diff options
authorliu fengyun <liu@fengy.me>2017-04-13 15:03:13 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-04-13 15:03:13 +0200
commitfb4adc3c9c55476d2fe0deed22cff54e8e945406 (patch)
parentcf37737f56db7bc2f7429f78328dc5eea1716356 (diff)
parentde6461ab17562dbb46a1ff094590e051d03cb54c (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into fix-2253
21 files changed, 167 insertions, 63 deletions
diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
index c6e4f53e4..22ce99c3a 100644
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ pipeline:
+ - dotty-bin-tests/test
+ - legacyTests
- test
- ;publishLocal ;dotty-bootstrapped/test
- - legacyTests
- - dotty-bin-tests/test
diff --git a/.drone.yml.sig b/.drone.yml.sig
index 830de1a92..e071da484 100644
--- a/.drone.yml.sig
+++ b/.drone.yml.sig
@@ -1 +1 @@
-eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.7jaA1Gh5FpzKvXQsaf2_of5tUEMBcR_3Mzo0wL8pE3E \ No newline at end of file
+eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.bGW0VXWjWrro4w7rn_6Aq2veQaxXr7x3KJJCaF3X8V8 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
index a97589d73..eee6ba785 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import PartialFunction._
import collection.mutable
import util.common.alwaysZero
-import typer.Applications
object Definitions {
@@ -846,6 +845,9 @@ class Definitions {
+ def isProductSubType(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tp.derivesFrom(ProductType.symbol)
/** Is `tp` (an alias) of either a scala.FunctionN or a scala.ImplicitFunctionN? */
def isFunctionType(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
val arity = functionArity(tp)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/NameKinds.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/NameKinds.scala
index 0f08e4701..81ac3a02f 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/NameKinds.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/NameKinds.scala
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ object NameKinds {
val InlineAccessorName = new UniqueNameKind("$_inlineAccessor_$")
val TempResultName = new UniqueNameKind("ev$")
val EvidenceParamName = new UniqueNameKind("evidence$")
- val DepParamName = new UniqueNameKind("<param>")
+ val DepParamName = new UniqueNameKind("(param)")
val LazyImplicitName = new UniqueNameKind("$_lazy_implicit_$")
val LazyLocalName = new UniqueNameKind("$lzy")
val LazyLocalInitName = new UniqueNameKind("$lzyINIT")
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeOps.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeOps.scala
index 9593bfe93..4a1c3d044 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeOps.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeOps.scala
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import SymDenotations._, Denotations.SingleDenotation
import config.Printers.typr
import util.Positions._
import NameOps._
+import NameKinds.DepParamName
import Decorators._
import StdNames._
import Annotations._
@@ -158,7 +159,11 @@ trait TypeOps { this: Context => // TODO: Make standalone object.
case tp1 => tp1
case tp: TypeParamRef =>
- typerState.constraint.typeVarOfParam(tp) orElse tp
+ if (tp.paramName.is(DepParamName)) {
+ val bounds = ctx.typeComparer.bounds(tp)
+ if (bounds.lo.isRef(defn.NothingClass)) bounds.hi else bounds.lo
+ }
+ else typerState.constraint.typeVarOfParam(tp) orElse tp
case _: ThisType | _: BoundType | NoPrefix =>
case tp: RefinedType =>
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
index c8c1886cc..955a5a11c 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Types.scala
@@ -3509,7 +3509,7 @@ object Types {
def apply(tp: Type): Type
- protected var variance = 1
+ protected[core] var variance = 1
protected def derivedSelect(tp: NamedType, pre: Type): Type =
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
index 41a1218eb..447a003e7 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform with DenotTransformer {
protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol) = tupleSel(binder)(firstIndexingBinder + 1)
protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = {
val accessors =
- if (Applications.canProductMatch(binder.info))
+ if (defn.isProductSubType(binder.info))
else binder.caseAccessors
val res =
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
index c4d3e2292..7e17abbcd 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ object Applications {
- def canProductMatch(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- extractorMemberType(tp, nme._1).exists
/** Does `tp` fit the "product match" conditions as an unapply result type
* for a pattern with `numArgs` subpatterns?
* This is the case of `tp` has members `_1` to `_N` where `N == numArgs`.
@@ -72,7 +69,7 @@ object Applications {
def productArity(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- if (canProductMatch(tp)) productSelectorTypes(tp).size else -1
+ if (defn.isProductSubType(tp)) productSelectorTypes(tp).size else -1
def productSelectors(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = {
val sels = for (n <- Iterator.from(0)) yield tp.member(nme.selectorName(n)).symbol
@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ object Applications {
getUnapplySelectors(getTp, args, pos)
else if (unapplyResult isRef defn.BooleanClass)
- else if (canProductMatch(unapplyResult))
+ else if (defn.isProductSubType(unapplyResult))
// this will cause a "wrong number of arguments in pattern" error later on,
// which is better than the message in `fail`.
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/ProtoTypes.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/ProtoTypes.scala
index 398a7a17e..5d8240362 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/ProtoTypes.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/ProtoTypes.scala
@@ -377,9 +377,10 @@ object ProtoTypes {
* Also, if `owningTree` is non-empty, add a type variable for each parameter.
* @return The added type lambda, and the list of created type variables.
- def constrained(tl: TypeLambda, owningTree: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): (TypeLambda, List[TypeTree]) = {
+ def constrained(tl: TypeLambda, owningTree: untpd.Tree, alwaysAddTypeVars: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): (TypeLambda, List[TypeTree]) = {
val state = ctx.typerState
- assert(!(ctx.typerState.isCommittable && owningTree.isEmpty),
+ val addTypeVars = alwaysAddTypeVars || !owningTree.isEmpty
+ assert(!(ctx.typerState.isCommittable && !addTypeVars),
s"inconsistent: no typevars were added to committable constraint ${state.constraint}")
def newTypeVars(tl: TypeLambda): List[TypeTree] =
@@ -392,7 +393,7 @@ object ProtoTypes {
val added =
if (state.constraint contains tl) tl.newLikeThis(tl.paramNames, tl.paramInfos, tl.resultType)
else tl
- val tvars = if (owningTree.isEmpty) Nil else newTypeVars(added)
+ val tvars = if (addTypeVars) newTypeVars(added) else Nil
ctx.typeComparer.addToConstraint(added, tvars.tpes.asInstanceOf[List[TypeVar]])
(added, tvars)
@@ -400,13 +401,13 @@ object ProtoTypes {
/** Same as `constrained(tl, EmptyTree)`, but returns just the created type lambda */
def constrained(tl: TypeLambda)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeLambda = constrained(tl, EmptyTree)._1
- /** Create a new TypeParamRef that represents a dependent method parameter singleton */
- def newDepTypeParamRef(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeParamRef = {
+ /** Create a new TypeVar that represents a dependent method parameter singleton */
+ def newDepTypeVar(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeVar = {
val poly = PolyType(DepParamName.fresh().toTypeName :: Nil)(
pt => TypeBounds.upper(AndType(tp, defn.SingletonType)) :: Nil,
pt => defn.AnyType)
- ctx.typeComparer.addToConstraint(poly, Nil)
- TypeParamRef(poly, 0)
+ constrained(poly, untpd.EmptyTree, alwaysAddTypeVars = true)
+ ._2.head.tpe.asInstanceOf[TypeVar]
/** The result type of `mt`, where all references to parameters of `mt` are
@@ -415,7 +416,7 @@ object ProtoTypes {
def resultTypeApprox(mt: MethodType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
if (mt.isDependent) {
def replacement(tp: Type) =
- if (ctx.mode.is(Mode.TypevarsMissContext)) WildcardType else newDepTypeParamRef(tp)
+ if (ctx.mode.is(Mode.TypevarsMissContext)) WildcardType else newDepTypeVar(tp)
mt.resultType.substParams(mt, mt.paramInfos.map(replacement))
else mt.resultType
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
index 4bf938fd4..02538671e 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ class Typer extends Namer with TypeAssigner with Applications with Implicits wit
/** Is `formal` a product type which is elementwise compatible with `params`? */
def ptIsCorrectProduct(formal: Type) = {
isFullyDefined(formal, ForceDegree.noBottom) &&
- Applications.canProductMatch(formal) &&
+ defn.isProductSubType(formal) &&
Applications.productSelectorTypes(formal).corresponds(params) {
(argType, param) =>
param.tpt.isEmpty || argType <:< typedAheadType(param.tpt).tpe
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala
index fa0c89f28..cf9b200d4 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ class CompilationTests extends ParallelTesting {
compileFile("../tests/neg/customArgs/nopredef.scala", defaultOptions.and("-Yno-predef")) +
compileFile("../tests/neg/customArgs/noimports.scala", defaultOptions.and("-Yno-imports")) +
compileFile("../tests/neg/customArgs/noimports2.scala", defaultOptions.and("-Yno-imports")) +
+ compileFile("../tests/neg/customArgs/overloadsOnAbstractTypes.scala", allowDoubleBindings) +
compileFile("../tests/neg/tailcall/t1672b.scala", defaultOptions) +
compileFile("../tests/neg/tailcall/t3275.scala", defaultOptions) +
compileFile("../tests/neg/tailcall/t6574.scala", defaultOptions) +
@@ -216,9 +217,9 @@ class CompilationTests extends ParallelTesting {
val opt = Array(
// compile with bootstrapped library on cp:
- defaultOutputDir + "lib$1/src/:" +
+ defaultOutputDir + "lib/src/:" +
// as well as bootstrapped compiler:
- defaultOutputDir + "dotty1$1/dotty/:" +
+ defaultOutputDir + "dotty1/dotty/:" +
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala
index 8645882ca..213181b56 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala
@@ -91,23 +91,41 @@ extends Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages with M
object TestReporter {
- lazy val logWriter = {
+ private[this] var outFile: JFile = _
+ private[this] var logWriter: PrintWriter = _
+ private[this] def initLog() = if (logWriter eq null) {
val df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm")
val timestamp = df.format(new Date)
new JFile("../testlogs").mkdirs()
- new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(new JFile(s"../testlogs/tests-$timestamp.log"), true))
+ outFile = new JFile(s"../testlogs/tests-$timestamp.log")
+ logWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile, true))
- def writeToLog(str: String) = {
+ def logPrintln(str: String) = {
+ initLog()
+ def logPrint(str: String): Unit = {
+ initLog()
+ logWriter.println(str)
+ }
+ def logFlush(): Unit =
+ if (logWriter ne null) logWriter.flush()
+ def logPath: String = {
+ initLog()
+ outFile.getCanonicalPath
+ }
def reporter(ps: PrintStream, logLevel: Int): TestReporter =
- new TestReporter(new PrintWriter(ps, true), writeToLog, logLevel)
+ new TestReporter(new PrintWriter(ps, true), logPrintln, logLevel)
def simplifiedReporter(writer: PrintWriter): TestReporter = {
- val rep = new TestReporter(writer, writeToLog, WARNING) {
+ val rep = new TestReporter(writer, logPrintln, WARNING) {
/** Prints the message with the given position indication in a simplified manner */
override def printMessageAndPos(m: MessageContainer, extra: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
def report() = {
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
index f43462011..b0312523d 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
@@ -192,8 +192,6 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
/** A runnable that logs its contents in a buffer */
trait LoggedRunnable extends Runnable {
- import TestReporter.logWriter
/** Instances of `LoggedRunnable` implement this method instead of the
* `run` method
@@ -212,8 +210,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
final def run(): Unit = {
- logBuffer.iterator.foreach(logWriter.println)
- logWriter.flush()
+ summaryReport.echoToLog(logBuffer.iterator)
@@ -265,7 +262,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
private[this] val failedTestSources = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
protected final def failTestSource(testSource: TestSource, reason: Option[String] = None) = synchronized {
val extra = reason.map(" with reason: " + _).getOrElse("")
- failedTestSources.append(testSource.title + s" failed (in ${testSource.name})" + extra)
+ failedTestSources.append(testSource.title + s" failed" + extra)
@@ -309,7 +306,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
protected def tryCompile(testSource: TestSource)(op: => Unit): Unit =
try {
val testing = s"Testing ${testSource.title}"
- TestReporter.logWriter.println(testing)
+ summaryReport.echoToLog(testing)
if (!isInteractive) realStdout.println(testing)
} catch {
@@ -519,6 +516,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
case Failure(output) =>
+ echo(s"Test '${testSource.title}' failed with output:")
@@ -574,7 +572,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
if (!compilerCrashed && errorCount == 0) verifier()
else {
- echo(s"\n Compilation failed for: '$testSource'")
+ echo(s" Compilation failed for: '${testSource.title}' ")
val buildInstr = testSource.buildInstructions(errorCount, warningCount)
@@ -1018,6 +1016,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to reflectively find calling method")
+ .takeWhile(_ != '$')
/** Compiles a single file from the string path `f` using the supplied flags */
@@ -1072,7 +1071,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
val targetDir = new JFile(outDir + "/" + sourceDir.getName + "/")
- val target = JointCompilationSource(callingMethod, randomized, flags, targetDir)
+ val target = JointCompilationSource(s"compiling '$f' in test '$callingMethod'", randomized, flags, targetDir)
new CompilationTest(target)
@@ -1089,7 +1088,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
assert(targetDir.exists, s"couldn't create target directory: $targetDir")
- val target = JointCompilationSource(callingMethod, files.map(new JFile(_)).toArray, flags, targetDir)
+ val target = JointCompilationSource(s"$testName from $callingMethod", files.map(new JFile(_)).toArray, flags, targetDir)
// Create a CompilationTest and let the user decide whether to execute a pos or a neg test
new CompilationTest(target)
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
index ad068e9ef..610466224 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package tools
package vulpix
import java.io.{ File => JFile, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, PrintStream }
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
@@ -84,11 +85,11 @@ trait RunnerOrchestration {
/** Did add hook to kill the child VMs? */
- private[this] var didAddCleanupCallback = false
+ private[this] val didAddCleanupCallback = new AtomicBoolean(false)
/** Blocks less than `maxDuration` while running `Test.main` from `dir` */
def runMain(classPath: String)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): Status = {
- if (!didAddCleanupCallback) {
+ if (didAddCleanupCallback.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// If for some reason the test runner (i.e. sbt) doesn't kill the VM, we
// need to clean up ourselves.
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala
index 8f3047f49..678d88809 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala
@@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ trait SummaryReporting {
/** Echo the summary report to the appropriate locations */
def echoSummary(): Unit
+ /** Echoes *immediately* to file */
+ def echoToLog(msg: String): Unit
+ /** Echoes contents of `it` to file *immediately* then flushes */
+ def echoToLog(it: Iterator[String]): Unit
/** A summary report that doesn't do anything */
@@ -45,6 +51,8 @@ final class NoSummaryReport extends SummaryReporting {
def addStartingMessage(msg: String): Unit = ()
def addCleanup(f: () => Unit): Unit = ()
def echoSummary(): Unit = ()
+ def echoToLog(msg: String): Unit = ()
+ def echoToLog(it: Iterator[String]): Unit = ()
/** A summary report that logs to both stdout and the `TestReporter.logWriter`
@@ -95,17 +103,18 @@ final class SummaryReport extends SummaryReporting {
- failedTests.map(x => " " + x).foreach(rep.append)
+ failedTests.map(x => s" $x\n").foreach(rep.append)
// If we're compiling locally, we don't need instructions on how to
// reproduce failures
if (isInteractive) {
if (failed > 0) println {
- """|
- |----------------------------------------------------------
- |Note: reproduction instructed have been dumped to log file
- |----------------------------------------------------------""".stripMargin
+ s"""|
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ |Note - reproduction instructions have been dumped to log file:
+ | ${TestReporter.logPath}
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------""".stripMargin
@@ -116,11 +125,19 @@ final class SummaryReport extends SummaryReporting {
// If we're on the CI, we want everything
if (!isInteractive) println(rep.toString)
- TestReporter.writeToLog(rep.toString)
+ TestReporter.logPrintln(rep.toString)
// Perform cleanup callback:
if (cleanUps.nonEmpty) cleanUps.foreach(_.apply())
+ def echoToLog(msg: String): Unit =
+ TestReporter.logPrintln(msg)
+ def echoToLog(it: Iterator[String]): Unit = {
+ it.foreach(TestReporter.logPrint)
+ TestReporter.logFlush()
+ }
object SummaryReport {
diff --git a/docs/docs/contributing/testing.md b/docs/docs/contributing/testing.md
index 07aab1918..f786ac233 100644
--- a/docs/docs/contributing/testing.md
+++ b/docs/docs/contributing/testing.md
@@ -80,10 +80,9 @@ This might be aliased in the future. It is also possible to run tests filtered
by using:
-> filterTest .*i2147.scala
+> vulpix i2147.scala
This will run both the test `./tests/pos/i2147.scala` and
-`./tests/partest-test/i2147.scala` since both of these match the given regular
-expression. This also means that you could run `filterTest .*` to run all
-integration tests.
+`./tests/partest-test/i2147.scala` since both of these match the given string.
+This also means that you could run `vulpix` with no arguments to run all integration tests.
diff --git a/docs/docs/contributing/workflow.md b/docs/docs/contributing/workflow.md
index 3c654e8f6..b277cc243 100644
--- a/docs/docs/contributing/workflow.md
+++ b/docs/docs/contributing/workflow.md
@@ -57,20 +57,15 @@ $ sbt
To test a specific test tests/x/y.scala (for example tests/pos/t210.scala):
-> filterTest .*pos/t210.scala
+> vulpix pos/t210.scala
-The filterTest task takes a regular expression as its argument. For example,
-you could run a negative and a positive test with:
+The `vulpix` task uses its argument for a substring test. For example, you
+could run both a negative and a positive test with the same name
+(`pos/i2101.scala` & `neg/i2101.scala`):
-> filterTest (.*pos/t697.scala)|(.*neg/i2101.scala)
-or if they have the same name, the equivalent can be achieved with:
-> filterTest .*/i2101.scala
+> vulpix i2101.scala
## Inspecting Trees with Type Stealer ##
diff --git a/project/Build.scala b/project/Build.scala
index 04e75de4c..8b1c0e31e 100644
--- a/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/Build.scala
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ object Build {
triggeredMessage in ThisBuild := Watched.clearWhenTriggered,
addCommandAlias("run", "dotty-compiler/run") ++
- addCommandAlias("test", "testOnly -- --exclude-categories=java.lang.Exception") ++
addCommandAlias("legacyTests", "dotty-compiler/testOnly dotc.tests")
@@ -144,8 +143,7 @@ object Build {
lazy val `dotty-bootstrapped` = project.
aggregate(`dotty-library-bootstrapped`, `dotty-compiler-bootstrapped`).
- publishArtifact := false,
- addCommandAlias("test", "testOnly -- --exclude-categories=java.lang.Exception")
+ publishArtifact := false
lazy val `dotty-interfaces` = project.in(file("interfaces")).
@@ -286,6 +284,11 @@ object Build {
+ test in Test := {
+ // Exclude legacy tests by default
+ (testOnly in Test).toTask(" -- --exclude-categories=java.lang.Exception").value
+ },
vulpix := Def.inputTaskDyn {
val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed
val cmd = " dotty.tools.dotc.CompilationTests" + {
diff --git a/tests/neg/customArgs/overloadsOnAbstractTypes.scala b/tests/neg/customArgs/overloadsOnAbstractTypes.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c9ed12bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/neg/customArgs/overloadsOnAbstractTypes.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+class Test1 {
+ type A
+ type B <: A
+ def foo(): A = ???
+ def foo(): A = ??? // error
+ def bar(): A = ???
+ def bar(): B = ??? // error
+class Test2 {
+ type A
+ type B <: A
+ def foo(x: A) = ???
+ def foo(x: A) = ??? // error
+ def bar(x: A) = ???
+ def bar(x: B) = ??? // error
diff --git a/tests/pos/i2152.scala b/tests/pos/i2152.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2171a487e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pos/i2152.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+class Contra[-D](task: AnyRef)
+object Test {
+ def narrow(task: AnyRef): Contra[task.type] = new Contra(task)
+ def ident[Before](elems: Contra[Before]): Contra[Before] = elems
+ val foo = null
+ ident(narrow(foo))
diff --git a/tests/run/1938-2.scala b/tests/run/1938-2.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32e4c4518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/run/1938-2.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+object ProdNonEmpty {
+ def _1: Int = 0
+ def _2: String = "???" // Slight variation with scalac: this test passes
+ // with ??? here. I think dotty behavior is fine
+ // according to the spec given that methods involved
+ // in pattern matching should be pure.
+ def isEmpty = false
+ def unapply(s: String): this.type = this
+ def get = this
+object ProdEmpty {
+ def _1: Int = ???
+ def _2: String = ???
+ def isEmpty = true
+ def unapply(s: String): this.type = this
+ def get = this
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ "" match {
+ case ProdNonEmpty(0, _) => ()
+ case _ => ???
+ }
+ "" match {
+ case ProdNonEmpty(1, _) => ???
+ case _ => ()
+ }
+ "" match {
+ case ProdEmpty(_, _) => ???
+ case _ => ()
+ }
+ }