitFor ) }