import mill._, scalalib._, scalafmt._, scalalib.publish._ object commando extends ScalaModule with ScalafmtModule with PublishModule { def scalaVersion = T.input { sys.props.toMap.get("scala.version") match { case Some(v) => v case None => "2.13.1" } } object test extends Tests { def ivyDeps = Agg( ivy"com.lihaoyi::utest:0.7.1" ) def testFrameworks = Seq("utest.runner.Framework") } def publishVersion = T.input{os.proc("git", "describe", "--dirty", "--match=v*").call().out.trim.tail} def pomSettings = PomSettings( description = "Simple command line parsing.", organization = "io.crashbox", url = "", licenses = Seq(License.`BSD-3-Clause`), versionControl = VersionControl.github("jodersky", "commando"), developers = Seq( Developer("jodersky", "Jakob Odersky","") ) ) }