path: root/compiler
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
-rw-r--r--compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala (renamed from compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala)374
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44 files changed, 2170 insertions, 1471 deletions
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deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
--- a/compiler/foo
+++ /dev/null
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index 000000000..ec3e8fdf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/AggregateClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
+import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassRepresentation
+ * A classpath unifying multiple class- and sourcepath entries.
+ * The Classpath can obtain entries for classes and sources independently
+ * so it tries to do operations quite optimally - iterating only these collections
+ * which are needed in the given moment and only as far as it's necessary.
+ *
+ * @param aggregates classpath instances containing entries which this class processes
+ */
+case class AggregateClassPath(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath]) extends ClassPath {
+ override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ @tailrec
+ def find(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath]): Option[AbstractFile] =
+ if (aggregates.nonEmpty) {
+ val classFile = aggregates.head.findClassFile(className)
+ if (classFile.isDefined) classFile
+ else find(aggregates.tail)
+ } else None
+ find(aggregates)
+ }
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = {
+ @tailrec
+ def findEntry(aggregates: Seq[ClassPath], isSource: Boolean): Option[ClassRepresentation] =
+ if (aggregates.nonEmpty) {
+ val entry = aggregates.head.findClass(className) match {
+ case s @ Some(_: SourceFileEntry) if isSource => s
+ case s @ Some(_: ClassFileEntry) if !isSource => s
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ if (entry.isDefined) entry
+ else findEntry(aggregates.tail, isSource)
+ } else None
+ val classEntry = findEntry(aggregates, isSource = false)
+ val sourceEntry = findEntry(aggregates, isSource = true)
+ (classEntry, sourceEntry) match {
+ case (Some(c: ClassFileEntry), Some(s: SourceFileEntry)) => Some(ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(c.file, s.file))
+ case (c @ Some(_), _) => c
+ case (_, s) => s
+ }
+ }
+ override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = aggregates.flatMap(_.asURLs)
+ override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = aggregates.map(_.asClassPathString).distinct
+ override def asSourcePathString: String = ClassPath.join(aggregates map (_.asSourcePathString): _*)
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ val aggregatedPackages = aggregates.flatMap(_.packages(inPackage)).distinct
+ aggregatedPackages
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] =
+ getDistinctEntries(_.classes(inPackage))
+ override private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] =
+ getDistinctEntries(_.sources(inPackage))
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = {
+ val (packages, classesAndSources) = aggregates.map { cp =>
+ try {
+ cp.list(inPackage)
+ } catch {
+ case ex: java.io.IOException =>
+ val e = new FatalError(ex.getMessage)
+ e.initCause(ex)
+ throw e
+ }
+ }.unzip
+ val distinctPackages = packages.flatten.distinct
+ val distinctClassesAndSources = mergeClassesAndSources(classesAndSources: _*)
+ ClassPathEntries(distinctPackages, distinctClassesAndSources)
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns only one entry for each name. If there's both a source and a class entry, it
+ * creates an entry containing both of them. If there would be more than one class or source
+ * entries for the same class it always would use the first entry of each type found on a classpath.
+ */
+ private def mergeClassesAndSources(entries: Seq[ClassRepresentation]*): Seq[ClassRepresentation] = {
+ // based on the implementation from MergedClassPath
+ var count = 0
+ val indices = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Int]()
+ val mergedEntries = new ArrayBuffer[ClassRepresentation](1024)
+ for {
+ partOfEntries <- entries
+ entry <- partOfEntries
+ } {
+ val name = entry.name
+ if (indices contains name) {
+ val index = indices(name)
+ val existing = mergedEntries(index)
+ if (existing.binary.isEmpty && entry.binary.isDefined)
+ mergedEntries(index) = ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(entry.binary.get, existing.source.get)
+ if (existing.source.isEmpty && entry.source.isDefined)
+ mergedEntries(index) = ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(existing.binary.get, entry.source.get)
+ }
+ else {
+ indices(name) = count
+ mergedEntries += entry
+ count += 1
+ }
+ }
+ mergedEntries.toIndexedSeq
+ }
+ private def getDistinctEntries[EntryType <: ClassRepresentation](getEntries: ClassPath => Seq[EntryType]): Seq[EntryType] = {
+ val seenNames = collection.mutable.HashSet[String]()
+ val entriesBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[EntryType](1024)
+ for {
+ cp <- aggregates
+ entry <- getEntries(cp) if !seenNames.contains(entry.name)
+ } {
+ entriesBuffer += entry
+ seenNames += entry.name
+ }
+ entriesBuffer.toIndexedSeq
+ }
+object AggregateClassPath {
+ def createAggregate(parts: ClassPath*): ClassPath = {
+ val elems = new ArrayBuffer[ClassPath]()
+ parts foreach {
+ case AggregateClassPath(ps) => elems ++= ps
+ case p => elems += p
+ }
+ if (elems.size == 1) elems.head
+ else AggregateClassPath(elems.toIndexedSeq)
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassRepresentation
+case class ClassPathEntries(packages: Seq[PackageEntry], classesAndSources: Seq[ClassRepresentation])
+object ClassPathEntries {
+ import scala.language.implicitConversions
+ // to have working unzip method
+ implicit def entry2Tuple(entry: ClassPathEntries): (Seq[PackageEntry], Seq[ClassRepresentation]) = (entry.packages, entry.classesAndSources)
+trait ClassFileEntry extends ClassRepresentation {
+ def file: AbstractFile
+trait SourceFileEntry extends ClassRepresentation {
+ def file: AbstractFile
+trait PackageEntry {
+ def name: String
+private[dotty] case class ClassFileEntryImpl(file: AbstractFile) extends ClassFileEntry {
+ override def name = FileUtils.stripClassExtension(file.name) // class name
+ override def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(file)
+ override def source: Option[AbstractFile] = None
+private[dotty] case class SourceFileEntryImpl(file: AbstractFile) extends SourceFileEntry {
+ override def name = FileUtils.stripSourceExtension(file.name)
+ override def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = None
+ override def source: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(file)
+private[dotty] case class ClassAndSourceFilesEntry(classFile: AbstractFile, srcFile: AbstractFile) extends ClassRepresentation {
+ override def name = FileUtils.stripClassExtension(classFile.name)
+ override def binary: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(classFile)
+ override def source: Option[AbstractFile] = Some(srcFile)
+private[dotty] case class PackageEntryImpl(name: String) extends PackageEntry
+private[dotty] trait NoSourcePaths {
+ def asSourcePathString: String = ""
+ private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = Seq.empty
+private[dotty] trait NoClassPaths {
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = None
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = Seq.empty
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac8fc633f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ClassPathFactory.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, VirtualDirectory}
+import scala.reflect.io.Path.string2path
+import dotty.tools.dotc.config.Settings
+import FileUtils.AbstractFileOps
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+ * Provides factory methods for classpath. When creating classpath instances for a given path,
+ * it uses proper type of classpath depending on a types of particular files containing sources or classes.
+ */
+class ClassPathFactory {
+ /**
+ * Create a new classpath based on the abstract file.
+ */
+ def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = ClassPathFactory.newClassPath(file)
+ /**
+ * Creators for sub classpaths which preserve this context.
+ */
+ def sourcesInPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassPath] =
+ for {
+ file <- expandPath(path, expandStar = false)
+ dir <- Option(AbstractFile getDirectory file)
+ } yield createSourcePath(dir)
+ def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean = true): List[String] = dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.expandPath(path, expandStar)
+ def expandDir(extdir: String): List[String] = dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.expandDir(extdir)
+ def contentsOfDirsInPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassPath] =
+ for {
+ dir <- expandPath(path, expandStar = false)
+ name <- expandDir(dir)
+ entry <- Option(AbstractFile.getDirectory(name))
+ } yield newClassPath(entry)
+ def classesInExpandedPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): IndexedSeq[ClassPath] =
+ classesInPathImpl(path, expand = true).toIndexedSeq
+ def classesInPath(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context) = classesInPathImpl(path, expand = false)
+ def classesInManifest(useManifestClassPath: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ if (useManifestClassPath) dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.manifests.map(url => newClassPath(AbstractFile getResources url))
+ else Nil
+ // Internal
+ protected def classesInPathImpl(path: String, expand: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ for {
+ file <- expandPath(path, expand)
+ dir <- {
+ def asImage = if (file.endsWith(".jimage")) Some(AbstractFile.getFile(file)) else None
+ Option(AbstractFile.getDirectory(file)).orElse(asImage)
+ }
+ } yield newClassPath(dir)
+ private def createSourcePath(file: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath =
+ if (file.isJarOrZip)
+ ZipAndJarSourcePathFactory.create(file)
+ else if (file.isDirectory)
+ new DirectorySourcePath(file.file)
+ else
+ sys.error(s"Unsupported sourcepath element: $file")
+object ClassPathFactory {
+ def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = file match {
+ case vd: VirtualDirectory => VirtualDirectoryClassPath(vd)
+ case _ =>
+ if (file.isJarOrZip)
+ ZipAndJarClassPathFactory.create(file)
+ else if (file.isDirectory)
+ new DirectoryClassPath(file.file)
+ else
+ sys.error(s"Unsupported classpath element: $file")
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ed233ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/DirectoryClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.{URI, URL}
+import java.nio.file.{FileSystems, Files, SimpleFileVisitor}
+import java.util.function.IntFunction
+import java.util
+import java.util.Comparator
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, PlainFile}
+import dotty.tools.io.{ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, PlainNioFile}
+import FileUtils._
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries in directories. It provides common logic for
+ * classes handling class and source files.
+ * It makes use of the fact that in the case of nested directories it's easy to find a file
+ * when we have a name of a package.
+ * It abstracts over the file representation to work with both JFile and AbstractFile.
+ */
+trait DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends ClassPath {
+ type F
+ val dir: F
+ protected def emptyFiles: Array[F] // avoids reifying ClassTag[F]
+ protected def getSubDir(dirName: String): Option[F]
+ protected def listChildren(dir: F, filter: Option[F => Boolean] = None): Array[F]
+ protected def getName(f: F): String
+ protected def toAbstractFile(f: F): AbstractFile
+ protected def isPackage(f: F): Boolean
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): FileEntryType
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: F): Boolean
+ private def getDirectory(forPackage: String): Option[F] = {
+ if (forPackage == ClassPath.RootPackage) {
+ Some(dir)
+ } else {
+ val packageDirName = FileUtils.dirPath(forPackage)
+ getSubDir(packageDirName)
+ }
+ }
+ private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
+ val nestedDirs: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
+ case None => emptyFiles
+ case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isPackage))
+ }
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ nestedDirs.map(f => PackageEntryImpl(prefix + getName(f)))
+ }
+ protected def files(inPackage: String): Seq[FileEntryType] = {
+ val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
+ val files: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
+ case None => emptyFiles
+ case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory, Some(isMatchingFile))
+ }
+ files.map(f => createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(f)))
+ }
+ private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = {
+ val dirForPackage = getDirectory(inPackage)
+ val files: Array[F] = dirForPackage match {
+ case None => emptyFiles
+ case Some(directory) => listChildren(directory)
+ }
+ val packagePrefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ val packageBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[PackageEntry]
+ val fileBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[FileEntryType]
+ for (file <- files) {
+ if (isPackage(file))
+ packageBuf += PackageEntryImpl(packagePrefix + getName(file))
+ else if (isMatchingFile(file))
+ fileBuf += createFileEntry(toAbstractFile(file))
+ }
+ ClassPathEntries(packageBuf, fileBuf)
+ }
+trait JFileDirectoryLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends DirectoryLookup[FileEntryType] {
+ type F = File
+ protected def emptyFiles: Array[File] = Array.empty
+ protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[File] = {
+ val packageDir = new File(dir, packageDirName)
+ if (packageDir.exists && packageDir.isDirectory) Some(packageDir)
+ else None
+ }
+ protected def listChildren(dir: File, filter: Option[File => Boolean]): Array[File] = {
+ val listing = filter match {
+ case Some(f) => dir.listFiles(mkFileFilter(f))
+ case None => dir.listFiles()
+ }
+ if (listing != null) {
+ // Sort by file name for stable order of directory .class entries in package scope.
+ // This gives stable results ordering of base type sequences for unrelated classes
+ // with the same base type depth.
+ //
+ // Notably, this will stably infer`Product with Serializable`
+ // as the type of `case class C(); case class D(); List(C(), D()).head`, rather than the opposite order.
+ // On Mac, the HFS performs this sorting transparently, but on Linux the order is unspecified.
+ //
+ // Note this behaviour can be enabled in javac with `javac -XDsortfiles`, but that's only
+ // intended to improve determinism of the compiler for compiler hackers.
+ java.util.Arrays.sort(listing,
+ new java.util.Comparator[File] {
+ def compare(o1: File, o2: File) = o1.getName.compareTo(o2.getName)
+ })
+ listing
+ } else Array()
+ }
+ protected def getName(f: File): String = f.getName
+ protected def toAbstractFile(f: File): AbstractFile = new PlainFile(new scala.reflect.io.File(f))
+ protected def isPackage(f: File): Boolean = f.isPackage
+ assert(dir != null, "Directory file in DirectoryFileLookup cannot be null")
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(dir.toURI.toURL)
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.getPath)
+object JrtClassPath {
+ import java.nio.file._, java.net.URI
+ def apply(): Option[ClassPath] = {
+ try {
+ val fs = FileSystems.getFileSystem(URI.create("jrt:/"))
+ Some(new JrtClassPath(fs))
+ } catch {
+ case _: ProviderNotFoundException | _: FileSystemNotFoundException =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ * Implementation `ClassPath` based on the JDK 9 encapsulated runtime modules (JEP-220)
+ *
+ * https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8066492 is the most up to date reference
+ * for the structure of the jrt:// filesystem.
+ *
+ * The implementation assumes that no classes exist in the empty package.
+ */
+final class JrtClassPath(fs: java.nio.file.FileSystem) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths {
+ import java.nio.file.Path, java.nio.file._
+ type F = Path
+ private val dir: Path = fs.getPath("/packages")
+ // e.g. "java.lang" -> Seq("/modules/java.base")
+ private val packageToModuleBases: Map[String, Seq[Path]] = {
+ val ps = Files.newDirectoryStream(dir).iterator().asScala
+ def lookup(pack: Path): Seq[Path] = {
+ Files.list(pack).iterator().asScala.map(l => if (Files.isSymbolicLink(l)) Files.readSymbolicLink(l) else l).toList
+ }
+ ps.map(p => (p.toString.stripPrefix("/packages/"), lookup(p))).toMap
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ def matches(packageDottedName: String) =
+ if (packageDottedName.contains("."))
+ packageOf(packageDottedName) == inPackage
+ else inPackage == ""
+ packageToModuleBases.keysIterator.filter(matches).map(PackageEntryImpl(_)).toVector
+ }
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = {
+ if (inPackage == "") Nil
+ else {
+ packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).flatMap(x =>
+ Files.list(x.resolve(inPackage.replace('.', '/'))).iterator().asScala.filter(_.getFileName.toString.endsWith(".class"))).map(x =>
+ ClassFileEntryImpl(new PlainNioFile(x))).toVector
+ }
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries =
+ if (inPackage == "") ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), Nil)
+ else ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage))
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(dir.toUri.toURL)
+ // We don't yet have a scheme to represent the JDK modules in our `-classpath`.
+ // java models them as entries in the new "module path", we'll probably need to follow this.
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Nil
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ if (!className.contains(".")) None
+ else {
+ val inPackage = packageOf(className)
+ packageToModuleBases.getOrElse(inPackage, Nil).iterator.flatMap{x =>
+ val file = x.resolve(className.replace('.', '/') + ".class")
+ if (Files.exists(file)) new PlainNioFile(file) :: Nil else Nil
+ }.take(1).toList.headOption
+ }
+ }
+ private def packageOf(dottedClassName: String): String =
+ dottedClassName.substring(0, dottedClassName.lastIndexOf("."))
+case class DirectoryClassPath(dir: File) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] with NoSourcePaths {
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findClassFile(className) map ClassFileEntryImpl
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className)
+ val classFile = new File(s"$dir/$relativePath.class")
+ if (classFile.exists) {
+ val wrappedClassFile = new scala.reflect.io.File(classFile)
+ val abstractClassFile = new PlainFile(wrappedClassFile)
+ Some(abstractClassFile)
+ } else None
+ }
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file)
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: File): Boolean = f.isClass
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+case class DirectorySourcePath(dir: File) extends JFileDirectoryLookup[SourceFileEntryImpl] with NoClassPaths {
+ def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): SourceFileEntryImpl = SourceFileEntryImpl(file)
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: File): Boolean = endsScalaOrJava(f.getName)
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findSourceFile(className) map SourceFileEntryImpl
+ private def findSourceFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className)
+ val sourceFile = Stream("scala", "java")
+ .map(ext => new File(s"$dir/$relativePath.$ext"))
+ .collectFirst { case file if file.exists() => file }
+ sourceFile.map { file =>
+ val wrappedSourceFile = new scala.reflect.io.File(file)
+ val abstractSourceFile = new PlainFile(wrappedSourceFile)
+ abstractSourceFile
+ }
+ }
+ private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/FileUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.{File => JFile, FileFilter}
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+ * Common methods related to Java files and abstract files used in the context of classpath
+ */
+object FileUtils {
+ implicit class AbstractFileOps(val file: AbstractFile) extends AnyVal {
+ def isPackage: Boolean = file.isDirectory && mayBeValidPackage(file.name)
+ def isClass: Boolean = !file.isDirectory && file.hasExtension("class") && !file.name.endsWith("$class.class")
+ // FIXME: drop last condition when we stop being compatible with Scala 2.11
+ def isScalaOrJavaSource: Boolean = !file.isDirectory && (file.hasExtension("scala") || file.hasExtension("java"))
+ // TODO do we need to check also other files using ZipMagicNumber like in scala.tools.nsc.io.Jar.isJarOrZip?
+ def isJarOrZip: Boolean = file.hasExtension("jar") || file.hasExtension("zip")
+ /**
+ * Safe method returning a sequence containing one URL representing this file, when underlying file exists,
+ * and returning given default value in other case
+ */
+ def toURLs(default: => Seq[URL] = Seq.empty): Seq[URL] = if (file.file == null) default else Seq(file.toURL)
+ }
+ implicit class FileOps(val file: JFile) extends AnyVal {
+ def isPackage: Boolean = file.isDirectory && mayBeValidPackage(file.getName)
+ def isClass: Boolean = file.isFile && file.getName.endsWith(".class") && !file.getName.endsWith("$class.class")
+ // FIXME: drop last condition when we stop being compatible with Scala 2.11
+ }
+ def stripSourceExtension(fileName: String): String = {
+ if (endsScala(fileName)) stripClassExtension(fileName)
+ else if (endsJava(fileName)) stripJavaExtension(fileName)
+ else throw new FatalError("Unexpected source file ending: " + fileName)
+ }
+ def dirPath(forPackage: String) = forPackage.replace('.', '/')
+ def endsClass(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ fileName.length > 6 && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 6) == ".class"
+ def endsScalaOrJava(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ endsScala(fileName) || endsJava(fileName)
+ def endsJava(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ fileName.length > 5 && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 5) == ".java"
+ def endsScala(fileName: String): Boolean =
+ fileName.length > 6 && fileName.substring(fileName.length - 6) == ".scala"
+ def stripClassExtension(fileName: String): String =
+ fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 6) // equivalent of fileName.length - ".class".length
+ def stripJavaExtension(fileName: String): String =
+ fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - 5)
+ // probably it should match a pattern like [a-z_]{1}[a-z0-9_]* but it cannot be changed
+ // because then some tests in partest don't pass
+ def mayBeValidPackage(dirName: String): Boolean =
+ (dirName != "META-INF") && (dirName != "") && (dirName.charAt(0) != '.')
+ def mkFileFilter(f: JFile => Boolean) = new FileFilter {
+ def accept(pathname: JFile): Boolean = f(pathname)
+ }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/PackageNameUtils.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath.RootPackage
+ * Common methods related to package names represented as String
+ */
+object PackageNameUtils {
+ /**
+ * @param fullClassName full class name with package
+ * @return (package, simple class name)
+ */
+ def separatePkgAndClassNames(fullClassName: String): (String, String) = {
+ val lastDotIndex = fullClassName.lastIndexOf('.')
+ if (lastDotIndex == -1)
+ (RootPackage, fullClassName)
+ else
+ (fullClassName.substring(0, lastDotIndex), fullClassName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1))
+ }
+ def packagePrefix(inPackage: String): String = if (inPackage == RootPackage) "" else inPackage + "."
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b0855554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/VirtualDirectoryClassPath.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassRepresentation
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, Path, PlainFile, VirtualDirectory}
+import FileUtils._
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+case class VirtualDirectoryClassPath(dir: VirtualDirectory) extends ClassPath with DirectoryLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl] with NoSourcePaths {
+ type F = AbstractFile
+ // From AbstractFileClassLoader
+ private final def lookupPath(base: AbstractFile)(pathParts: Seq[String], directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+ var file: AbstractFile = base
+ for (dirPart <- pathParts.init) {
+ file = file.lookupName(dirPart, directory = true)
+ if (file == null)
+ return null
+ }
+ file.lookupName(pathParts.last, directory = directory)
+ }
+ protected def emptyFiles: Array[AbstractFile] = Array.empty
+ protected def getSubDir(packageDirName: String): Option[AbstractFile] =
+ Option(lookupPath(dir)(packageDirName.split('/'), directory = true))
+ protected def listChildren(dir: AbstractFile, filter: Option[AbstractFile => Boolean] = None): Array[F] = filter match {
+ case Some(f) => dir.iterator.filter(f).toArray
+ case _ => dir.toArray
+ }
+ def getName(f: AbstractFile): String = f.name
+ def toAbstractFile(f: AbstractFile): AbstractFile = f
+ def isPackage(f: AbstractFile): Boolean = f.isPackage
+ // mimic the behavior of the old nsc.util.DirectoryClassPath
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(new URL(dir.name))
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(dir.path)
+ override def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = findClassFile(className) map ClassFileEntryImpl
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val relativePath = FileUtils.dirPath(className) + ".class"
+ Option(lookupPath(dir)(relativePath split '/', directory = false))
+ }
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: AbstractFile): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file)
+ protected def isMatchingFile(f: AbstractFile): Boolean = f.isClass
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5210c699e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+import scala.reflect.io.{AbstractFile, FileZipArchive, ManifestResources}
+import dotty.tools.io.ClassPath
+import dotty.tools.dotc.config.Settings
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+import FileUtils._
+ * A trait providing an optional cache for classpath entries obtained from zip and jar files.
+ * It's possible to create such a cache assuming that entries in such files won't change (at
+ * least will be the same each time we'll load classpath during the lifetime of JVM process)
+ * - unlike class and source files in directories, which can be modified and recompiled.
+ * It allows us to e.g. reduce significantly memory used by PresentationCompilers in Scala IDE
+ * when there are a lot of projects having a lot of common dependencies.
+ */
+sealed trait ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory {
+ private val cache = collection.mutable.Map.empty[AbstractFile, ClassPath]
+ def create(zipFile: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = {
+ if (ctx.settings.YdisableFlatCpCaching.value) createForZipFile(zipFile)
+ else createUsingCache(zipFile)
+ }
+ protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile): ClassPath
+ private def createUsingCache(zipFile: AbstractFile)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = cache.synchronized {
+ def newClassPathInstance = {
+ if (ctx.settings.verbose.value || ctx.settings.Ylogcp.value)
+ println(s"$zipFile is not yet in the classpath cache")
+ createForZipFile(zipFile)
+ }
+ cache.getOrElseUpdate(zipFile, newClassPathInstance)
+ }
+ * Manages creation of classpath for class files placed in zip and jar files.
+ * It should be the only way of creating them as it provides caching.
+ */
+object ZipAndJarClassPathFactory extends ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory {
+ private case class ZipArchiveClassPath(zipFile: File)
+ extends ZipArchiveFileLookup[ClassFileEntryImpl]
+ with NoSourcePaths {
+ override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
+ classes(pkg).find(_.name == simpleClassName).map(_.file)
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+ override protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): ClassFileEntryImpl = ClassFileEntryImpl(file)
+ override protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = file.isClass
+ }
+ /**
+ * This type of classpath is closely related to the support for JSR-223.
+ * Its usage can be observed e.g. when running:
+ * jrunscript -classpath scala-compiler.jar;scala-reflect.jar;scala-library.jar -l scala
+ * with a particularly prepared scala-library.jar. It should have all classes listed in the manifest like e.g. this entry:
+ * Name: scala/Function2$mcFJD$sp.class
+ */
+ private case class ManifestResourcesClassPath(file: ManifestResources) extends ClassPath with NoSourcePaths {
+ override def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile] = {
+ val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
+ classes(pkg).find(_.name == simpleClassName).map(_.file)
+ }
+ override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(file.path)
+ override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = file.toURLs()
+ import ManifestResourcesClassPath.PackageFileInfo
+ import ManifestResourcesClassPath.PackageInfo
+ /**
+ * A cache mapping package name to abstract file for package directory and subpackages of given package.
+ *
+ * ManifestResources can iterate through the collections of entries from e.g. remote jar file.
+ * We can't just specify the path to the concrete directory etc. so we can't just 'jump' into
+ * given package, when it's needed. On the other hand we can iterate over entries to get
+ * AbstractFiles, iterate over entries of these files etc.
+ *
+ * Instead of traversing a tree of AbstractFiles once and caching all entries or traversing each time,
+ * when we need subpackages of a given package or its classes, we traverse once and cache only packages.
+ * Classes for given package can be then easily loaded when they are needed.
+ */
+ private lazy val cachedPackages: collection.mutable.HashMap[String, PackageFileInfo] = {
+ val packages = collection.mutable.HashMap[String, PackageFileInfo]()
+ def getSubpackages(dir: AbstractFile): List[AbstractFile] =
+ (for (file <- dir if file.isPackage) yield file)(collection.breakOut)
+ @tailrec
+ def traverse(packagePrefix: String,
+ filesForPrefix: List[AbstractFile],
+ subpackagesQueue: collection.mutable.Queue[PackageInfo]): Unit = filesForPrefix match {
+ case pkgFile :: remainingFiles =>
+ val subpackages = getSubpackages(pkgFile)
+ val fullPkgName = packagePrefix + pkgFile.name
+ packages.put(fullPkgName, PackageFileInfo(pkgFile, subpackages))
+ val newPackagePrefix = fullPkgName + "."
+ subpackagesQueue.enqueue(PackageInfo(newPackagePrefix, subpackages))
+ traverse(packagePrefix, remainingFiles, subpackagesQueue)
+ case Nil if subpackagesQueue.nonEmpty =>
+ val PackageInfo(packagePrefix, filesForPrefix) = subpackagesQueue.dequeue()
+ traverse(packagePrefix, filesForPrefix, subpackagesQueue)
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ val subpackages = getSubpackages(file)
+ packages.put(ClassPath.RootPackage, PackageFileInfo(file, subpackages))
+ traverse(ClassPath.RootPackage, subpackages, collection.mutable.Queue())
+ packages
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = cachedPackages.get(inPackage) match {
+ case None => Seq.empty
+ case Some(PackageFileInfo(_, subpackages)) =>
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ subpackages.map(packageFile => PackageEntryImpl(prefix + packageFile.name))
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry] = cachedPackages.get(inPackage) match {
+ case None => Seq.empty
+ case Some(PackageFileInfo(pkg, _)) =>
+ (for (file <- pkg if file.isClass) yield ClassFileEntryImpl(file))(collection.breakOut)
+ }
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = ClassPathEntries(packages(inPackage), classes(inPackage))
+ }
+ private object ManifestResourcesClassPath {
+ case class PackageFileInfo(packageFile: AbstractFile, subpackages: Seq[AbstractFile])
+ case class PackageInfo(packageName: String, subpackages: List[AbstractFile])
+ }
+ override protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile): ClassPath =
+ if (zipFile.file == null) createWithoutUnderlyingFile(zipFile)
+ else ZipArchiveClassPath(zipFile.file)
+ private def createWithoutUnderlyingFile(zipFile: AbstractFile) = zipFile match {
+ case manifestRes: ManifestResources =>
+ ManifestResourcesClassPath(manifestRes)
+ case _ =>
+ val errorMsg = s"Abstract files which don't have an underlying file and are not ManifestResources are not supported. There was $zipFile"
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMsg)
+ }
+ * Manages creation of classpath for source files placed in zip and jar files.
+ * It should be the only way of creating them as it provides caching.
+ */
+object ZipAndJarSourcePathFactory extends ZipAndJarFileLookupFactory {
+ private case class ZipArchiveSourcePath(zipFile: File)
+ extends ZipArchiveFileLookup[SourceFileEntryImpl]
+ with NoClassPaths {
+ override def asSourcePathString: String = asClassPathString
+ override private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry] = files(inPackage)
+ override protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): SourceFileEntryImpl = SourceFileEntryImpl(file)
+ override protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean = file.isScalaOrJavaSource
+ }
+ override protected def createForZipFile(zipFile: AbstractFile): ClassPath = ZipArchiveSourcePath(zipFile.file)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8184708ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/classpath/ZipArchiveFileLookup.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Contributor. All rights reserved.
+ */
+package dotty.tools.dotc.classpath
+import java.io.File
+import java.net.URL
+import scala.collection.Seq
+import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
+import scala.reflect.io.FileZipArchive
+import FileUtils.AbstractFileOps
+import dotty.tools.io.{ClassPath, ClassRepresentation}
+ * A trait allowing to look for classpath entries of given type in zip and jar files.
+ * It provides common logic for classes handling class and source files.
+ * It's aware of things like e.g. META-INF directory which is correctly skipped.
+ */
+trait ZipArchiveFileLookup[FileEntryType <: ClassRepresentation] extends ClassPath {
+ val zipFile: File
+ assert(zipFile != null, "Zip file in ZipArchiveFileLookup cannot be null")
+ override def asURLs: Seq[URL] = Seq(zipFile.toURI.toURL)
+ override def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String] = Seq(zipFile.getPath)
+ private val archive = new FileZipArchive(zipFile)
+ override private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry] = {
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ for {
+ dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage).toSeq
+ entry <- dirEntry.iterator if entry.isPackage
+ } yield PackageEntryImpl(prefix + entry.name)
+ }
+ protected def files(inPackage: String): Seq[FileEntryType] =
+ for {
+ dirEntry <- findDirEntry(inPackage).toSeq
+ entry <- dirEntry.iterator if isRequiredFileType(entry)
+ } yield createFileEntry(entry)
+ override private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries = {
+ val foundDirEntry = findDirEntry(inPackage)
+ foundDirEntry map { dirEntry =>
+ val pkgBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[PackageEntry]
+ val fileBuf = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[FileEntryType]
+ val prefix = PackageNameUtils.packagePrefix(inPackage)
+ for (entry <- dirEntry.iterator) {
+ if (entry.isPackage)
+ pkgBuf += PackageEntryImpl(prefix + entry.name)
+ else if (isRequiredFileType(entry))
+ fileBuf += createFileEntry(entry)
+ }
+ ClassPathEntries(pkgBuf, fileBuf)
+ } getOrElse ClassPathEntries(Seq.empty, Seq.empty)
+ }
+ private def findDirEntry(pkg: String): Option[archive.DirEntry] = {
+ val dirName = s"${FileUtils.dirPath(pkg)}/"
+ archive.allDirs.get(dirName)
+ }
+ protected def createFileEntry(file: FileZipArchive#Entry): FileEntryType
+ protected def isRequiredFileType(file: AbstractFile): Boolean
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala
index 8bc18c387..d2a8e18a2 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/JavaPlatform.scala
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ package dotty.tools
package dotc
package config
-import io.{AbstractFile,ClassPath,JavaClassPath,MergedClassPath,DeltaClassPath}
-import ClassPath.{ JavaContext, DefaultJavaContext }
+import io._
+import classpath.AggregateClassPath
import core._
import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, Denotations._, SymDenotations._, StdNames._, Names._
import Flags._, Scopes._, Decorators._, NameOps._, util.Positions._
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import transform.ExplicitOuter, transform.SymUtils._
class JavaPlatform extends Platform {
- private var currentClassPath: Option[MergedClassPath] = None
+ private var currentClassPath: Option[ClassPath] = None
def classPath(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = {
if (currentClassPath.isEmpty)
@@ -35,8 +35,12 @@ class JavaPlatform extends Platform {
/** Update classpath with a substituted subentry */
- def updateClassPath(subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath]) =
- currentClassPath = Some(new DeltaClassPath(currentClassPath.get, subst))
+ def updateClassPath(subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath]): Unit = currentClassPath.get match {
+ case AggregateClassPath(entries) =>
+ currentClassPath = Some(AggregateClassPath(entries map (e => subst.getOrElse(e, e))))
+ case cp: ClassPath =>
+ currentClassPath = Some(subst.getOrElse(cp, cp))
+ }
def rootLoader(root: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): SymbolLoader = new ctx.base.loaders.PackageLoader(root, classPath)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala
index 159989e6f..f0709f4d3 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/PathResolver.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ package config
import java.net.{ URL, MalformedURLException }
import WrappedProperties.AccessControl
-import io.{ ClassPath, JavaClassPath, File, Directory, Path, AbstractFile }
-import ClassPath.{ JavaContext, DefaultJavaContext, join, split }
+import io.{ ClassPath, File, Directory, Path, AbstractFile }
+import classpath.{AggregateClassPath, ClassPathFactory }
+import ClassPath.{ JavaContext, join, split }
import PartialFunction.condOpt
import scala.language.postfixOps
import core.Contexts._
@@ -128,7 +129,7 @@ object PathResolver {
- def fromPathString(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): JavaClassPath = {
+ def fromPathString(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassPath = {
val settings = ctx.settings.classpath.update(path)
new PathResolver()(ctx.fresh.setSettings(settings)).result
@@ -150,7 +151,11 @@ object PathResolver {
val pr = new PathResolver()(ctx.fresh.setSettings(sstate))
println(" COMMAND: 'scala %s'".format(args.mkString(" ")))
println("RESIDUAL: 'scala %s'\n".format(rest.mkString(" ")))
- pr.result.show
+ pr.result match {
+ case cp: AggregateClassPath =>
+ println(s"ClassPath has ${cp.aggregates.size} entries and results in:\n${cp.asClassPathStrings}")
+ }
@@ -159,7 +164,7 @@ import PathResolver.{ Defaults, Environment, firstNonEmpty, ppcp }
class PathResolver(implicit ctx: Context) {
import ctx.base.settings
- val context = ClassPath.DefaultJavaContext
+ private val classPathFactory = new ClassPathFactory
private def cmdLineOrElse(name: String, alt: String) = {
(commandLineFor(name) match {
@@ -214,7 +219,7 @@ class PathResolver(implicit ctx: Context) {
else sys.env.getOrElse("CLASSPATH", ".")
- import context._
+ import classPathFactory._
// Assemble the elements!
// priority class path takes precedence
@@ -254,8 +259,8 @@ class PathResolver(implicit ctx: Context) {
def containers = Calculated.containers
- lazy val result: JavaClassPath = {
- val cp = new JavaClassPath(containers.toIndexedSeq, context)
+ lazy val result: ClassPath = {
+ val cp = AggregateClassPath(containers.toIndexedSeq)
if (settings.Ylogcp.value) {
Console.println("Classpath built from " + settings.toConciseString(ctx.sstate))
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala
index 63c3d5f74..941434dd5 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/config/ScalaSettings.scala
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ class ScalaSettings extends Settings.SettingGroup {
val log = PhasesSetting("-Ylog", "Log operations during")
val emitTasty = BooleanSetting("-YemitTasty", "Generate tasty in separate *.tasty file.")
val Ylogcp = BooleanSetting("-Ylog-classpath", "Output information about what classpath is being applied.")
+ val YdisableFlatCpCaching = BooleanSetting("-YdisableFlatCpCaching", "Do not cache flat classpath representation of classpath elements from jars across compiler instances.")
val YnoImports = BooleanSetting("-Yno-imports", "Compile without importing scala.*, java.lang.*, or Predef.")
val YnoPredef = BooleanSetting("-Yno-predef", "Compile without importing Predef.")
val Yskip = PhasesSetting("-Yskip", "Skip")
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
index a97589d73..eee6ba785 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/Definitions.scala
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import PartialFunction._
import collection.mutable
import util.common.alwaysZero
-import typer.Applications
object Definitions {
@@ -846,6 +845,9 @@ class Definitions {
+ def isProductSubType(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tp.derivesFrom(ProductType.symbol)
/** Is `tp` (an alias) of either a scala.FunctionN or a scala.ImplicitFunctionN? */
def isFunctionType(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
val arity = functionArity(tp)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala
index e4d2d446f..63c2817a6 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/SymbolLoaders.scala
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ package core
import java.io.IOException
import scala.compat.Platform.currentTime
-import dotty.tools.io.{ ClassPath, AbstractFile }
+import dotty.tools.io.{ ClassPath, ClassRepresentation, AbstractFile }
+import classpath._
import Contexts._, Symbols._, Flags._, SymDenotations._, Types._, Scopes._, util.Positions._, Names._
import StdNames._, NameOps._
import Decorators.{PreNamedString, StringInterpolators}
@@ -60,8 +61,7 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
/** Enter package with given `name` into scope of `owner`
* and give them `completer` as type.
- def enterPackage(owner: Symbol, pkg: ClassPath)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
- val pname = pkg.name.toTermName
+ def enterPackage(owner: Symbol, pname: TermName, completer: (TermSymbol, ClassSymbol) => PackageLoader)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
val preExisting = owner.info.decls lookup pname
if (preExisting != NoSymbol) {
// Some jars (often, obfuscated ones) include a package and
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
ctx.newModuleSymbol(owner, pname, PackageCreationFlags, PackageCreationFlags,
- (module, modcls) => new PackageLoader(module, pkg)).entered
+ completer).entered
/** Enter class and module with given `name` into scope of `owner`
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
/** Initialize toplevel class and module symbols in `owner` from class path representation `classRep`
- def initializeFromClassPath(owner: Symbol, classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ def initializeFromClassPath(owner: Symbol, classRep: ClassRepresentation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
((classRep.binary, classRep.source): @unchecked) match {
case (Some(bin), Some(src)) if needCompile(bin, src) && !binaryOnly(owner, classRep.name) =>
if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) ctx.inform("[symloader] picked up newer source file for " + src.path)
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
/** Load contents of a package
- class PackageLoader(_sourceModule: TermSymbol, classpath: ClassPath)
+ class PackageLoader(_sourceModule: TermSymbol, classPath: ClassPath)
extends SymbolLoader {
override def sourceModule(implicit ctx: Context) = _sourceModule
- def description = "package loader " + classpath.name
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context) = "package loader " + sourceModule.fullName
private var enterFlatClasses: Option[Context => Unit] = None
@@ -188,23 +188,25 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
def isFlatName(name: SimpleTermName) = name.lastIndexOf('$', name.length - 2) >= 0
- def isFlatName(classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep) = {
+ def isFlatName(classRep: ClassRepresentation) = {
val idx = classRep.name.indexOf('$')
idx >= 0 && idx < classRep.name.length - 1
- def maybeModuleClass(classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep) = classRep.name.last == '$'
+ def maybeModuleClass(classRep: ClassRepresentation) = classRep.name.last == '$'
- private def enterClasses(root: SymDenotation, flat: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
- def isAbsent(classRep: ClassPath#ClassRep) =
+ private def enterClasses(root: SymDenotation, packageName: String, flat: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ def isAbsent(classRep: ClassRepresentation) =
if (!root.isRoot) {
- for (classRep <- classpath.classes)
+ val classReps = classPath.classes(packageName)
+ for (classRep <- classReps)
if (!maybeModuleClass(classRep) && isFlatName(classRep) == flat &&
(!flat || isAbsent(classRep))) // on 2nd enter of flat names, check that the name has not been entered before
initializeFromClassPath(root.symbol, classRep)
- for (classRep <- classpath.classes)
+ for (classRep <- classReps)
if (maybeModuleClass(classRep) && isFlatName(classRep) == flat &&
initializeFromClassPath(root.symbol, classRep)
@@ -217,14 +219,24 @@ class SymbolLoaders {
root.info = ClassInfo(pre, root.symbol.asClass, Nil, currentDecls, pre select sourceModule)
if (!sourceModule.isCompleted)
+ val packageName = if (root.isEffectiveRoot) "" else root.fullName.toString
enterFlatClasses = Some { ctx =>
enterFlatClasses = None
- enterClasses(root, flat = true)(ctx)
+ enterClasses(root, packageName, flat = true)(ctx)
- enterClasses(root, flat = false)
+ enterClasses(root, packageName, flat = false)
if (!root.isEmptyPackage)
- for (pkg <- classpath.packages)
- enterPackage(root.symbol, pkg)
+ for (pkg <- classPath.packages(packageName)) {
+ val fullName = pkg.name
+ val name =
+ if (packageName.isEmpty) fullName
+ else fullName.substring(packageName.length + 1)
+ enterPackage(root.symbol, name.toTermName,
+ (module, modcls) => new PackageLoader(module, classPath))
+ }
@@ -242,7 +254,7 @@ abstract class SymbolLoader extends LazyType {
/** Description of the resource (ClassPath, AbstractFile)
* being processed by this loader
- def description: String
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context): String
override def complete(root: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
def signalError(ex: Exception): Unit = {
@@ -283,7 +295,7 @@ class ClassfileLoader(val classfile: AbstractFile) extends SymbolLoader {
override def sourceFileOrNull: AbstractFile = classfile
- def description = "class file " + classfile.toString
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context) = "class file " + classfile.toString
def rootDenots(rootDenot: ClassDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): (ClassDenotation, ClassDenotation) = {
val linkedDenot = rootDenot.scalacLinkedClass.denot match {
@@ -318,7 +330,7 @@ class ClassfileLoader(val classfile: AbstractFile) extends SymbolLoader {
class SourcefileLoader(val srcfile: AbstractFile) extends SymbolLoader {
- def description = "source file " + srcfile.toString
+ def description(implicit ctx: Context) = "source file " + srcfile.toString
override def sourceFileOrNull = srcfile
def doComplete(root: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = unsupported("doComplete")
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
index 27afa4d09..9415c047f 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/classfile/ClassfileParser.scala
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Names._, StdNames._, NameOps._, Scopes._,
import SymDenotations._, unpickleScala2.Scala2Unpickler._, Constants._, Annotations._, util.Positions._
import NameKinds.{ModuleClassName, DefaultGetterName}
import ast.tpd._
-import java.io.{ File, IOException }
+import java.io.{ ByteArrayInputStream, DataInputStream, File, IOException }
import java.lang.Integer.toHexString
import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.collection.mutable.{ ListBuffer, ArrayBuffer }
@@ -194,13 +194,21 @@ class ClassfileParser(
val name = pool.getName(in.nextChar)
val isConstructor = name eq nme.CONSTRUCTOR
- /** Strip leading outer param from constructor.
- * Todo: Also strip trailing access tag for private inner constructors?
+ /** Strip leading outer param from constructor and trailing access tag for
+ * private inner constructors.
- def stripOuterParamFromConstructor() = innerClasses.get(currentClassName) match {
+ def normalizeConstructorParams() = innerClasses.get(currentClassName) match {
case Some(entry) if !isStatic(entry.jflags) =>
val mt @ MethodTpe(paramNames, paramTypes, resultType) = denot.info
- denot.info = mt.derivedLambdaType(paramNames.tail, paramTypes.tail, resultType)
+ var normalizedParamNames = paramNames.tail
+ var normalizedParamTypes = paramTypes.tail
+ if ((jflags & JAVA_ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0) {
+ // SI-7455 strip trailing dummy argument ("access constructor tag") from synthetic constructors which
+ // are added when an inner class needs to access a private constructor.
+ normalizedParamNames = paramNames.dropRight(1)
+ normalizedParamTypes = paramTypes.dropRight(1)
+ }
+ denot.info = mt.derivedLambdaType(normalizedParamNames, normalizedParamTypes, resultType)
case _ =>
@@ -216,7 +224,7 @@ class ClassfileParser(
denot.info = pool.getType(in.nextChar)
if (isEnum) denot.info = ConstantType(Constant(sym))
- if (isConstructor) stripOuterParamFromConstructor()
+ if (isConstructor) normalizeConstructorParams()
setPrivateWithin(denot, jflags)
denot.info = translateTempPoly(parseAttributes(sym, denot.info))
if (isConstructor) normalizeConstructorInfo()
@@ -227,8 +235,12 @@ class ClassfileParser(
// seal java enums
if (isEnum) {
val enumClass = sym.owner.linkedClass
- if (!(enumClass is Flags.Sealed)) enumClass.setFlag(Flags.AbstractSealed)
- enumClass.addAnnotation(Annotation.makeChild(sym))
+ if (!enumClass.exists)
+ ctx.warning(s"no linked class for java enum $sym in ${sym.owner}. A referencing class file might be missing an InnerClasses entry.")
+ else {
+ if (!(enumClass is Flags.Sealed)) enumClass.setFlag(Flags.AbstractSealed)
+ enumClass.addAnnotation(Annotation.makeChild(sym))
+ }
} finally {
in.bp = oldbp
@@ -665,7 +677,7 @@ class ClassfileParser(
for (entry <- innerClasses.values) {
// create a new class member for immediate inner classes
if (entry.outerName == currentClassName) {
- val file = ctx.platform.classPath.findBinaryFile(entry.externalName.toString) getOrElse {
+ val file = ctx.platform.classPath.findClassFile(entry.externalName.toString) getOrElse {
throw new AssertionError(entry.externalName)
enterClassAndModule(entry, file, entry.jflags)
@@ -923,12 +935,16 @@ class ClassfileParser(
case null =>
val start = starts(index)
if (in.buf(start).toInt != CONSTANT_UTF8) errorBadTag(start)
- val name = termName(in.buf, start + 3, in.getChar(start + 1))
+ val len = in.getChar(start + 1).toInt
+ val name = termName(fromMUTF8(in.buf, start + 1, len + 2))
values(index) = name
+ private def fromMUTF8(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): String =
+ new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes, offset, len)).readUTF
/** Return the name found at given index in the constant pool, with '/' replaced by '.'. */
def getExternalName(index: Int): SimpleTermName = {
if (index <= 0 || len <= index)
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala
index 65c64f708..eed75fe88 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/CompilingInterpreter.scala
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class CompilingInterpreter(
private val prevRequests = new ArrayBuffer[Request]()
/** the compiler's classpath, as URL's */
- val compilerClasspath: List[URL] = ictx.platform.classPath(ictx).asURLs
+ val compilerClasspath: Seq[URL] = ictx.platform.classPath(ictx).asURLs
/* A single class loader is used for all commands interpreted by this Interpreter.
It would also be possible to create a new class loader for each command
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/LambdaLift.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
index 7578b57f1..a729368d4 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/LambdaLift.scala
@@ -143,13 +143,17 @@ class LambdaLift extends MiniPhase with IdentityDenotTransformer { thisTransform
/** Set `liftedOwner(sym)` to `owner` if `owner` is more deeply nested
* than the previous value of `liftedowner(sym)`.
- def narrowLiftedOwner(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ def narrowLiftedOwner(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
if (sym.maybeOwner.isTerm &&
owner.isProperlyContainedIn(liftedOwner(sym)) &&
owner != sym) {
- ctx.log(i"narrow lifted $sym to $owner")
- changedLiftedOwner = true
- liftedOwner(sym) = owner
+ if (sym.is(InSuperCall) && owner.isProperlyContainedIn(sym.enclosingClass))
+ narrowLiftedOwner(sym, sym.enclosingClass)
+ else {
+ ctx.log(i"narrow lifted $sym to $owner")
+ changedLiftedOwner = true
+ liftedOwner(sym) = owner
+ }
/** Mark symbol `sym` as being free in `enclosure`, unless `sym` is defined
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
index 41a1218eb..447a003e7 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatternMatcher.scala
@@ -1408,7 +1408,7 @@ class PatternMatcher extends MiniPhaseTransform with DenotTransformer {
protected def seqTree(binder: Symbol) = tupleSel(binder)(firstIndexingBinder + 1)
protected def tupleSel(binder: Symbol)(i: Int): Tree = {
val accessors =
- if (Applications.canProductMatch(binder.info))
+ if (defn.isProductSubType(binder.info))
else binder.caseAccessors
val res =
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
index c4d3e2292..7e17abbcd 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Applications.scala
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@ object Applications {
- def canProductMatch(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- extractorMemberType(tp, nme._1).exists
/** Does `tp` fit the "product match" conditions as an unapply result type
* for a pattern with `numArgs` subpatterns?
* This is the case of `tp` has members `_1` to `_N` where `N == numArgs`.
@@ -72,7 +69,7 @@ object Applications {
def productArity(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- if (canProductMatch(tp)) productSelectorTypes(tp).size else -1
+ if (defn.isProductSubType(tp)) productSelectorTypes(tp).size else -1
def productSelectors(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] = {
val sels = for (n <- Iterator.from(0)) yield tp.member(nme.selectorName(n)).symbol
@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ object Applications {
getUnapplySelectors(getTp, args, pos)
else if (unapplyResult isRef defn.BooleanClass)
- else if (canProductMatch(unapplyResult))
+ else if (defn.isProductSubType(unapplyResult))
// this will cause a "wrong number of arguments in pattern" error later on,
// which is better than the message in `fail`.
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
index 19b6dfa71..da9f9f6ac 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Namer.scala
@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ class Namer { typer: Typer =>
val targs1 = targs map (typedAheadType(_))
val ptype = typedAheadType(tpt).tpe appliedTo targs1.tpes
if (ptype.typeParams.isEmpty) ptype
- else typedAheadExpr(parent).tpe
+ else fullyDefinedType(typedAheadExpr(parent).tpe, "class parent", parent.pos)
/* Check parent type tree `parent` for the following well-formedness conditions:
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
index ba55dfe30..02538671e 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
@@ -179,6 +179,20 @@ class Typer extends Namer with TypeAssigner with Applications with Implicits wit
+ def selection(imp: ImportInfo, name: Name) =
+ if (imp.sym.isCompleting) {
+ ctx.warning(i"cyclic ${imp.sym}, ignored", tree.pos)
+ NoType
+ } else if (unimported.nonEmpty && unimported.contains(imp.site.termSymbol))
+ NoType
+ else {
+ val pre = imp.site
+ val denot = pre.member(name).accessibleFrom(pre)(refctx)
+ // Pass refctx so that any errors are reported in the context of the
+ // reference instead of the
+ if (reallyExists(denot)) pre.select(name, denot) else NoType
+ }
/** The type representing a named import with enclosing name when imported
* from given `site` and `selectors`.
@@ -194,25 +208,15 @@ class Typer extends Namer with TypeAssigner with Applications with Implicits wit
- def selection(name: Name) =
- if (imp.sym.isCompleting) {
- ctx.warning(i"cyclic ${imp.sym}, ignored", tree.pos)
- NoType
- }
- else if (unimported.nonEmpty && unimported.contains(imp.site.termSymbol))
- NoType
- else {
- // Pass refctx so that any errors are reported in the context of the
- // reference instead of the
- checkUnambiguous(selectionType(imp.site, name, tree.pos)(refctx))
- }
+ def unambiguousSelection(name: Name) =
+ checkUnambiguous(selection(imp, name))
selector match {
case Thicket(fromId :: Ident(Name) :: _) =>
val Ident(from) = fromId
- selection(if (name.isTypeName) from.toTypeName else from)
+ unambiguousSelection(if (name.isTypeName) from.toTypeName else from)
case Ident(Name) =>
- selection(name)
+ unambiguousSelection(name)
case _ =>
@@ -225,18 +229,10 @@ class Typer extends Namer with TypeAssigner with Applications with Implicits wit
/** The type representing a wildcard import with enclosing name when imported
* from given import info
- def wildImportRef(imp: ImportInfo)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
- if (imp.isWildcardImport) {
- val pre = imp.site
- if (!unimported.contains(pre.termSymbol) &&
- !imp.excluded.contains(name.toTermName) &&
- name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR) {
- val denot = pre.member(name).accessibleFrom(pre)(refctx)
- if (reallyExists(denot)) return pre.select(name, denot)
- }
- }
- NoType
- }
+ def wildImportRef(imp: ImportInfo)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (imp.isWildcardImport && !imp.excluded.contains(name.toTermName) && name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR)
+ selection(imp, name)
+ else NoType
/** Is (some alternative of) the given predenotation `denot`
* defined in current compilation unit?
@@ -763,7 +759,7 @@ class Typer extends Namer with TypeAssigner with Applications with Implicits wit
/** Is `formal` a product type which is elementwise compatible with `params`? */
def ptIsCorrectProduct(formal: Type) = {
isFullyDefined(formal, ForceDegree.noBottom) &&
- Applications.canProductMatch(formal) &&
+ defn.isProductSubType(formal) &&
Applications.productSelectorTypes(formal).corresponds(params) {
(argType, param) =>
param.tpt.isEmpty || argType <:< typedAheadType(param.tpt).tpe
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/ClassPath.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/ClassPath.scala
index 5e77c1b61..b4cc426cf 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/ClassPath.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/ClassPath.scala
@@ -1,56 +1,89 @@
/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2006-2012 LAMP/EPFL
+ * Copyright 2006-2013 LAMP/EPFL
* @author Martin Odersky
package dotty.tools
package io
+import java.net.MalformedURLException
import java.net.URL
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import dotc.core.Decorators.StringDecorator
+import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException
import File.pathSeparator
-import java.net.MalformedURLException
import Jar.isJarOrZip
-import ClassPath._
-import scala.Option.option2Iterable
-import scala.reflect.io.Path.string2path
-import language.postfixOps
-/** <p>
- * This module provides star expansion of '-classpath' option arguments, behaves the same as
- * java, see [http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/windows/classpath.html]
- * </p>
- *
- * @author Stepan Koltsov
- */
+ * A representation of the compiler's class- or sourcepath.
+ */
+trait ClassPath {
+ import dotty.tools.dotc.classpath._
+ def asURLs: Seq[URL]
+ /** Empty string represents root package */
+ private[dotty] def packages(inPackage: String): Seq[PackageEntry]
+ private[dotty] def classes(inPackage: String): Seq[ClassFileEntry]
+ private[dotty] def sources(inPackage: String): Seq[SourceFileEntry]
+ /** Allows to get entries for packages and classes merged with sources possibly in one pass. */
+ private[dotty] def list(inPackage: String): ClassPathEntries
+ /**
+ * It returns both classes from class file and source files (as our base ClassRepresentation).
+ * So note that it's not so strictly related to findClassFile.
+ */
+ def findClass(className: String): Option[ClassRepresentation] = {
+ // A default implementation which should be overridden, if we can create the more efficient
+ // solution for a given type of ClassPath
+ val (pkg, simpleClassName) = PackageNameUtils.separatePkgAndClassNames(className)
+ val foundClassFromClassFiles = classes(pkg).find(_.name == simpleClassName)
+ def findClassInSources = sources(pkg).find(_.name == simpleClassName)
+ foundClassFromClassFiles orElse findClassInSources
+ }
+ def findClassFile(className: String): Option[AbstractFile]
+ def asClassPathStrings: Seq[String]
+ /** The whole classpath in the form of one String.
+ */
+ def asClassPathString: String = ClassPath.join(asClassPathStrings: _*)
+ // for compatibility purposes
+ @deprecated("use asClassPathString instead of this one", "2.11.5")
+ def asClasspathString: String = asClassPathString
+ /** The whole sourcepath in the form of one String.
+ */
+ def asSourcePathString: String
object ClassPath {
+ val RootPackage = ""
/** Expand single path entry */
private def expandS(pattern: String): List[String] = {
val wildSuffix = File.separator + "*"
- /** Get all subdirectories, jars, zips out of a directory. */
- def lsDir(dir: Directory, filt: String => Boolean = _ => true) = {
- val files = synchronized(dir.list)
- files filter (x => filt(x.name) && (x.isDirectory || isJarOrZip(x))) map (_.path) toList
- }
- def basedir(s: String) =
- if (s contains File.separator) s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(File.separator))
- else "."
+ /* Get all subdirectories, jars, zips out of a directory. */
+ def lsDir(dir: Directory, filt: String => Boolean = _ => true) =
+ dir.list.filter(x => filt(x.name) && (x.isDirectory || isJarOrZip(x))).map(_.path).toList
if (pattern == "*") lsDir(Directory("."))
else if (pattern endsWith wildSuffix) lsDir(Directory(pattern dropRight 2))
else if (pattern contains '*') {
- val regexp = ("^%s$" format pattern.replaceAll("""\*""", """.*""")).r
- lsDir(Directory(pattern).parent, regexp findFirstIn _ isDefined)
+ try {
+ val regexp = ("^" + pattern.replaceAllLiterally("""\*""", """.*""") + "$").r
+ lsDir(Directory(pattern).parent, regexp.findFirstIn(_).isDefined)
+ }
+ catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => List(pattern) }
else List(pattern)
/** Split classpath using platform-dependent path separator */
- def split(path: String): List[String] = (path split pathSeparator).toList filterNot (_ == "") distinct
+ def split(path: String): List[String] = (path split pathSeparator).toList.filterNot(_ == "").distinct
/** Join classpath using platform-dependent path separator */
def join(paths: String*): String = paths filterNot (_ == "") mkString pathSeparator
@@ -58,22 +91,6 @@ object ClassPath {
/** Split the classpath, apply a transformation function, and reassemble it. */
def map(cp: String, f: String => String): String = join(split(cp) map f: _*)
- /** Split the classpath, filter according to predicate, and reassemble. */
- def filter(cp: String, p: String => Boolean): String = join(split(cp) filter p: _*)
- /** Split the classpath and map them into Paths */
- def toPaths(cp: String): List[Path] = split(cp) map (x => Path(x).toAbsolute)
- /** Make all classpath components absolute. */
- def makeAbsolute(cp: String): String = fromPaths(toPaths(cp): _*)
- /** Join the paths as a classpath */
- def fromPaths(paths: Path*): String = join(paths map (_.path): _*)
- def fromURLs(urls: URL*): String = fromPaths(urls map (x => Path(x.getPath)) : _*)
- /** Split the classpath and map them into URLs */
- def toURLs(cp: String): List[URL] = toPaths(cp) map (_.toURL)
/** Expand path and possibly expanding stars */
def expandPath(path: String, expandStar: Boolean = true): List[String] =
if (expandStar) split(path) flatMap expandS
@@ -83,9 +100,10 @@ object ClassPath {
def expandDir(extdir: String): List[String] = {
AbstractFile getDirectory extdir match {
case null => Nil
- case dir => dir filter (_.isClassContainer) map (x => new java.io.File(dir.file, x.name) getPath) toList
+ case dir => dir.filter(_.isClassContainer).map(x => new java.io.File(dir.file, x.name).getPath).toList
/** Expand manifest jar classpath entries: these are either urls, or paths
* relative to the location of the jar.
@@ -99,317 +117,34 @@ object ClassPath {
- /** A useful name filter. */
- def isTraitImplementation(name: String) = name endsWith "$class.class"
def specToURL(spec: String): Option[URL] =
try Some(new URL(spec))
catch { case _: MalformedURLException => None }
- /** A class modeling aspects of a ClassPath which should be
- * propagated to any classpaths it creates.
- */
- abstract class ClassPathContext {
- /** A filter which can be used to exclude entities from the classpath
- * based on their name.
- */
- def isValidName(name: String): Boolean = true
- /** From the representation to its identifier.
- */
- def toBinaryName(rep: AbstractFile): String
- /** Create a new classpath based on the abstract file.
- */
- def newClassPath(file: AbstractFile): ClassPath
- /** Creators for sub classpaths which preserve this context.
- */
- def sourcesInPath(path: String): List[ClassPath] =
- for (file <- expandPath(path, false) ; dir <- Option(AbstractFile getDirectory file)) yield
- new SourcePath(dir, this)
- def contentsOfDirsInPath(path: String): List[ClassPath] =
- for (dir <- expandPath(path, false) ; name <- expandDir(dir) ; entry <- Option(AbstractFile getDirectory name)) yield
- newClassPath(entry)
- def classesAtAllURLS(path: String): List[ClassPath] =
- (path split " ").toList flatMap classesAtURL
- def classesAtURL(spec: String) =
- for (url <- specToURL(spec).toList ; location <- Option(AbstractFile getURL url)) yield
- newClassPath(location)
- def classesInExpandedPath(path: String): IndexedSeq[ClassPath] =
- classesInPathImpl(path, true).toIndexedSeq
- def classesInPath(path: String) = classesInPathImpl(path, false)
- // Internal
- private def classesInPathImpl(path: String, expand: Boolean) =
- for (file <- expandPath(path, expand) ; dir <- Option(AbstractFile getDirectory file)) yield
- newClassPath(dir)
- }
- class JavaContext extends ClassPathContext {
- def toBinaryName(rep: AbstractFile) = {
- val name = rep.name
- assert(endsClass(name), name)
- name.substring(0, name.length - 6)
- }
- def newClassPath(dir: AbstractFile) = new DirectoryClassPath(dir, this)
- }
- object DefaultJavaContext extends JavaContext {
- override def isValidName(name: String) = !isTraitImplementation(name)
+ def manifests: List[java.net.URL] = {
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ val resources = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF")
+ resources.asScala.filter(_.getProtocol == "jar").toList
- private def endsClass(s: String) = s.length > 6 && s.substring(s.length - 6) == ".class"
- private def endsScala(s: String) = s.length > 6 && s.substring(s.length - 6) == ".scala"
- private def endsJava(s: String) = s.length > 5 && s.substring(s.length - 5) == ".java"
- /** From the source file to its identifier.
- */
- def toSourceName(f: AbstractFile): String = {
- val name = f.name
+ @deprecated("shim for sbt's compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
+ sealed abstract class ClassPathContext
- if (endsScala(name)) name.substring(0, name.length - 6)
- else if (endsJava(name)) name.substring(0, name.length - 5)
- else throw new FatalError("Unexpected source file ending: " + name)
- }
+ @deprecated("shim for sbt's compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
+ sealed abstract class JavaContext
- * Represents a package which contains classes and other packages
- */
-abstract class ClassPath {
- type AnyClassRep = ClassPath#ClassRep
- /**
- * The short name of the package (without prefix)
- */
+trait ClassRepresentation {
def name: String
- /**
- * A String representing the origin of this classpath element, if known.
- * For example, the path of the directory or jar.
- */
- def origin: Option[String] = None
- /** A list of URLs representing this classpath.
- */
- def asURLs: List[URL]
- /** The whole classpath in the form of one String.
- */
- def asClasspathString: String
- /** Info which should be propagated to any sub-classpaths.
- */
- def context: ClassPathContext
- /** Lists of entities.
- */
- def classes: IndexedSeq[AnyClassRep]
- def packages: IndexedSeq[ClassPath]
- def sourcepaths: IndexedSeq[AbstractFile]
- /**
- * Represents classes which can be loaded with a ClassfileLoader
- * and / or a SourcefileLoader.
- */
- case class ClassRep(binary: Option[AbstractFile], source: Option[AbstractFile]) {
- def name: String = binary match {
- case Some(x) => context.toBinaryName(x)
- case _ =>
- assert(source.isDefined)
- toSourceName(source.get)
- }
- }
- /** Filters for assessing validity of various entities.
- */
- def validClassFile(name: String) = endsClass(name) && context.isValidName(name)
- def validPackage(name: String) = (name != "META-INF") && (name != "") && (name.charAt(0) != '.')
- def validSourceFile(name: String) = endsScala(name) || endsJava(name)
- /**
- * Find a ClassRep given a class name of the form "package.subpackage.ClassName".
- * Does not support nested classes on .NET
- */
- def findClass(name: String): Option[AnyClassRep] =
- name.splitWhere(_ == '.', doDropIndex = true) match {
- case Some((pkg, rest)) =>
- packages find (_.name == pkg) flatMap (_ findClass rest)
- case _ =>
- classes find (_.name == name)
- }
- def findBinaryFile(name: String): Option[AbstractFile] =
- findClass(name).flatMap(_.binary)
- def sortString = join(split(asClasspathString).sorted: _*)
- override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
- case x: ClassPath => this.sortString == x.sortString
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode = sortString.hashCode()
+ def binary: Option[AbstractFile]
+ def source: Option[AbstractFile]
- * A Classpath containing source files
- */
-class SourcePath(dir: AbstractFile, val context: ClassPathContext) extends ClassPath {
- def name = dir.name
- override def origin = dir.underlyingSource map (_.path)
- def asURLs = if (dir.file == null) Nil else List(dir.toURL)
- def asClasspathString = dir.path
- val sourcepaths: IndexedSeq[AbstractFile] = IndexedSeq(dir)
- private def traverse() = {
- val classBuf = immutable.Vector.newBuilder[ClassRep]
- val packageBuf = immutable.Vector.newBuilder[SourcePath]
- dir foreach { f =>
- if (!f.isDirectory && validSourceFile(f.name))
- classBuf += ClassRep(None, Some(f))
- else if (f.isDirectory && validPackage(f.name))
- packageBuf += new SourcePath(f, context)
- }
- (packageBuf.result, classBuf.result)
- }
+@deprecated("shim for sbt's compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
+sealed abstract class DirectoryClassPath
- lazy val (packages, classes) = traverse()
- override def toString() = "sourcepath: " + dir.toString()
+@deprecated("shim for sbt's compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
+sealed abstract class MergedClassPath
- * A directory (or a .jar file) containing classfiles and packages
- */
-class DirectoryClassPath(val dir: AbstractFile, val context: ClassPathContext) extends ClassPath {
- def name = dir.name
- override def origin = dir.underlyingSource map (_.path)
- def asURLs = if (dir.file == null) Nil else List(dir.toURL)
- def asClasspathString = dir.path
- val sourcepaths: IndexedSeq[AbstractFile] = IndexedSeq()
- // calculates (packages, classes) in one traversal.
- private def traverse() = {
- val classBuf = immutable.Vector.newBuilder[ClassRep]
- val packageBuf = immutable.Vector.newBuilder[DirectoryClassPath]
- dir foreach { f =>
- if (!f.isDirectory && validClassFile(f.name))
- classBuf += ClassRep(Some(f), None)
- else if (f.isDirectory && validPackage(f.name))
- packageBuf += new DirectoryClassPath(f, context)
- }
- (packageBuf.result, classBuf.result)
- }
- lazy val (packages, classes) = traverse()
- override def toString() = "directory classpath: " + origin.getOrElse("?")
-class DeltaClassPath(original: MergedClassPath, subst: Map[ClassPath, ClassPath])
-extends MergedClassPath(original.entries map (e => subst getOrElse (e, e)), original.context) {
- // not sure we should require that here. Commented out for now.
- // require(subst.keySet subsetOf original.entries.toSet)
- // We might add specialized operations for computing classes packages here. Not sure it's worth it.
- * A classpath unifying multiple class- and sourcepath entries.
- */
-class MergedClassPath(
- val entries: IndexedSeq[ClassPath],
- val context: ClassPathContext)
-extends ClassPath {
- def this(entries: TraversableOnce[ClassPath], context: ClassPathContext) =
- this(entries.toIndexedSeq, context)
- def name = entries.head.name
- def asURLs = (entries flatMap (_.asURLs)).toList
- lazy val sourcepaths: IndexedSeq[AbstractFile] = entries flatMap (_.sourcepaths)
- override def origin = Some(entries map (x => x.origin getOrElse x.name) mkString ("Merged(", ", ", ")"))
- override def asClasspathString: String = join(entries map (_.asClasspathString) : _*)
- lazy val classes: IndexedSeq[AnyClassRep] = {
- var count = 0
- val indices = mutable.AnyRefMap[String, Int]()
- val cls = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[AnyClassRep](1024)
- for (e <- entries; c <- e.classes) {
- val name = c.name
- if (indices contains name) {
- val idx = indices(name)
- val existing = cls(idx)
- if (existing.binary.isEmpty && c.binary.isDefined)
- cls(idx) = existing.copy(binary = c.binary)
- if (existing.source.isEmpty && c.source.isDefined)
- cls(idx) = existing.copy(source = c.source)
- }
- else {
- indices(name) = count
- cls += c
- count += 1
- }
- }
- cls.toIndexedSeq
- }
- lazy val packages: IndexedSeq[ClassPath] = {
- var count = 0
- val indices = mutable.AnyRefMap[String, Int]()
- val pkg = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[ClassPath](256)
- for (e <- entries; p <- e.packages) {
- val name = p.name
- if (indices contains name) {
- val idx = indices(name)
- pkg(idx) = addPackage(pkg(idx), p)
- }
- else {
- indices(name) = count
- pkg += p
- count += 1
- }
- }
- pkg.toIndexedSeq
- }
- private def addPackage(to: ClassPath, pkg: ClassPath) = {
- val newEntries: IndexedSeq[ClassPath] = to match {
- case cp: MergedClassPath => cp.entries :+ pkg
- case _ => IndexedSeq(to, pkg)
- }
- new MergedClassPath(newEntries, context)
- }
- def show(): Unit = {
- println("ClassPath %s has %d entries and results in:\n".format(name, entries.size))
- asClasspathString split ':' foreach (x => println(" " + x))
- }
- override def toString() = "merged classpath " + entries.mkString("(", "\n", ")")
- * The classpath when compiling with target:jvm. Binary files (classfiles) are represented
- * as AbstractFile. nsc.io.ZipArchive is used to view zip/jar archives as directories.
- */
-class JavaClassPath(
- containers: IndexedSeq[ClassPath],
- context: JavaContext)
-extends MergedClassPath(containers, context) { }
-object JavaClassPath {
- def fromURLs(urls: Seq[URL], context: JavaContext): JavaClassPath = {
- val containers = {
- for (url <- urls ; f = AbstractFile getURL url ; if f != null) yield
- new DirectoryClassPath(f, context)
- }
- new JavaClassPath(containers.toIndexedSeq, context)
- }
- def fromURLs(urls: Seq[URL]): JavaClassPath =
- fromURLs(urls, ClassPath.DefaultJavaContext)
+@deprecated("shim for sbt's compiler interface", since = "2.12.0")
+sealed abstract class JavaClassPath
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/PlainFile.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/PlainFile.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53474e778
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/PlainFile.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
+ * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
+ * @author Martin Odersky
+ */
+package dotty.tools
+package io
+/** ''Note: This library is considered experimental and should not be used unless you know what you are doing.'' */
+class PlainDirectory(givenPath: Directory) extends PlainFile(givenPath) {
+ override def isDirectory = true
+ override def iterator = givenPath.list filter (_.exists) map (x => new PlainFile(x))
+ override def delete(): Unit = givenPath.deleteRecursively()
+/** This class implements an abstract file backed by a File.
+ *
+ * ''Note: This library is considered experimental and should not be used unless you know what you are doing.''
+ */
+class PlainFile(val givenPath: Path) extends AbstractFile {
+ assert(path ne null)
+ val file = givenPath.jfile
+ override def underlyingSource = Some(this)
+ private val fpath = givenPath.toAbsolute
+ /** Returns the name of this abstract file. */
+ def name = givenPath.name
+ /** Returns the path of this abstract file. */
+ def path = givenPath.path
+ /** The absolute file. */
+ def absolute = new PlainFile(givenPath.toAbsolute)
+ override def container: AbstractFile = new PlainFile(givenPath.parent)
+ override def input = givenPath.toFile.inputStream()
+ override def output = givenPath.toFile.outputStream()
+ override def sizeOption = Some(givenPath.length.toInt)
+ override def hashCode(): Int = fpath.hashCode()
+ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
+ case x: PlainFile => fpath == x.fpath
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** Is this abstract file a directory? */
+ def isDirectory: Boolean = givenPath.isDirectory
+ /** Returns the time that this abstract file was last modified. */
+ def lastModified: Long = givenPath.lastModified
+ /** Returns all abstract subfiles of this abstract directory. */
+ def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile] = {
+ // Optimization: Assume that the file was not deleted and did not have permissions changed
+ // between the call to `list` and the iteration. This saves a call to `exists`.
+ def existsFast(path: Path) = path match {
+ case (_: Directory | _: io.File) => true
+ case _ => path.exists
+ }
+ if (!isDirectory) Iterator.empty
+ else givenPath.toDirectory.list filter existsFast map (new PlainFile(_))
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the
+ * specified name. If there is no such file, returns null. The
+ * argument "directory" tells whether to look for a directory or
+ * or a regular file.
+ */
+ def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+ val child = givenPath / name
+ if ((child.isDirectory && directory) || (child.isFile && !directory)) new PlainFile(child)
+ else null
+ }
+ /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
+ def create(): Unit = if (!exists) givenPath.createFile()
+ /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
+ def delete(): Unit =
+ if (givenPath.isFile) givenPath.delete()
+ else if (givenPath.isDirectory) givenPath.toDirectory.deleteRecursively()
+ /** Returns a plain file with the given name. It does not
+ * check that it exists.
+ */
+ def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile =
+ new PlainFile(givenPath / name)
+private[dotty] class PlainNioFile(nioPath: java.nio.file.Path) extends AbstractFile {
+ import java.nio.file._
+ assert(nioPath ne null)
+ /** Returns the underlying File if any and null otherwise. */
+ override def file: java.io.File = try {
+ nioPath.toFile
+ } catch {
+ case _: UnsupportedOperationException => null
+ }
+ override def underlyingSource = Some(this)
+ private val fpath = nioPath.toAbsolutePath.toString
+ /** Returns the name of this abstract file. */
+ def name = nioPath.getFileName.toString
+ /** Returns the path of this abstract file. */
+ def path = nioPath.toString
+ /** The absolute file. */
+ def absolute = new PlainNioFile(nioPath.toAbsolutePath)
+ override def container: AbstractFile = new PlainNioFile(nioPath.getParent)
+ override def input = Files.newInputStream(nioPath)
+ override def output = Files.newOutputStream(nioPath)
+ override def sizeOption = Some(Files.size(nioPath).toInt)
+ override def hashCode(): Int = fpath.hashCode()
+ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
+ case x: PlainNioFile => fpath == x.fpath
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** Is this abstract file a directory? */
+ def isDirectory: Boolean = Files.isDirectory(nioPath)
+ /** Returns the time that this abstract file was last modified. */
+ def lastModified: Long = Files.getLastModifiedTime(nioPath).toMillis
+ /** Returns all abstract subfiles of this abstract directory. */
+ def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile] = {
+ try {
+ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+ val it = Files.newDirectoryStream(nioPath).iterator()
+ it.asScala.map(new PlainNioFile(_))
+ } catch {
+ case _: NotDirectoryException => Iterator.empty
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the
+ * specified name. If there is no such file, returns null. The
+ * argument "directory" tells whether to look for a directory or
+ * or a regular file.
+ */
+ def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
+ val child = nioPath.resolve(name)
+ if ((Files.isDirectory(child) && directory) || (Files.isRegularFile(child) && !directory)) new PlainNioFile(child)
+ else null
+ }
+ /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
+ def create(): Unit = if (!exists) Files.createFile(nioPath)
+ /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
+ def delete(): Unit =
+ if (Files.isRegularFile(nioPath)) Files.deleteIfExists(nioPath)
+ else if (Files.isDirectory(nioPath)) new Directory(nioPath.toFile).deleteRecursively()
+ /** Returns a plain file with the given name. It does not
+ * check that it exists.
+ */
+ def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile =
+ new PlainNioFile(nioPath.resolve(name))
diff --git a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/package.scala b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/package.scala
index 1c0e0b5c4..7acb827c9 100644
--- a/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/package.scala
+++ b/compiler/src/dotty/tools/io/package.scala
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ package object io {
val File = scala.reflect.io.File
type Path = scala.reflect.io.Path
val Path = scala.reflect.io.Path
- type PlainFile = scala.reflect.io.PlainFile
- //val PlainFile = scala.reflect.io.PlainFile
val Streamable = scala.reflect.io.Streamable
type VirtualDirectory = scala.reflect.io.VirtualDirectory
type VirtualFile = scala.reflect.io.VirtualFile
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotc/comptest.scala b/compiler/test/dotc/comptest.scala
index dce002c81..8737ef165 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotc/comptest.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotc/comptest.scala
@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
package dotc
-import dotty.tools.dotc.ParallelTesting
+import dotty.tools.vulpix.ParallelTesting
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
object comptest extends ParallelTesting {
+ def maxDuration = 3.seconds
+ def numberOfSlaves = 5
+ def safeMode = false
def isInteractive = true
def testFilter = None
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotc/tests.scala b/compiler/test/dotc/tests.scala
index af2c88e1a..efecc1df3 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotc/tests.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotc/tests.scala
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package dotc
import dotty.Jars
import dotty.tools.dotc.CompilerTest
import dotty.tools.StdLibSources
+import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category
import org.junit.{Before, Test}
import org.junit.Assert._
@@ -10,10 +11,15 @@ import java.io.{ File => JFile }
import scala.reflect.io.Directory
import scala.io.Source
-// tests that match regex '(pos|dotc|run|java|compileStdLib)\.*' would be executed as benchmarks.
+ * =======
+ * These are legacy, do not add tests here, see `CompilationTests.scala`
+ */
class tests extends CompilerTest {
- def isRunByJenkins: Boolean = sys.props.isDefinedAt("dotty.jenkins.build")
+ // tests that match regex '(pos|dotc|run|java|compileStdLib)\.*' would be
+ // executed as benchmarks.
val defaultOutputDir = "../out/"
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ class tests extends CompilerTest {
implicit val defaultOptions: List[String] = noCheckOptions ++ {
- if (isRunByJenkins) List("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef") // should be Ycheck:all, but #725
+ if (dotty.Properties.isRunByDrone) List("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef") // should be Ycheck:all, but #725
else List("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef")
} ++ checkOptions ++ classPath
@@ -204,8 +210,8 @@ class tests extends CompilerTest {
private val stdlibFiles: List[String] = StdLibSources.whitelisted
@Test def compileStdLib =
- if (!generatePartestFiles)
- compileList("compileStdLib", stdlibFiles, "-migration" :: "-Yno-inline" :: scala2mode)
+ compileList("compileStdLib", stdlibFiles, "-migration" :: "-Yno-inline" :: scala2mode)
@Test def compileMixed = compileLine(
@@ -221,7 +227,7 @@ class tests extends CompilerTest {
|../scala-scala/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/SetLike.scala""".stripMargin)(scala2mode ++ defaultOptions)
- @Test def dotty = {
+ @Test def dottyBooted = {
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala
index f062f8b25..bc000fced 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/Jars.scala
@@ -2,21 +2,42 @@ package dotty
/** Jars used when compiling test, normally set from the sbt build */
object Jars {
+ /** Dotty library Jar */
val dottyLib: String = sys.env.get("DOTTY_LIB")
- .getOrElse(sys.props("dotty.tests.classes.library"))
+ .getOrElse(Properties.dottyLib)
+ /** Dotty Compiler Jar */
val dottyCompiler: String = sys.env.get("DOTTY_COMPILER")
- .getOrElse(sys.props("dotty.tests.classes.compiler"))
+ .getOrElse(Properties.dottyCompiler)
+ /** Dotty Interfaces Jar */
val dottyInterfaces: String = sys.env.get("DOTTY_INTERFACE")
- .getOrElse(sys.props("dotty.tests.classes.interfaces"))
+ .getOrElse(Properties.dottyInterfaces)
- val dottyExtras: List[String] = Option(sys.env.get("DOTTY_EXTRAS")
- .getOrElse(sys.props("dotty.tests.extraclasspath")))
- .map(_.split(":").toList).getOrElse(Nil)
+ /** Dotty extras classpath from env or properties */
+ val dottyExtras: List[String] = sys.env.get("DOTTY_EXTRAS")
+ .map(_.split(":").toList).getOrElse(Properties.dottyExtras)
+ /** Dotty REPL dependencies */
val dottyReplDeps: List[String] = dottyLib :: dottyExtras
+ /** Dotty test dependencies */
val dottyTestDeps: List[String] =
dottyLib :: dottyCompiler :: dottyInterfaces :: dottyExtras
+ /** Gets the scala 2.* library at runtime, note that doing this is unsafe
+ * unless you know that the library will be on the classpath of the running
+ * application. It is currently safe to call this function if the tests are
+ * run by sbt.
+ */
+ def scalaLibraryFromRuntime: String = findJarFromRuntime("scala-library-2.")
+ private def findJarFromRuntime(partialName: String) = {
+ val urls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.asInstanceOf[java.net.URLClassLoader].getURLs.map(_.getFile.toString)
+ urls.find(_.contains(partialName)).getOrElse {
+ throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(
+ s"""Unable to locate $partialName on classpath:\n${urls.toList.mkString("\n")}"""
+ )
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/Properties.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/Properties.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70db82092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/Properties.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+package dotty
+/** Runtime properties from defines or environmnent */
+object Properties {
+ /** If property is unset or "TRUE" we consider it `true` */
+ private[this] def propIsNullOrTrue(prop: String): Boolean = {
+ val prop = System.getProperty("dotty.tests.interactive")
+ prop == null || prop == "TRUE"
+ }
+ /** Are we running on the Drone CI? */
+ val isRunByDrone: Boolean = sys.env.isDefinedAt("DRONE")
+ /** Tests should run interactive? */
+ val testsInteractive: Boolean = propIsNullOrTrue("dotty.tests.interactive")
+ /** Filter out tests not matching the regex supplied by "dotty.tests.filter"
+ * define
+ */
+ val testsFilter: Option[String] = sys.props.get("dotty.tests.filter")
+ /** When set, the run tests are only compiled - not run, a warning will be
+ * issued
+ */
+ val testsNoRun: Boolean = sys.props.get("dotty.tests.norun").isDefined
+ /** Should Unit tests run in safe mode?
+ *
+ * For run tests this means that we respawn child JVM processes after each
+ * test, so that they are never reused.
+ */
+ val testsSafeMode: Boolean = sys.props.isDefinedAt("dotty.tests.safemode")
+ /** Dotty compiler path provided through define */
+ def dottyCompiler: String = sys.props("dotty.tests.classes.compiler")
+ /** Dotty classpath extras provided through define */
+ def dottyExtras: List[String] =
+ Option(sys.props("dotty.tests.extraclasspath"))
+ .map(_.split(":").toList)
+ .getOrElse(Nil)
+ /** Dotty interfaces path provided through define */
+ def dottyInterfaces: String = sys.props("dotty.tests.classes.interfaces")
+ /** Dotty library path provided through define */
+ def dottyLib: String = sys.props("dotty.tests.classes.library")
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPConfig.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPConfig.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c493f465..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPConfig.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.partest
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-import scala.reflect.io.Path
-import java.io.File
-import scala.tools.partest.PartestDefaults
-/** Dotty Partest runs all tests in the provided testDirs located under
- * testRoot. There can be several directories with pos resp. neg tests, as
- * long as the prefix is pos/neg.
- *
- * Each testDir can also have a __defaultFlags.flags file, which provides
- * compiler flags and is used unless there's a specific flags file (e.g. for
- * test pos/A.scala, if there's a pos/A.flags file those flags are used,
- * otherwise pos/__defaultFlags.flags are used if the file exists).
- */
-object DPConfig {
- /** Options used for _running_ the run tests.
- * Note that this is different from the options used when _compiling_ tests,
- * those are determined by the sbt configuration.
- */
- val runJVMOpts = s"-Xms64M -Xmx1024M ${PartestDefaults.javaOpts}"
- val testRoot = (Path("..") / Path("tests") / Path("partest-generated")).toString
- val genLog = Path(testRoot) / Path("gen.log")
- lazy val testDirs = {
- val root = new File(testRoot)
- val dirs = if (!root.exists) Array.empty[String] else root.listFiles.filter(_.isDirectory).map(_.getName)
- if (dirs.isEmpty)
- throw new Exception("Partest did not detect any generated sources")
- dirs
- }
- // Tests finish faster when running in parallel, but console output is
- // out of order and sometimes the compiler crashes
- val runTestsInParallel = true
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3362d7a59..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPConsoleRunner.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-/* NOTE: Adapted from ScalaJSPartest.scala in
- * https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js/
- * TODO make partest configurable */
-package dotty.partest
-import dotty.tools.FatalError
-import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile
-import scala.tools.partest._
-import scala.tools.partest.nest._
-import TestState.{ Pass, Fail, Crash, Uninitialized, Updated }
-import ClassPath.{ join, split }
-import FileManager.{ compareFiles, compareContents, joinPaths, withTempFile }
-import scala.util.matching.Regex
-import tools.nsc.io.{ File => NSCFile }
-import java.io.{ File, PrintStream, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter, FileWriter }
-import java.net.URLClassLoader
-/** Runs dotty partest from the Console, discovering test sources in
- * DPConfig.testRoot that have been generated automatically by
- * DPPrepJUnitRunner. Use `sbt partest` to run. If additional jars are
- * required by some run tests, add them to partestDeps in the sbt Build.scala.
- */
-object DPConsoleRunner {
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
- // unfortunately sbt runTask passes args as single string
- // extra jars for run tests are passed with -dottyJars <count> <jar1> <jar2> ...
- val jarFinder = """-dottyJars (\d*) (.*)""".r
- val (jarList, otherArgs) = args.toList.partition(jarFinder.findFirstIn(_).isDefined)
- val (extraJars, moreArgs) = jarList match {
- case Nil => sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner needs \"-dottyJars <jarCount> <jars>*\".")
- case jarFinder(nr, jarString) :: Nil =>
- val jars = jarString.split(" ").toList
- val count = nr.toInt
- if (jars.length < count)
- sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner found wrong number of dottyJars: " + jars + ", expected: " + nr)
- else (jars.take(count), jars.drop(count))
- case list => sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner found several -dottyJars options: " + list)
- }
- new DPConsoleRunner((otherArgs ::: moreArgs) mkString (" "), extraJars).runPartest
- }
-// console runner has a suite runner which creates a test runner for each test
-class DPConsoleRunner(args: String, extraJars: List[String]) extends ConsoleRunner(args) {
- override val suiteRunner = new DPSuiteRunner (
- testSourcePath = optSourcePath getOrElse DPConfig.testRoot,
- fileManager = new DottyFileManager(extraJars),
- updateCheck = optUpdateCheck,
- failed = optFailed,
- consoleArgs = args)
- override def run = {}
- def runPartest = super.run
-class DottyFileManager(extraJars: List[String]) extends FileManager(Nil) {
- lazy val extraJarList = extraJars.map(NSCFile(_))
- override lazy val libraryUnderTest = Path(extraJars.find(_.contains("scala-library")).getOrElse(""))
- override lazy val reflectUnderTest = Path(extraJars.find(_.contains("scala-reflect")).getOrElse(""))
- override lazy val compilerUnderTest = Path(extraJars.find(_.contains("dotty")).getOrElse(""))
-class DPSuiteRunner(testSourcePath: String, // relative path, like "files", or "pending"
- fileManager: DottyFileManager,
- updateCheck: Boolean,
- failed: Boolean,
- consoleArgs: String,
- javaCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javaCmd,
- javacCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javacCmd,
- scalacExtraArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
- javaOpts: String = DPConfig.runJVMOpts)
-extends SuiteRunner(testSourcePath, fileManager, updateCheck, failed, javaCmdPath, javacCmdPath, scalacExtraArgs, javaOpts) {
- if (!DPConfig.runTestsInParallel)
- sys.props("partest.threads") = "1"
- sys.props("partest.root") = "."
- // override to provide Dotty banner
- override def banner: String = {
- s"""|Welcome to Partest for Dotty! Partest version: ${Properties.versionNumberString}
- |Compiler under test: dotty.tools.dotc.Bench or dotty.tools.dotc.Main
- |Generated test sources: ${PathSettings.srcDir}${File.separator}
- |Test directories: ${DPConfig.testDirs.toList.mkString(", ")}
- |Debugging: failed tests have compiler output in test-kind.clog, run output in test-kind.log, class files in test-kind.obj
- |Parallel: ${DPConfig.runTestsInParallel}
- |Options: (use partest --help for usage information) ${consoleArgs}
- """.stripMargin
- }
- /** Some tests require a limitation of resources, tests which are compiled
- * with one or more of the flags in this list will be run with
- * `limitedThreads`. This is necessary because some test flags require a lot
- * of memory when running the compiler and may exhaust the available memory
- * when run in parallel with too many other tests.
- *
- * This number could be increased on the CI, but might fail locally if
- * scaled too extreme - override with:
- *
- * ```
- * -Ddotty.tests.limitedThreads=X
- * ```
- */
- def limitResourceFlags = List("-Ytest-pickler")
- private val limitedThreads = sys.props.get("dotty.tests.limitedThreads").getOrElse("2")
- override def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File], kind: String): Array[TestState] = {
- val (limitResourceTests, parallelTests) =
- kindFiles partition { kindFile =>
- val flags = kindFile.changeExtension("flags").fileContents
- limitResourceFlags.exists(seqFlag => flags.contains(seqFlag))
- }
- val seqResults =
- if (!limitResourceTests.isEmpty) {
- val savedThreads = sys.props("partest.threads")
- sys.props("partest.threads") = {
- assert(
- savedThreads == null || limitedThreads.toInt <= savedThreads.toInt,
- """|Should not use more threads than the default, when the point
- |is to limit the amount of resources""".stripMargin
- )
- limitedThreads
- }
- NestUI.echo(s"## we will run ${limitResourceTests.length} tests using ${PartestDefaults.numThreads} thread(s) in parallel")
- val res = super.runTestsForFiles(limitResourceTests, kind)
- if (savedThreads != null)
- sys.props("partest.threads") = savedThreads
- else
- sys.props.remove("partest.threads")
- res
- } else Array[TestState]()
- val parResults =
- if (!parallelTests.isEmpty) {
- NestUI.echo(s"## we will run ${parallelTests.length} tests in parallel using ${PartestDefaults.numThreads} thread(s)")
- super.runTestsForFiles(parallelTests, kind)
- } else Array[TestState]()
- seqResults ++ parResults
- }
- // override for DPTestRunner and redirecting compilation output to test.clog
- override def runTest(testFile: File): TestState = {
- val runner = new DPTestRunner(testFile, this)
- val state =
- try {
- runner.run match {
- // Append compiler output to transcript if compilation failed,
- // printed with --verbose option
- case TestState.Fail(f, r@"compilation failed", transcript) =>
- TestState.Fail(f, r, transcript ++ runner.cLogFile.fileLines.dropWhile(_ == ""))
- case res => res
- }
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error running $testFile", t)
- }
- reportTest(state)
- runner.cleanup()
- onFinishTest(testFile, state)
- }
- // override NestUI.reportTest because --show-diff doesn't work. The diff used
- // seems to add each line to transcript separately, whereas NestUI assumes
- // that the diff string was added as one entry in the transcript
- def reportTest(state: TestState) = {
- import NestUI._
- import NestUI.color._
- if (isTerse && state.isOk) {
- NestUI.reportTest(state)
- } else {
- echo(statusLine(state))
- if (!state.isOk && isDiffy) {
- val differ = bold(red("% ")) + "diff "
- state.transcript.dropWhile(s => !(s startsWith differ)) foreach (echo(_))
- // state.transcript find (_ startsWith differ) foreach (echo(_)) // original
- }
- }
- }
-class DPTestRunner(testFile: File, suiteRunner: DPSuiteRunner) extends nest.Runner(testFile, suiteRunner) {
- val cLogFile = SFile(logFile).changeExtension("clog")
- // override to provide DottyCompiler
- override def newCompiler = new dotty.partest.DPDirectCompiler(this)
- // Adapted from nest.Runner#javac because:
- // - Our classpath handling is different and we need to pass extraClassPath
- // to java to get the scala-library which is required for some java tests
- // - The compiler output should be redirected to cLogFile, like the output of
- // dotty itself
- override def javac(files: List[File]): TestState = {
- import fileManager._
- import suiteRunner._
- import FileManager.joinPaths
- // compile using command-line javac compiler
- val args = Seq(
- suiteRunner.javacCmdPath, // FIXME: Dotty deviation just writing "javacCmdPath" doesn't work
- "-d",
- outDir.getAbsolutePath,
- "-classpath",
- joinPaths(outDir :: extraClasspath ++ testClassPath)
- ) ++ files.map(_.getAbsolutePath)
- pushTranscript(args mkString " ")
- val captured = StreamCapture(runCommand(args, cLogFile))
- if (captured.result) genPass() else {
- cLogFile appendAll captured.stderr
- cLogFile appendAll captured.stdout
- genFail("java compilation failed")
- }
- }
- // Overriden in order to recursively get all sources that should be handed to
- // the compiler. Otherwise only sources in the top dir is compiled - works
- // because the compiler is on the classpath.
- override def sources(file: File): List[File] =
- if (file.isDirectory)
- file.listFiles.toList.flatMap { f =>
- if (f.isDirectory) sources(f)
- else if (f.isJavaOrScala) List(f)
- else Nil
- }
- else List(file)
- // Enable me to "fix" the depth issue - remove once completed
- //override def compilationRounds(file: File): List[CompileRound] = {
- // val srcs = sources(file) match {
- // case Nil =>
- // System.err.println {
- // s"""|================================================================================
- // |Warning! You attempted to compile sources from:
- // | $file
- // |but partest was unable to find any sources - uncomment DPConsoleRunner#sources
- // |================================================================================""".stripMargin
- // }
- // List(new File("./tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala")) // "just compile some crap" - Guillaume
- // case xs =>
- // xs
- // }
- // (groupedFiles(srcs) map mixedCompileGroup).flatten
- //}
- // FIXME: This is copy-pasted from nest.Runner where it is private
- // Remove this once https://github.com/scala/scala-partest/pull/61 is merged
- /** Runs command redirecting standard out and
- * error out to output file.
- */
- def runCommand(args: Seq[String], outFile: File): Boolean = {
- import scala.sys.process.{ Process, ProcessLogger }
- //(Process(args) #> outFile !) == 0 or (Process(args) ! pl) == 0
- val pl = ProcessLogger(outFile)
- val nonzero = 17 // rounding down from 17.3
- def run: Int = {
- val p = Process(args) run pl
- try p.exitValue
- catch {
- case e: InterruptedException =>
- NestUI verbose s"Interrupted waiting for command to finish (${args mkString " "})"
- p.destroy
- nonzero
- case t: Throwable =>
- NestUI verbose s"Exception waiting for command to finish: $t (${args mkString " "})"
- p.destroy
- throw t
- }
- finally pl.close()
- }
- (pl buffer run) == 0
- }
- // override to provide default dotty flags from file in directory
- override def flagsForCompilation(sources: List[File]): List[String] = {
- val specificFlags = super.flagsForCompilation(sources)
- if (specificFlags.isEmpty) defaultFlags
- else specificFlags
- }
- val defaultFlags = {
- val defaultFile = parentFile.listFiles.toList.find(_.getName == "__defaultFlags.flags")
- defaultFile.map({ file =>
- SFile(file).safeSlurp.map({ content => words(content).filter(_.nonEmpty) }).getOrElse(Nil)
- }).getOrElse(Nil)
- }
- // override to add the check for nr of compilation errors if there's a
- // target.nerr file
- override def runNegTest() = runInContext {
- sealed abstract class NegTestState
- // Don't get confused, the neg test passes when compilation fails for at
- // least one round (optionally checking the number of compiler errors and
- // compiler console output)
- case object CompFailed extends NegTestState
- // the neg test fails when all rounds return either of these:
- case class CompFailedButWrongNErr(expected: String, found: String) extends NegTestState
- case object CompFailedButWrongDiff extends NegTestState
- case object CompSucceeded extends NegTestState
- def nerrIsOk(reason: String) = {
- val nerrFinder = """compilation failed with (\d+) errors""".r
- reason match {
- case nerrFinder(found) =>
- SFile(FileOps(testFile) changeExtension "nerr").safeSlurp match {
- case Some(exp) if (exp != found) => CompFailedButWrongNErr(exp, found)
- case _ => CompFailed
- }
- case _ => CompFailed
- }
- }
- // we keep the partest semantics where only one round needs to fail
- // compilation, not all
- val compFailingRounds =
- compilationRounds(testFile)
- .map { round =>
- val ok = round.isOk
- setLastState(if (ok) genPass else genFail("compilation failed"))
- (round.result, ok)
- }
- .filter { case (_, ok) => !ok }
- val failureStates = compFailingRounds.map({ case (result, _) => result match {
- // or, OK, we'll let you crash the compiler with a FatalError if you supply a check file
- case Crash(_, t, _) if !checkFile.canRead || !t.isInstanceOf[FatalError] => CompSucceeded
- case Fail(_, reason, _) => if (diffIsOk) nerrIsOk(reason) else CompFailedButWrongDiff
- case _ => if (diffIsOk) CompFailed else CompFailedButWrongDiff
- }})
- if (failureStates.exists({ case CompFailed => true; case _ => false })) {
- true
- } else {
- val existsNerr = failureStates.exists({
- case CompFailedButWrongNErr(exp, found) =>
- nextTestActionFailing(s"wrong number of compilation errors, expected: $exp, found: $found")
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- if (existsNerr) false
- else {
- val existsDiff = failureStates.exists({
- case CompFailedButWrongDiff =>
- nextTestActionFailing(s"output differs")
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- if (existsDiff) false
- else nextTestActionFailing("expected compilation failure")
- }
- }
- }
- // override to change check file updating to original file, not generated
- override def diffIsOk: Boolean = {
- // always normalize the log first
- normalizeLog()
- val diff = currentDiff
- // if diff is not empty, is update needed?
- val updating: Option[Boolean] = (
- if (diff == "") None
- else Some(suiteRunner.updateCheck)
- )
- pushTranscript(s"diff $logFile $checkFile")
- nextTestAction(updating) {
- case Some(true) =>
- val origCheck = SFile(checkFile.changeExtension("checksrc").fileLines(1))
- NestUI.echo("Updating original checkfile " + origCheck)
- origCheck writeAll file2String(logFile)
- genUpdated()
- case Some(false) =>
- // Get a word-highlighted diff from git if we can find it
- val bestDiff = if (updating.isEmpty) "" else {
- if (checkFile.canRead)
- gitDiff(logFile, checkFile) getOrElse {
- s"diff $logFile $checkFile\n$diff"
- }
- else diff
- }
- pushTranscript(bestDiff)
- genFail("output differs")
- case None => genPass() // redundant default case
- } getOrElse true
- }
- // override to add dotty and scala jars to classpath
- override def extraClasspath =
- suiteRunner.fileManager.asInstanceOf[DottyFileManager].extraJarList ::: super.extraClasspath
- // FIXME: Dotty deviation: error if return type is omitted:
- // overriding method cleanup in class Runner of type ()Unit;
- // method cleanup of type => Boolean | Unit has incompatible type
- // override to keep class files if failed and delete clog if ok
- override def cleanup: Unit = if (lastState.isOk) {
- logFile.delete
- cLogFile.delete
- Directory(outDir).deleteRecursively
- }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPDirectCompiler.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPDirectCompiler.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 410dac338..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/partest/DPDirectCompiler.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.partest
-import dotty.tools.dotc.reporting.ConsoleReporter
-import scala.tools.partest.{ TestState, nest }
-import java.io.{ File, PrintWriter, FileWriter }
-/* NOTE: Adapted from partest.DirectCompiler */
-class DPDirectCompiler(runner: DPTestRunner) extends nest.DirectCompiler(runner) {
- override def compile(opts0: List[String], sources: List[File]): TestState = {
- val clogFWriter = new FileWriter(runner.cLogFile.jfile, true)
- val clogWriter = new PrintWriter(clogFWriter, true)
- clogWriter.println("\ncompiling " + sources.mkString(" ") + "\noptions: " + opts0.mkString(" "))
- try {
- val processor =
- if (opts0.exists(_.startsWith("#"))) dotty.tools.dotc.Bench else dotty.tools.dotc.Main
- val clogger = new ConsoleReporter(writer = clogWriter)
- val reporter = processor.process((sources.map(_.toString) ::: opts0).toArray, clogger)
- if (!reporter.hasErrors) runner.genPass()
- else {
- clogWriter.println(reporter.summary)
- runner.genFail(s"compilation failed with ${reporter.errorCount} errors")
- }
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
- t.printStackTrace
- t.printStackTrace(clogWriter)
- runner.genCrash(t)
- } finally {
- clogFWriter.close
- clogWriter.close
- }
- }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala
index 742b93fae..ff50d7238 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilationTests.scala
@@ -2,19 +2,24 @@ package dotty
package tools
package dotc
-import org.junit.Test
-import java.io.{ File => JFile }
-import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category
+import org.junit.{ Test, BeforeClass, AfterClass }
import scala.util.matching.Regex
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
-class CompilationTests extends ParallelSummaryReport with ParallelTesting {
+import vulpix.{ ParallelTesting, SummaryReport, SummaryReporting, TestConfiguration }
+class CompilationTests extends ParallelTesting {
+ import TestConfiguration._
import CompilationTests._
- def isInteractive: Boolean = ParallelSummaryReport.isInteractive
+ // Test suite configuration --------------------------------------------------
- def testFilter: Option[Regex] = sys.props.get("dotty.partest.filter").map(r => new Regex(r))
+ def maxDuration = 180.seconds
+ def numberOfSlaves = 5
+ def safeMode = Properties.testsSafeMode
+ def isInteractive = SummaryReport.isInteractive
+ def testFilter = Properties.testsFilter
// Positive tests ------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -211,9 +216,9 @@ class CompilationTests extends ParallelSummaryReport with ParallelTesting {
val opt = Array(
// compile with bootstrapped library on cp:
- defaultOutputDir + "lib$1/src/:" +
+ defaultOutputDir + "lib/src/:" +
// as well as bootstrapped compiler:
- defaultOutputDir + "dotty1$1/dotty/:" +
+ defaultOutputDir + "dotty1/dotty/:" +
@@ -248,65 +253,6 @@ class CompilationTests extends ParallelSummaryReport with ParallelTesting {
object CompilationTests {
- implicit val defaultOutputDir: String = "../out/"
- implicit class RichStringArray(val xs: Array[String]) extends AnyVal {
- def and(args: String*): Array[String] = {
- val argsArr: Array[String] = args.toArray
- xs ++ argsArr
- }
- }
- val noCheckOptions = Array(
- "-pagewidth", "120",
- "-color:never"
- )
- val checkOptions = Array(
- "-Yno-deep-subtypes",
- "-Yno-double-bindings",
- "-Yforce-sbt-phases"
- )
- val classPath = {
- val paths = Jars.dottyTestDeps map { p =>
- val file = new JFile(p)
- assert(
- file.exists,
- s"""|File "$p" couldn't be found. Run `packageAll` from build tool before
- |testing.
- |
- |If running without sbt, test paths need to be setup environment variables:
- |
- |
- |Where these all contain locations, except extras which is a colon
- |separated list of jars.
- |
- |When compiling with eclipse, you need the sbt-interfaces jar, put
- |it in extras."""
- )
- file.getAbsolutePath
- } mkString (":")
- Array("-classpath", paths)
- }
- private val yCheckOptions = Array("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef")
- val defaultOptions = noCheckOptions ++ checkOptions ++ yCheckOptions ++ classPath
- val allowDeepSubtypes = defaultOptions diff Array("-Yno-deep-subtypes")
- val allowDoubleBindings = defaultOptions diff Array("-Yno-double-bindings")
- val picklingOptions = defaultOptions ++ Array(
- "-Xprint-types",
- "-Ytest-pickler",
- "-Ystop-after:pickler",
- "-Yprintpos"
- )
- val scala2Mode = defaultOptions ++ Array("-language:Scala2")
- val explicitUTF8 = defaultOptions ++ Array("-encoding", "UTF8")
- val explicitUTF16 = defaultOptions ++ Array("-encoding", "UTF16")
+ implicit val summaryReport: SummaryReporting = new SummaryReport
+ @AfterClass def cleanup(): Unit = summaryReport.echoSummary()
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala
index f35f9f919..c5234ccca 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/CompilerTest.scala
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package dotty.tools.dotc
import repl.TestREPL
import core.Contexts._
-import dotty.partest.DPConfig
import interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR
import reporting._
import diagnostic.MessageContainer
@@ -11,33 +10,11 @@ import config.CompilerCommand
import dotty.tools.io.PlainFile
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.reflect.io.{ Path, Directory, File => SFile, AbstractFile }
-import scala.tools.partest.nest.{ FileManager, NestUI }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import java.io.{ RandomAccessFile, File => JFile }
-/** This class has two modes: it can directly run compiler tests, or it can
- * generate the necessary file structure for partest in the directory
- * DPConfig.testRoot. Both modes are regular JUnit tests. Which mode is used
- * depends on the existence of the tests/locks/partest-ppid.lock file which is
- * created by sbt to trigger partest generation. Sbt will then run partest on
- * the generated sources.
- *
- * Through overriding the partestableXX methods, tests can always be run as
- * JUnit compiler tests. Run tests cannot be run by JUnit, only by partest.
- *
- * A test can either be a file or a directory. Partest will generate a
- * <test>-<kind>.log file with output of failed tests. Partest reads compiler
- * flags and the number of errors expected from a neg test from <test>.flags
- * and <test>.nerr files (also generated). The test is in a parent directory
- * that determines the kind of test:
- * - pos: checks that compilation succeeds
- * - neg: checks that compilation fails with the given number of errors
- * - run: compilation succeeds, partest: test run generates the output in
- * <test>.check. Run tests always need to be:
- * object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ... }
- * Classpath jars can be added to partestDeps in the sbt Build.scala.
- */
+/** Legacy compiler tests that run single threaded */
abstract class CompilerTest {
/** Override with output dir of test so it can be patched. Partest expects
@@ -49,32 +26,9 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
def partestableDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String]) = true
def partestableList(testName: String, files: List[String], args: List[String]) = true
- val generatePartestFiles = {
- /* Because we fork in test, the JVM in which this JUnit test runs has a
- * different pid from the one that started the partest. But the forked VM
- * receives the pid of the parent as system property. If the lock file
- * exists, the parent is requesting partest generation. This mechanism
- * allows one sbt instance to run test (JUnit only) and another partest.
- * We cannot run two instances of partest at the same time, because they're
- * writing to the same directories. The sbt lock file generation prevents
- * this.
- */
- val pid = System.getProperty("partestParentID")
- if (pid == null)
- false
- else
- new JFile(".." + JFile.separator + "tests" + JFile.separator + "locks" + JFile.separator + s"partest-$pid.lock").exists
- }
- // Delete generated files from previous run and create new log
- val logFile = if (!generatePartestFiles) None else Some(CompilerTest.init)
/** Always run with JUnit. */
- def compileLine(cmdLine: String)(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- if (generatePartestFiles)
- log("WARNING: compileLine will always run with JUnit, no partest files generated.")
+ def compileLine(cmdLine: String)(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit =
compileArgs(cmdLine.split("\n"), Nil)
- }
/** Compiles the given code file.
@@ -88,36 +42,22 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
val filePath = s"$prefix$fileName$extension"
val expErrors = expectedErrors(filePath)
- if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableFile(prefix, fileName, extension, args ++ defaultOptions)) {
- if (runTest)
- log(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$fileName$extension")
- if (args.contains("-rewrite")) {
- val file = new PlainFile(filePath)
- val data = file.toByteArray
- // compile with rewrite
- compileArgs((filePath :: args).toArray, expErrors)
- // compile again, check that file now compiles without -language:Scala2
- val plainArgs = args.filter(arg => arg != "-rewrite" && arg != "-language:Scala2")
- compileFile(prefix, fileName, plainArgs, extension, runTest)
- // restore original test file
- val out = file.output
- out.write(data)
- out.close()
- }
- else compileArgs((filePath :: args).toArray, expErrors)
- } else {
- val kind = testKind(prefix, runTest)
- log(s"generating partest files for test file: $prefix$fileName$extension of kind $kind")
- val sourceFile = new JFile(prefix + fileName + extension)
- if (sourceFile.exists) {
- val firstDest = SFile(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + kind + JFile.separator + fileName + extension)
- val xerrors = expErrors.map(_.totalErrors).sum
- computeDestAndCopyFiles(sourceFile, firstDest, kind, args ++ defaultOptions, xerrors.toString)
- } else {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(s"Unable to locate test file $prefix$fileName")
- }
+ if (runTest)
+ log(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$fileName$extension")
+ if (args.contains("-rewrite")) {
+ val file = new PlainFile(filePath)
+ val data = file.toByteArray
+ // compile with rewrite
+ compileArgs((filePath :: args).toArray, expErrors)
+ // compile again, check that file now compiles without -language:Scala2
+ val plainArgs = args.filter(arg => arg != "-rewrite" && arg != "-language:Scala2")
+ compileFile(prefix, fileName, plainArgs, extension, runTest)
+ // restore original test file
+ val out = file.output
+ out.write(data)
+ out.close()
+ else compileArgs((filePath :: args).toArray, expErrors)
def runFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, extension: String = ".scala")
(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
@@ -167,33 +107,11 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
val expErrors = expectedErrors(filePaths.toList)
(filePaths, javaFilePaths, normArgs, expErrors)
- if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableDir(prefix, dirName, args ++ defaultOptions)) {
- if (runTest)
- log(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$dirName")
- val (filePaths, javaFilePaths, normArgs, expErrors) = computeFilePathsAndExpErrors
- compileWithJavac(javaFilePaths, Array.empty) // javac needs to run first on dotty-library
- compileArgs(javaFilePaths ++ filePaths ++ normArgs, expErrors)
- } else {
- val (sourceDir, flags, deep) = args match {
- case "-deep" :: args1 => (flattenDir(prefix, dirName), args1 ++ defaultOptions, "deep")
- case _ => (new JFile(prefix + dirName), args ++ defaultOptions, "shallow")
- }
- val kind = testKind(prefix, runTest)
- log(s"generating partest files for test directory ($deep): $prefix$dirName of kind $kind")
- if (sourceDir.exists) {
- val firstDest = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + kind + JFile.separator + dirName)
- val xerrors = if (isNegTest(prefix)) {
- val (_, _, _, expErrors) = computeFilePathsAndExpErrors
- expErrors.map(_.totalErrors).sum
- } else 0
- computeDestAndCopyFiles(sourceDir, firstDest, kind, flags, xerrors.toString)
- if (deep == "deep")
- Directory(sourceDir).deleteRecursively
- } else {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(s"Unable to locate test dir $prefix$dirName")
- }
- }
+ if (runTest)
+ log(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$dirName")
+ val (filePaths, javaFilePaths, normArgs, expErrors) = computeFilePathsAndExpErrors
+ compileWithJavac(javaFilePaths, Array.empty) // javac needs to run first on dotty-library
+ compileArgs(javaFilePaths ++ filePaths ++ normArgs, expErrors)
def runDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String] = Nil)
(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit =
@@ -222,19 +140,8 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
/** Compiles the given list of code files. */
def compileList(testName: String, files: List[String], args: List[String] = Nil)
(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = {
- if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableList(testName, files, args ++ defaultOptions)) {
- val expErrors = expectedErrors(files)
- compileArgs((files ++ args).toArray, expErrors)
- } else {
- val destDir = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + testName)
- files.foreach({ file =>
- val sourceFile = new JFile(file)
- val destFile = destDir / (if (file.startsWith("../")) file.substring(3) else file)
- recCopyFiles(sourceFile, destFile)
- })
- compileDir(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator, testName, args)
- destDir.deleteRecursively
- }
+ val expErrors = expectedErrors(files)
+ compileArgs((files ++ args).toArray, expErrors)
// ========== HELPERS =============
@@ -425,60 +332,6 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
import Difference._
- /** The same source might be used for several partest test cases (e.g. with
- * different flags). Detects existing versions and computes the path to be
- * used for this version, e.g. testname_v1 for the first alternative. */
- private def computeDestAndCopyFiles(source: JFile, dest: Path, kind: String, oldFlags: List[String], nerr: String,
- nr: Int = 0, oldOutput: String = defaultOutputDir): Unit = {
- val partestOutput = dest.jfile.getParentFile + JFile.separator + dest.stripExtension + "-" + kind + ".obj"
- val altOutput =
- source.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath.map(x => if (x == JFile.separatorChar) '_' else x)
- val (beforeCp, remaining) = oldFlags
- .map(f => if (f == oldOutput) partestOutput else f)
- .span(_ != "-classpath")
- val flags = beforeCp ++ List("-classpath", (partestOutput :: remaining.drop(1)).mkString(":"))
- val difference = getExisting(dest).isDifferent(source, flags, nerr)
- difference match {
- case NotExists => copyFiles(source, dest, partestOutput, flags, nerr, kind)
- case ExistsSame => // nothing else to do
- case ExistsDifferent =>
- val nextDest = dest.parent / (dest match {
- case d: Directory =>
- val newVersion = replaceVersion(d.name, nr).getOrElse(altOutput)
- Directory(newVersion)
- case f =>
- val newVersion = replaceVersion(f.stripExtension, nr).getOrElse(altOutput)
- SFile(newVersion).addExtension(f.extension)
- })
- computeDestAndCopyFiles(source, nextDest, kind, flags, nerr, nr + 1, partestOutput)
- }
- }
- /** Copies the test sources. Creates flags, nerr, check and output files. */
- private def copyFiles(sourceFile: Path, dest: Path, partestOutput: String, flags: List[String], nerr: String, kind: String) = {
- recCopyFiles(sourceFile, dest)
- new JFile(partestOutput).mkdirs
- if (flags.nonEmpty)
- dest.changeExtension("flags").createFile(true).writeAll(flags.mkString(" "))
- if (nerr != "0")
- dest.changeExtension("nerr").createFile(true).writeAll(nerr)
- sourceFile.changeExtension("check").ifFile({ check =>
- if (kind == "run") {
- FileManager.copyFile(check.jfile, dest.changeExtension("check").jfile)
- dest.changeExtension("checksrc").createFile(true).writeAll("check file generated from source:\n" + check.toString)
- } else {
- log(s"WARNING: ignoring $check for test kind $kind")
- }
- })
- }
/** Recursively copy over source files and directories, excluding extensions
* that aren't in extensionsToCopy. */
private def recCopyFiles(sourceFile: Path, dest: Path): Unit = {
@@ -576,38 +429,6 @@ abstract class CompilerTest {
- /** Creates a temporary directory and copies all (deep) files over, thus
- * flattening the directory structure. */
- private def flattenDir(prefix: String, dirName: String): JFile = {
- val destDir = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + "_temp")
- Directory(prefix + dirName).deepFiles.foreach(source => recCopyFiles(source, destDir / source.name))
- destDir.jfile
- }
- /** Write either to console (JUnit) or log file (partest). */
- private def log(msg: String) = logFile.map(_.appendAll(msg + "\n")).getOrElse(println(msg))
-object CompilerTest extends App {
- /** Deletes generated partest sources from a previous run, recreates
- * directory and returns the freshly created log file. */
- lazy val init: SFile = {
- scala.reflect.io.Directory(DPConfig.testRoot).deleteRecursively
- new JFile(DPConfig.testRoot).mkdirs
- val log = DPConfig.genLog.createFile(true)
- println(s"CompilerTest is generating tests for partest, log: $log")
- log
- }
-// val dotcDir = "/Users/odersky/workspace/dotty/src/dotty/"
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "CompilationUnit")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Compiler")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Driver")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Main")
-// new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Run")
-// new CompilerTest().compileDir(dotcDir + "tools/dotc")
- // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Run")
+ /** Write either to console */
+ private def log(msg: String) = println(msg)
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelSummaryReport.java b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelSummaryReport.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 5608b3656..000000000
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelSummaryReport.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package dotty.tools.dotc;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import java.util.ArrayDeque;
-import dotty.tools.dotc.reporting.TestReporter;
-import dotty.tools.dotc.reporting.TestReporter$;
-/** Note that while `ParallelTesting` runs in parallel, JUnit tests cannot with
- * this class
- */
-public class ParallelSummaryReport {
- public final static boolean isInteractive = !System.getenv().containsKey("DRONE");
- private static TestReporter rep = TestReporter.reporter(System.out, -1);
- private static ArrayDeque<String> failedTests = new ArrayDeque<>();
- private static ArrayDeque<String> reproduceInstructions = new ArrayDeque<>();
- private static int passed;
- private static int failed;
- public final static void reportFailed() {
- failed++;
- }
- public final static void reportPassed() {
- passed++;
- }
- public final static void addFailedTest(String msg) {
- failedTests.offer(msg);
- }
- public final static void addReproduceInstruction(String msg) {
- reproduceInstructions.offer(msg);
- }
- @BeforeClass public final static void setup() {
- rep = TestReporter.reporter(System.out, -1);
- failedTests = new ArrayDeque<>();
- reproduceInstructions = new ArrayDeque<>();
- }
- @AfterClass public final static void teardown() {
- rep.echo(
- "\n================================================================================" +
- "\nTest Report" +
- "\n================================================================================" +
- "\n" +
- passed + " passed, " + failed + " failed, " + (passed + failed) + " total" +
- "\n"
- );
- failedTests
- .stream()
- .map(x -> " " + x)
- .forEach(rep::echo);
- // If we're compiling locally, we don't need reproduce instructions
- if (isInteractive) rep.flushToStdErr();
- rep.echo("");
- reproduceInstructions
- .stream()
- .forEach(rep::echo);
- // If we're on the CI, we want everything
- if (!isInteractive) rep.flushToStdErr();
- if (failed > 0) rep.flushToFile();
- }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala
index 5641240a7..213181b56 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/TestReporter.scala
@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ extends Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages with M
final def errors: Iterator[MessageContainer] = _errorBuf.iterator
protected final val _messageBuf = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
+ final def messages: Iterator[String] = _messageBuf.iterator
+ private[this] var _didCrash = false
+ final def compilerCrashed: Boolean = _didCrash
final def flushToFile(): Unit =
@@ -33,7 +37,6 @@ extends Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages with M
final def flushToStdErr(): Unit =
- .map(_.replaceAll("\u001b\\[.*?m", ""))
final def inlineInfo(pos: SourcePosition): String =
@@ -44,9 +47,17 @@ extends Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages with M
else ""
- def echo(msg: String) =
+ def log(msg: String) =
+ def logStackTrace(thrown: Throwable): Unit = {
+ _didCrash = true
+ val sw = new java.io.StringWriter
+ val pw = new java.io.PrintWriter(sw)
+ thrown.printStackTrace(pw)
+ log(sw.toString)
+ }
/** Prints the message with the given position indication. */
def printMessageAndPos(m: MessageContainer, extra: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
val msg = messageAndPos(m.contained, m.pos, diagnosticLevel(m))
@@ -73,42 +84,66 @@ extends Reporter with UniqueMessagePositions with HideNonSensicalMessages with M
printMessageAndPos(m, extra)
- case w: Warning =>
- printMessageAndPos(w, extra)
- case _ =>
+ case m =>
+ printMessageAndPos(m, extra)
object TestReporter {
- private[this] lazy val logWriter = {
+ private[this] var outFile: JFile = _
+ private[this] var logWriter: PrintWriter = _
+ private[this] def initLog() = if (logWriter eq null) {
val df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm")
val timestamp = df.format(new Date)
new JFile("../testlogs").mkdirs()
- new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(new JFile(s"../testlogs/tests-$timestamp.log"), true))
+ outFile = new JFile(s"../testlogs/tests-$timestamp.log")
+ logWriter = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(outFile, true))
- def writeToLog(str: String) = {
+ def logPrintln(str: String) = {
+ initLog()
+ def logPrint(str: String): Unit = {
+ initLog()
+ logWriter.println(str)
+ }
+ def logFlush(): Unit =
+ if (logWriter ne null) logWriter.flush()
+ def logPath: String = {
+ initLog()
+ outFile.getCanonicalPath
+ }
def reporter(ps: PrintStream, logLevel: Int): TestReporter =
- new TestReporter(new PrintWriter(ps, true), writeToLog, logLevel)
+ new TestReporter(new PrintWriter(ps, true), logPrintln, logLevel)
def simplifiedReporter(writer: PrintWriter): TestReporter = {
- val rep = new TestReporter(writer, writeToLog, WARNING) {
+ val rep = new TestReporter(writer, logPrintln, WARNING) {
/** Prints the message with the given position indication in a simplified manner */
override def printMessageAndPos(m: MessageContainer, extra: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
- val msg = s"${m.pos.line + 1}: " + m.contained.kind + extra
- val extraInfo = inlineInfo(m.pos)
+ def report() = {
+ val msg = s"${m.pos.line + 1}: " + m.contained.kind + extra
+ val extraInfo = inlineInfo(m.pos)
- writer.println(msg)
- _messageBuf.append(msg)
+ writer.println(msg)
+ _messageBuf.append(msg)
- if (extraInfo.nonEmpty) {
- writer.println(extraInfo)
- _messageBuf.append(extraInfo)
+ if (extraInfo.nonEmpty) {
+ writer.println(extraInfo)
+ _messageBuf.append(extraInfo)
+ }
+ }
+ m match {
+ case m: Error => report()
+ case m: Warning => report()
+ case _ => ()
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatmatExhaustivityTest.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatmatExhaustivityTest.scala
index eff86e6e7..1ec4a70a5 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatmatExhaustivityTest.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/PatmatExhaustivityTest.scala
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import scala.io.Source._
import scala.reflect.io.Directory
import org.junit.Test
import reporting.TestReporter
+import vulpix.TestConfiguration
class PatmatExhaustivityTest {
val testsDir = "../tests/patmat"
// stop-after: patmatexhaust-huge.scala crash compiler
- val options = List("-color:never", "-Ystop-after:splitter", "-Ycheck-all-patmat") ++ CompilationTests.classPath
+ val options = List("-color:never", "-Ystop-after:splitter", "-Ycheck-all-patmat") ++ TestConfiguration.classPath
private def compileFile(file: File) = {
val stringBuffer = new StringWriter()
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildJVMMain.java b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildJVMMain.java
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90b795898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ChildJVMMain.java
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+package dotty.tools.vulpix;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.net.URL;
+import java.net.URLClassLoader;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+public class ChildJVMMain {
+ static final String MessageEnd = "##THIS IS THE END FOR ME, GOODBYE##";
+ private static void runMain(String dir) throws Exception {
+ ArrayList<URL> cp = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (String path : dir.split(":"))
+ cp.add(new File(path).toURI().toURL());
+ URLClassLoader ucl = new URLClassLoader(cp.toArray(new URL[cp.size()]));
+ Class<?> cls = ucl.loadClass("Test");
+ Method meth = cls.getMethod("main", String[].class);
+ Object[] args = new Object[]{ new String[]{ "jvm" } };
+ meth.invoke(null, args);
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
+ while (true) {
+ runMain(stdin.readLine());
+ System.out.println(MessageEnd);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
index 80c56808b..b0312523d 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTesting.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/ParallelTesting.scala
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
package dotty
package tools
-package dotc
+package vulpix
import java.io.{ File => JFile }
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.HashMap
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path, Paths, NoSuchFileException }
import java.util.concurrent.{ Executors => JExecutors, TimeUnit, TimeoutException }
@@ -17,11 +16,12 @@ import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.Random
-import core.Contexts._
-import reporting.{ Reporter, TestReporter }
-import reporting.diagnostic.MessageContainer
-import interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR
+import dotc.core.Contexts._
+import dotc.reporting.{ Reporter, TestReporter }
+import dotc.reporting.diagnostic.MessageContainer
+import dotc.interfaces.Diagnostic.ERROR
import dotc.util.DiffUtil
+import dotc.{ Driver, Compiler }
/** A parallel testing suite whose goal is to integrate nicely with JUnit
@@ -29,20 +29,20 @@ import dotc.util.DiffUtil
* using this, you should be running your JUnit tests **sequentially**, as the
* test suite itself runs with a high level of concurrency.
-trait ParallelTesting { self =>
+trait ParallelTesting extends RunnerOrchestration { self =>
import ParallelTesting._
- import ParallelSummaryReport._
/** If the running environment supports an interactive terminal, each `Test`
* will be run with a progress bar and real time feedback
def isInteractive: Boolean
- /** A regex which is used to filter which tests to run, if `None` will run
- * all tests
+ /** A string which is used to filter which tests to run, if `None` will run
+ * all tests. All absolute paths that contain the substring `testFilter`
+ * will be run
- def testFilter: Option[Regex]
+ def testFilter: Option[String]
/** A test source whose files or directory of files is to be compiled
* in a specific way defined by the `Test`
@@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
def outDir: JFile
def flags: Array[String]
+ def classPath: String =
+ outDir.getAbsolutePath +
+ flags
+ .dropWhile(_ != "-classpath")
+ .drop(1)
+ .headOption
+ .map(":" + _)
+ .getOrElse("")
def title: String = self match {
case self: JointCompilationSource =>
@@ -174,21 +183,48 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
/** Each `Test` takes the `testSources` and performs the compilation and assertions
* according to the implementing class "neg", "run" or "pos".
- private abstract class Test(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean) {
+ private abstract class Test(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)(implicit val summaryReport: SummaryReporting) { test =>
+ import summaryReport._
protected final val realStdout = System.out
protected final val realStderr = System.err
+ /** A runnable that logs its contents in a buffer */
+ trait LoggedRunnable extends Runnable {
+ /** Instances of `LoggedRunnable` implement this method instead of the
+ * `run` method
+ */
+ def checkTestSource(): Unit
+ private[this] val logBuffer = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
+ def log(msg: String): Unit = logBuffer.append(msg)
+ def logReporterContents(reporter: TestReporter): Unit =
+ reporter.messages.foreach(log)
+ def echo(msg: String): Unit = {
+ log(msg)
+ test.echo(msg)
+ }
+ final def run(): Unit = {
+ checkTestSource()
+ summaryReport.echoToLog(logBuffer.iterator)
+ }
+ }
/** Actual compilation run logic, the test behaviour is defined here */
- protected def compilationRunnable(testSource: TestSource): Runnable
+ protected def encapsulatedCompilation(testSource: TestSource): LoggedRunnable
/** All testSources left after filtering out */
private val filteredSources =
if (!testFilter.isDefined) testSources
else testSources.filter {
case JointCompilationSource(_, files, _, _) =>
- files.exists(file => testFilter.get.findFirstIn(file.getAbsolutePath).isDefined)
+ files.exists(file => file.getAbsolutePath.contains(testFilter.get))
case SeparateCompilationSource(_, dir, _, _) =>
- testFilter.get.findFirstIn(dir.getAbsolutePath).isDefined
+ dir.getAbsolutePath.contains(testFilter.get)
/** Total amount of test sources being compiled by this test */
@@ -197,12 +233,12 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
private[this] var _errorCount = 0
def errorCount: Int = _errorCount
- private[this] var _testSourcesCompiled = 0
- private def testSourcesCompiled: Int = _testSourcesCompiled
+ private[this] var _testSourcesCompleted = 0
+ private def testSourcesCompleted: Int = _testSourcesCompleted
/** Complete the current compilation with the amount of errors encountered */
- protected final def registerCompilation(errors: Int) = synchronized {
- _testSourcesCompiled += 1
+ protected final def registerCompletion(errors: Int) = synchronized {
+ _testSourcesCompleted += 1
_errorCount += errors
@@ -211,7 +247,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
protected[this] final def fail(): Unit = synchronized { _failed = true }
def didFail: Boolean = _failed
- protected def echoBuildInstructions(reporter: TestReporter, testSource: TestSource, err: Int, war: Int) = {
+ protected def logBuildInstructions(reporter: TestReporter, testSource: TestSource, err: Int, war: Int) = {
val errorMsg = testSource.buildInstructions(reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
@@ -224,20 +260,24 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
/** The test sources that failed according to the implementing subclass */
private[this] val failedTestSources = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
- protected final def failTestSource(testSource: TestSource) = synchronized {
- failedTestSources.append(testSource.name + " failed")
+ protected final def failTestSource(testSource: TestSource, reason: Option[String] = None) = synchronized {
+ val extra = reason.map(" with reason: " + _).getOrElse("")
+ failedTestSources.append(testSource.title + s" failed" + extra)
/** Prints to `System.err` if we're not suppressing all output */
- protected def echo(msg: String): Unit =
- if (!suppressAllOutput) realStderr.println(msg)
+ protected def echo(msg: String): Unit = if (!suppressAllOutput) {
+ // pad right so that output is at least as large as progress bar line
+ val paddingRight = " " * math.max(0, 80 - msg.length)
+ realStderr.println(msg + paddingRight)
+ }
/** A single `Runnable` that prints a progress bar for the curent `Test` */
private def createProgressMonitor: Runnable = new Runnable {
def run(): Unit = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
- var tCompiled = testSourcesCompiled
+ var tCompiled = testSourcesCompleted
while (tCompiled < sourceCount) {
val timestamp = (System.currentTimeMillis - start) / 1000
val progress = (tCompiled.toDouble / sourceCount * 40).toInt
@@ -246,15 +286,15 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
"[" + ("=" * (math.max(progress - 1, 0))) +
(if (progress > 0) ">" else "") +
(" " * (39 - progress)) +
- s"] compiling ($tCompiled/$sourceCount, ${timestamp}s)\r"
+ s"] completed ($tCompiled/$sourceCount, ${timestamp}s)\r"
- tCompiled = testSourcesCompiled
+ tCompiled = testSourcesCompleted
// println, otherwise no newline and cursor at start of line
- s"[=======================================] compiled ($sourceCount/$sourceCount, " +
+ s"[=======================================] completed ($sourceCount/$sourceCount, " +
s"${(System.currentTimeMillis - start) / 1000}s) "
@@ -265,7 +305,9 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
protected def tryCompile(testSource: TestSource)(op: => Unit): Unit =
try {
- if (!isInteractive) realStdout.println(s"Testing ${testSource.title}")
+ val testing = s"Testing ${testSource.title}"
+ summaryReport.echoToLog(testing)
+ if (!isInteractive) realStdout.println(testing)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) => {
@@ -273,7 +315,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
// run should fail
- registerCompilation(1)
+ registerCompletion(1)
throw e
@@ -288,15 +330,6 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
val files: Array[JFile] = files0.flatMap(flattenFiles)
- def findJarFromRuntime(partialName: String) = {
- val urls = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.asInstanceOf[java.net.URLClassLoader].getURLs.map(_.getFile.toString)
- urls.find(_.contains(partialName)).getOrElse {
- throw new java.io.FileNotFoundException(
- s"""Unable to locate $partialName on classpath:\n${urls.toList.mkString("\n")}"""
- )
- }
- }
def addOutDir(xs: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
val (beforeCp, cpAndAfter) = xs.toList.span(_ != "-classpath")
if (cpAndAfter.nonEmpty) {
@@ -307,11 +340,10 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
def compileWithJavac(fs: Array[String]) = if (fs.nonEmpty) {
- val scalaLib = findJarFromRuntime("scala-library-2.")
val fullArgs = Array(
- s".:$scalaLib:${targetDir.getAbsolutePath}"
+ s".:${Jars.scalaLibraryFromRuntime}:${targetDir.getAbsolutePath}"
) ++ flags.takeRight(2) ++ fs
Runtime.getRuntime.exec(fullArgs).waitFor() == 0
@@ -339,16 +371,23 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
val allArgs = addOutDir(flags)
- driver.process(allArgs ++ files.map(_.getAbsolutePath), reporter = reporter)
- val javaFiles = files.filter(_.getName.endsWith(".java")).map(_.getAbsolutePath)
- assert(compileWithJavac(javaFiles), s"java compilation failed for ${javaFiles.mkString(", ")}")
+ // Compile with a try to catch any StackTrace generated by the compiler:
+ try {
+ driver.process(allArgs ++ files.map(_.getAbsolutePath), reporter = reporter)
+ val javaFiles = files.filter(_.getName.endsWith(".java")).map(_.getAbsolutePath)
+ assert(compileWithJavac(javaFiles), s"java compilation failed for ${javaFiles.mkString(", ")}")
+ }
+ catch {
+ case NonFatal(ex) => reporter.logStackTrace(ex)
+ }
private[ParallelTesting] def executeTestSuite(): this.type = {
- assert(_testSourcesCompiled == 0, "not allowed to re-use a `CompileRun`")
+ assert(_testSourcesCompleted == 0, "not allowed to re-use a `CompileRun`")
if (filteredSources.nonEmpty) {
val pool = threadLimit match {
@@ -359,7 +398,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
if (isInteractive && !suppressAllOutput) pool.submit(createProgressMonitor)
filteredSources.foreach { target =>
- pool.submit(compilationRunnable(target))
+ pool.submit(encapsulatedCompilation(target))
@@ -379,7 +418,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
else echo {
- .map(r => s"""No files matched regex "$r" in test""")
+ .map(r => s"""No files matched "$r" in test""")
.getOrElse("No tests available under target - erroneous test?")
@@ -387,129 +426,109 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
- private final class PosTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)
+ private final class PosTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting)
extends Test(testSources, times, threadLimit, suppressAllOutput) {
- protected def compilationRunnable(testSource: TestSource): Runnable = new Runnable {
- def run(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
+ protected def encapsulatedCompilation(testSource: TestSource) = new LoggedRunnable {
+ def checkTestSource(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
testSource match {
case testSource @ JointCompilationSource(_, files, flags, outDir) => {
val reporter = compile(testSource.sourceFiles, flags, false, outDir)
- registerCompilation(reporter.errorCount)
+ registerCompletion(reporter.errorCount)
- if (reporter.errorCount > 0)
- echoBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
+ if (reporter.compilerCrashed || reporter.errorCount > 0) {
+ logReporterContents(reporter)
+ logBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
+ }
case testSource @ SeparateCompilationSource(_, dir, flags, outDir) => {
val reporters = testSource.compilationGroups.map(files => compile(files, flags, false, outDir))
+ val compilerCrashed = reporters.exists(_.compilerCrashed)
val errorCount = reporters.foldLeft(0) { (acc, reporter) =>
if (reporter.errorCount > 0)
- echoBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
+ logBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
acc + reporter.errorCount
- registerCompilation(errorCount)
+ def warningCount = reporters.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.warningCount)
+ registerCompletion(errorCount)
- if (errorCount > 0) failTestSource(testSource)
+ if (compilerCrashed || errorCount > 0) {
+ reporters.foreach(logReporterContents)
+ logBuildInstructions(reporters.head, testSource, errorCount, warningCount)
+ }
- private final class RunTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)
+ private final class RunTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting)
extends Test(testSources, times, threadLimit, suppressAllOutput) {
- private def runMain(dir: JFile, testSource: TestSource): Array[String] = {
- def renderStackTrace(ex: Throwable): String =
- if (ex == null) ""
- else ex.getStackTrace
- .takeWhile(_.getMethodName != "invoke0")
- .mkString(" ", "\n ", "")
- import java.io.{ ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream }
- import java.net.{ URL, URLClassLoader }
- val printStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream
+ private[this] var didAddNoRunWarning = false
+ private[this] def addNoRunWarning() = if (!didAddNoRunWarning) {
+ didAddNoRunWarning = true
+ summaryReport.addStartingMessage {
+ |-------
+ |Run tests were only compiled, not run - this is due to the `dotty.tests.norun`
+ |property being set
+ |""".stripMargin
+ }
+ }
- try {
- // Do classloading magic and running here:
- val ucl = new URLClassLoader(Array(dir.toURI.toURL))
- val cls = ucl.loadClass("Test")
- val meth = cls.getMethod("main", classOf[Array[String]])
- synchronized {
- try {
- val ps = new PrintStream(printStream)
- System.setOut(ps)
- System.setErr(ps)
- Console.withOut(printStream) {
- Console.withErr(printStream) {
- meth.invoke(null, Array("jvm")) // partest passes at least "jvm" as an arg
- }
- }
- System.setOut(realStdout)
- System.setErr(realStderr)
- } catch {
- case t: Throwable =>
- System.setOut(realStdout)
- System.setErr(realStderr)
- throw t
+ private def verifyOutput(checkFile: Option[JFile], dir: JFile, testSource: TestSource, warnings: Int) = {
+ if (Properties.testsNoRun) addNoRunWarning()
+ else runMain(testSource.classPath) match {
+ case Success(_) if !checkFile.isDefined || !checkFile.get.exists => // success!
+ case Success(output) => {
+ val outputLines = output.lines.toArray
+ val checkLines: Array[String] = Source.fromFile(checkFile.get).getLines.toArray
+ val sourceTitle = testSource.title
+ def linesMatch =
+ outputLines
+ .zip(checkLines)
+ .forall { case (x, y) => x == y }
+ if (outputLines.length != checkLines.length || !linesMatch) {
+ // Print diff to files and summary:
+ val diff = outputLines.zip(checkLines).map { case (act, exp) =>
+ DiffUtil.mkColoredLineDiff(exp, act)
+ }.mkString("\n")
+ val msg =
+ s"""|Output from '$sourceTitle' did not match check file.
+ |Diff ('e' is expected, 'a' is actual):
+ |""".stripMargin + diff + "\n"
+ echo(msg)
+ addFailureInstruction(msg)
+ // Print build instructions to file and summary:
+ val buildInstr = testSource.buildInstructions(0, warnings)
+ addFailureInstruction(buildInstr)
+ // Fail target:
+ failTestSource(testSource)
- }
- catch {
- case ex: NoSuchMethodException =>
- echo(s"test in '$dir' did not contain method: ${ex.getMessage}\n${renderStackTrace(ex.getCause)}")
- failTestSource(testSource)
- case ex: ClassNotFoundException =>
- echo(s"test in '$dir' did not contain class: ${ex.getMessage}\n${renderStackTrace(ex.getCause)}")
+ case Failure(output) =>
+ echo(s"Test '${testSource.title}' failed with output:")
+ echo(output)
- case ex: InvocationTargetException =>
- echo(s"An exception ocurred when running main: ${ex.getCause}\n${renderStackTrace(ex.getCause)}")
- failTestSource(testSource)
- }
- printStream.toString("utf-8").lines.toArray
- }
- private def verifyOutput(checkFile: JFile, dir: JFile, testSource: TestSource, warnings: Int) = {
- val outputLines = runMain(dir, testSource)
- val checkLines = Source.fromFile(checkFile).getLines.toArray
- val sourceTitle = testSource.title
- def linesMatch =
- outputLines
- .zip(checkLines)
- .forall { case (x, y) => x == y }
- if (outputLines.length != checkLines.length || !linesMatch) {
- // Print diff to files and summary:
- val diff = outputLines.zip(checkLines).map { case (act, exp) =>
- DiffUtil.mkColoredLineDiff(exp, act)
- }.mkString("\n")
- val msg =
- s"""|Output from '$sourceTitle' did not match check file.
- |Diff ('e' is expected, 'a' is actual):
- |""".stripMargin + diff + "\n"
- echo(msg)
- addFailureInstruction(msg)
- // Print build instructions to file and summary:
- val buildInstr = testSource.buildInstructions(0, warnings)
- addFailureInstruction(buildInstr)
- // Fail target:
- failTestSource(testSource)
+ case Timeout =>
+ echo("failed because test " + testSource.title + " timed out")
+ failTestSource(testSource, Some("test timed out"))
- protected def compilationRunnable(testSource: TestSource): Runnable = new Runnable {
- def run(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
- val (errorCount, warningCount, hasCheckFile, verifier: Function0[Unit]) = testSource match {
+ protected def encapsulatedCompilation(testSource: TestSource) = new LoggedRunnable {
+ def checkTestSource(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
+ val (compilerCrashed, errorCount, warningCount, verifier: Function0[Unit]) = testSource match {
case testSource @ JointCompilationSource(_, files, flags, outDir) => {
val checkFile = files.flatMap { file =>
if (file.isDirectory) Nil
@@ -522,49 +541,51 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
val reporter = compile(testSource.sourceFiles, flags, false, outDir)
- if (reporter.errorCount > 0)
- echoBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
+ if (reporter.compilerCrashed || reporter.errorCount > 0) {
+ logReporterContents(reporter)
+ logBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
+ }
- registerCompilation(reporter.errorCount)
- (reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount, checkFile.isDefined, () => verifyOutput(checkFile.get, outDir, testSource, reporter.warningCount))
+ (reporter.compilerCrashed, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount, () => verifyOutput(checkFile, outDir, testSource, reporter.warningCount))
case testSource @ SeparateCompilationSource(_, dir, flags, outDir) => {
val checkFile = new JFile(dir.getAbsolutePath.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '/').reverse + ".check")
+ val reporters = testSource.compilationGroups.map(compile(_, flags, false, outDir))
+ val compilerCrashed = reporters.exists(_.compilerCrashed)
val (errorCount, warningCount) =
- testSource
- .compilationGroups
- .map(compile(_, flags, false, outDir))
- .foldLeft((0,0)) { case ((errors, warnings), reporter) =>
- if (reporter.errorCount > 0)
- echoBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
+ reporters.foldLeft((0,0)) { case ((errors, warnings), reporter) =>
+ if (reporter.errorCount > 0)
+ logBuildInstructions(reporter, testSource, reporter.errorCount, reporter.warningCount)
- (errors + reporter.errorCount, warnings + reporter.warningCount)
- }
+ (errors + reporter.errorCount, warnings + reporter.warningCount)
+ }
- if (errorCount > 0) fail()
+ if (errorCount > 0) {
+ reporters.foreach(logReporterContents)
+ logBuildInstructions(reporters.head, testSource, errorCount, warningCount)
+ }
- registerCompilation(errorCount)
- (errorCount, warningCount, checkFile.exists, () => verifyOutput(checkFile, outDir, testSource, warningCount))
+ (compilerCrashed, errorCount, warningCount, () => verifyOutput(Some(checkFile), outDir, testSource, warningCount))
- if (errorCount == 0 && hasCheckFile) verifier()
- else if (errorCount == 0) runMain(testSource.outDir, testSource)
- else if (errorCount > 0) {
- echo(s"\nCompilation failed for: '$testSource'")
+ if (!compilerCrashed && errorCount == 0) verifier()
+ else {
+ echo(s" Compilation failed for: '${testSource.title}' ")
val buildInstr = testSource.buildInstructions(errorCount, warningCount)
+ registerCompletion(errorCount)
- private final class NegTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)
+ private final class NegTest(testSources: List[TestSource], times: Int, threadLimit: Option[Int], suppressAllOutput: Boolean)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting)
extends Test(testSources, times, threadLimit, suppressAllOutput) {
- protected def compilationRunnable(testSource: TestSource): Runnable = new Runnable {
- def run(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
+ protected def encapsulatedCompilation(testSource: TestSource) = new LoggedRunnable {
+ def checkTestSource(): Unit = tryCompile(testSource) {
// In neg-tests we allow two types of error annotations,
// "nopos-error" which doesn't care about position and "error" which
// has to be annotated on the correct line number.
@@ -616,27 +637,39 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
- val (expectedErrors, actualErrors, hasMissingAnnotations, errorMap) = testSource match {
+ val (compilerCrashed, expectedErrors, actualErrors, hasMissingAnnotations, errorMap) = testSource match {
case testSource @ JointCompilationSource(_, files, flags, outDir) => {
val sourceFiles = testSource.sourceFiles
val (errorMap, expectedErrors) = getErrorMapAndExpectedCount(sourceFiles)
val reporter = compile(sourceFiles, flags, true, outDir)
val actualErrors = reporter.errorCount
- (expectedErrors, actualErrors, () => getMissingExpectedErrors(errorMap, reporter.errors), errorMap)
+ if (reporter.compilerCrashed || actualErrors > 0)
+ logReporterContents(reporter)
+ (reporter.compilerCrashed, expectedErrors, actualErrors, () => getMissingExpectedErrors(errorMap, reporter.errors), errorMap)
case testSource @ SeparateCompilationSource(_, dir, flags, outDir) => {
val compilationGroups = testSource.compilationGroups
val (errorMap, expectedErrors) = getErrorMapAndExpectedCount(compilationGroups.toArray.flatten)
val reporters = compilationGroups.map(compile(_, flags, true, outDir))
+ val compilerCrashed = reporters.exists(_.compilerCrashed)
val actualErrors = reporters.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.errorCount)
val errors = reporters.iterator.flatMap(_.errors)
- (expectedErrors, actualErrors, () => getMissingExpectedErrors(errorMap, errors), errorMap)
+ if (actualErrors > 0)
+ reporters.foreach(logReporterContents)
+ (compilerCrashed, expectedErrors, actualErrors, () => getMissingExpectedErrors(errorMap, errors), errorMap)
- if (expectedErrors != actualErrors) {
+ if (compilerCrashed) {
+ echo(s"Compiler crashed when compiling: ${testSource.title}")
+ failTestSource(testSource)
+ }
+ else if (expectedErrors != actualErrors) {
echo {
s"\nWrong number of errors encountered when compiling $testSource, expected: $expectedErrors, actual: $actualErrors\n"
@@ -655,7 +688,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
- registerCompilation(actualErrors)
+ registerCompletion(actualErrors)
@@ -805,7 +838,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
* compilation without generating errors and that they do not crash the
* compiler
- def checkCompile(): this.type = {
+ def checkCompile()(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): this.type = {
val test = new PosTest(targets, times, threadLimit, shouldFail).executeTestSuite()
if (!shouldFail && test.didFail) {
@@ -822,7 +855,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
* correct amount of errors at the correct positions. It also makes sure
* that none of these tests crash the compiler
- def checkExpectedErrors(): this.type = {
+ def checkExpectedErrors()(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): this.type = {
val test = new NegTest(targets, times, threadLimit, shouldFail).executeTestSuite()
if (!shouldFail && test.didFail) {
@@ -840,7 +873,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
* the compiler; it also makes sure that all tests can run with the
* expected output
- def checkRuns(): this.type = {
+ def checkRuns()(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): this.type = {
val test = new RunTest(targets, times, threadLimit, shouldFail).executeTestSuite()
if (!shouldFail && test.didFail) {
@@ -983,6 +1016,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to reflectively find calling method")
+ .takeWhile(_ != '$')
/** Compiles a single file from the string path `f` using the supplied flags */
@@ -1037,7 +1071,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
val targetDir = new JFile(outDir + "/" + sourceDir.getName + "/")
- val target = JointCompilationSource(callingMethod, randomized, flags, targetDir)
+ val target = JointCompilationSource(s"compiling '$f' in test '$callingMethod'", randomized, flags, targetDir)
new CompilationTest(target)
@@ -1054,7 +1088,7 @@ trait ParallelTesting { self =>
assert(targetDir.exists, s"couldn't create target directory: $targetDir")
- val target = JointCompilationSource(callingMethod, files.map(new JFile(_)).toArray, flags, targetDir)
+ val target = JointCompilationSource(s"$testName from $callingMethod", files.map(new JFile(_)).toArray, flags, targetDir)
// Create a CompilationTest and let the user decide whether to execute a pos or a neg test
new CompilationTest(target)
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad068e9ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/RunnerOrchestration.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+package dotty
+package tools
+package vulpix
+import java.io.{ File => JFile, InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, PrintStream }
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
+import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
+import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
+import scala.collection.mutable
+/** Vulpix spawns JVM subprocesses (`numberOfSlaves`) in order to run tests
+ * without compromising the main JVM
+ *
+ * These need to be orchestrated in a safe manner with a simple protocol. This
+ * interface provides just that.
+ *
+ * The protocol is defined as:
+ *
+ * - master sends classpath to for which to run `Test#main` and waits for
+ * `maxDuration`
+ * - slave invokes the method and waits until completion
+ * - upon completion it sends back a `RunComplete` message
+ * - the master checks if the child is still alive
+ * - child is still alive, the output was valid
+ * - child is dead, the output is the failure message
+ *
+ * If this whole chain of events is not completed within `maxDuration`, the
+ * child process is destroyed and a new child is spawned.
+ */
+trait RunnerOrchestration {
+ /** The maximum amount of active runners, which contain a child JVM */
+ def numberOfSlaves: Int
+ /** The maximum duration the child process is allowed to consume before
+ * getting destroyed
+ */
+ def maxDuration: Duration
+ /** Destroy and respawn process after each test */
+ def safeMode: Boolean
+ /** Running a `Test` class's main method from the specified `dir` */
+ def runMain(classPath: String)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): Status =
+ monitor.runMain(classPath)
+ private[this] val monitor = new RunnerMonitor
+ /** The runner monitor object keeps track of child JVM processes by keeping
+ * them in two structures - one for free, and one for busy children.
+ *
+ * When a user calls `runMain` the monitor makes takes a free JVM and blocks
+ * until the run is complete - or `maxDuration` has passed. It then performs
+ * cleanup by returning the used JVM to the free list, or respawning it if
+ * it died
+ */
+ private class RunnerMonitor {
+ def runMain(classPath: String)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): Status =
+ withRunner(_.runMain(classPath))
+ private class Runner(private var process: Process) {
+ private[this] var childStdout: BufferedReader = _
+ private[this] var childStdin: PrintStream = _
+ /** Checks if `process` is still alive
+ *
+ * When `process.exitValue()` is called on an active process the caught
+ * exception is thrown. As such we can know if the subprocess exited or
+ * not.
+ */
+ def isAlive: Boolean =
+ try { process.exitValue(); false }
+ catch { case _: IllegalThreadStateException => true }
+ /** Destroys the underlying process and kills IO streams */
+ def kill(): Unit = {
+ if (process ne null) process.destroy()
+ process = null
+ childStdout = null
+ childStdin = null
+ }
+ /** Did add hook to kill the child VMs? */
+ private[this] var didAddCleanupCallback = false
+ /** Blocks less than `maxDuration` while running `Test.main` from `dir` */
+ def runMain(classPath: String)(implicit summaryReport: SummaryReporting): Status = {
+ if (!didAddCleanupCallback) {
+ // If for some reason the test runner (i.e. sbt) doesn't kill the VM, we
+ // need to clean up ourselves.
+ summaryReport.addCleanup(killAll)
+ }
+ assert(process ne null,
+ "Runner was killed and then reused without setting a new process")
+ // Makes the encapsulating RunnerMonitor spawn a new runner
+ def respawn(): Unit = {
+ process.destroy()
+ process = createProcess
+ childStdout = null
+ childStdin = null
+ }
+ if (childStdin eq null)
+ childStdin = new PrintStream(process.getOutputStream, /* autoFlush = */ true)
+ // pass file to running process
+ childStdin.println(classPath)
+ // Create a future reading the object:
+ val readOutput = Future {
+ val sb = new StringBuilder
+ if (childStdout eq null)
+ childStdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream))
+ var childOutput = childStdout.readLine()
+ while (childOutput != ChildJVMMain.MessageEnd && childOutput != null) {
+ sb.append(childOutput)
+ sb += '\n'
+ childOutput = childStdout.readLine()
+ }
+ if (process.isAlive && childOutput != null) Success(sb.toString)
+ else Failure(sb.toString)
+ }
+ // Await result for `maxDuration` and then timout and destroy the
+ // process:
+ val status =
+ try Await.result(readOutput, maxDuration)
+ catch { case _: TimeoutException => Timeout }
+ // Handle failure of the VM:
+ status match {
+ case _: Success if safeMode => respawn()
+ case _: Success => // no need to respawn sub process
+ case _: Failure => respawn()
+ case Timeout => respawn()
+ }
+ status
+ }
+ }
+ /** Create a process which has the classpath of the `ChildJVMMain` and the
+ * scala library.
+ */
+ private def createProcess: Process = {
+ val sep = sys.props("file.separator")
+ val cp =
+ classOf[ChildJVMMain].getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.getFile + ":" +
+ Jars.scalaLibraryFromRuntime
+ val javaBin = sys.props("java.home") + sep + "bin" + sep + "java"
+ new ProcessBuilder(javaBin, "-cp", cp, "dotty.tools.vulpix.ChildJVMMain")
+ .redirectErrorStream(true)
+ .redirectInput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE)
+ .redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE)
+ .start()
+ }
+ private[this] val allRunners = List.fill(numberOfSlaves)(new Runner(createProcess))
+ private[this] val freeRunners = mutable.Queue(allRunners: _*)
+ private[this] val busyRunners = mutable.Set.empty[Runner]
+ private def getRunner(): Runner = synchronized {
+ while (freeRunners.isEmpty) wait()
+ val runner = freeRunners.dequeue()
+ busyRunners += runner
+ notify()
+ runner
+ }
+ private def freeRunner(runner: Runner): Unit = synchronized {
+ freeRunners.enqueue(runner)
+ busyRunners -= runner
+ notify()
+ }
+ private def withRunner[T](op: Runner => T): T = {
+ val runner = getRunner()
+ val result = op(runner)
+ freeRunner(runner)
+ result
+ }
+ private def killAll(): Unit = allRunners.foreach(_.kill())
+ // On shutdown, we need to kill all runners:
+ sys.addShutdownHook(killAll())
+ }
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Status.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Status.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3de7aff2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/Status.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package vulpix
+sealed trait Status
+final case class Success(output: String) extends Status
+final case class Failure(output: String) extends Status
+final case object Timeout extends Status
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..678d88809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/SummaryReport.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package dotty
+package tools
+package vulpix
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import dotc.reporting.TestReporter
+/** `SummaryReporting` can be used by unit tests by utilizing `@AfterClass` to
+ * call `echoSummary`
+ *
+ * This is used in vulpix by passing the companion object's `SummaryReporting`
+ * to each test, the `@AfterClass def` then calls the `SummaryReport`'s
+ * `echoSummary` method in order to dump the summary to both stdout and a log
+ * file
+ */
+trait SummaryReporting {
+ /** Report a failed test */
+ def reportFailed(): Unit
+ /** Report a test as passing */
+ def reportPassed(): Unit
+ /** Add the name of the failed test */
+ def addFailedTest(msg: String): Unit
+ /** Add instructions to reproduce the error */
+ def addReproduceInstruction(instr: String): Unit
+ /** Add a message that will be issued in the beginning of the summary */
+ def addStartingMessage(msg: String): Unit
+ /** Add a cleanup hook to be run upon completion */
+ def addCleanup(f: () => Unit): Unit
+ /** Echo the summary report to the appropriate locations */
+ def echoSummary(): Unit
+ /** Echoes *immediately* to file */
+ def echoToLog(msg: String): Unit
+ /** Echoes contents of `it` to file *immediately* then flushes */
+ def echoToLog(it: Iterator[String]): Unit
+/** A summary report that doesn't do anything */
+final class NoSummaryReport extends SummaryReporting {
+ def reportFailed(): Unit = ()
+ def reportPassed(): Unit = ()
+ def addFailedTest(msg: String): Unit = ()
+ def addReproduceInstruction(instr: String): Unit = ()
+ def addStartingMessage(msg: String): Unit = ()
+ def addCleanup(f: () => Unit): Unit = ()
+ def echoSummary(): Unit = ()
+ def echoToLog(msg: String): Unit = ()
+ def echoToLog(it: Iterator[String]): Unit = ()
+/** A summary report that logs to both stdout and the `TestReporter.logWriter`
+ * which outputs to a log file in `./testlogs/`
+ */
+final class SummaryReport extends SummaryReporting {
+ private val startingMessages = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
+ private val failedTests = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
+ private val reproduceInstructions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[String]
+ private val cleanUps = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[() => Unit]
+ private[this] var passed = 0
+ private[this] var failed = 0
+ def reportFailed(): Unit =
+ failed += 1
+ def reportPassed(): Unit =
+ passed += 1
+ def addFailedTest(msg: String): Unit =
+ failedTests.append(msg)
+ def addReproduceInstruction(instr: String): Unit =
+ reproduceInstructions.append(instr)
+ def addStartingMessage(msg: String): Unit =
+ startingMessages.append(msg)
+ def addCleanup(f: () => Unit): Unit =
+ cleanUps.append(f)
+ /** Both echoes the summary to stdout and prints to file */
+ def echoSummary(): Unit = {
+ import SummaryReport._
+ val rep = new StringBuilder
+ rep.append(
+ s"""|
+ |================================================================================
+ |Test Report
+ |================================================================================
+ |
+ |$passed passed, $failed failed, ${passed + failed} total
+ |""".stripMargin
+ )
+ startingMessages.foreach(rep.append)
+ failedTests.map(x => s" $x\n").foreach(rep.append)
+ // If we're compiling locally, we don't need instructions on how to
+ // reproduce failures
+ if (isInteractive) {
+ println(rep.toString)
+ if (failed > 0) println {
+ s"""|
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ |Note - reproduction instructions have been dumped to log file:
+ | ${TestReporter.logPath}
+ |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------""".stripMargin
+ }
+ }
+ rep += '\n'
+ reproduceInstructions.foreach(rep.append)
+ // If we're on the CI, we want everything
+ if (!isInteractive) println(rep.toString)
+ TestReporter.logPrintln(rep.toString)
+ // Perform cleanup callback:
+ if (cleanUps.nonEmpty) cleanUps.foreach(_.apply())
+ }
+ def echoToLog(msg: String): Unit =
+ TestReporter.logPrintln(msg)
+ def echoToLog(it: Iterator[String]): Unit = {
+ it.foreach(TestReporter.logPrint)
+ TestReporter.logFlush()
+ }
+object SummaryReport {
+ val isInteractive = Properties.testsInteractive && !Properties.isRunByDrone
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/TestConfiguration.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/TestConfiguration.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dcf3fbaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/TestConfiguration.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+package dotty
+package tools
+package vulpix
+object TestConfiguration {
+ implicit val defaultOutputDir: String = "../out/"
+ implicit class RichStringArray(val xs: Array[String]) extends AnyVal {
+ def and(args: String*): Array[String] = {
+ val argsArr: Array[String] = args.toArray
+ xs ++ argsArr
+ }
+ }
+ val noCheckOptions = Array(
+ "-pagewidth", "120",
+ "-color:never"
+ )
+ val checkOptions = Array(
+ "-Yno-deep-subtypes",
+ "-Yno-double-bindings",
+ "-Yforce-sbt-phases"
+ )
+ val classPath = {
+ val paths = Jars.dottyTestDeps map { p =>
+ val file = new java.io.File(p)
+ assert(
+ file.exists,
+ s"""|File "$p" couldn't be found. Run `packageAll` from build tool before
+ |testing.
+ |
+ |If running without sbt, test paths need to be setup environment variables:
+ |
+ |
+ |Where these all contain locations, except extras which is a colon
+ |separated list of jars.
+ |
+ |When compiling with eclipse, you need the sbt-interfaces jar, put
+ |it in extras."""
+ )
+ file.getAbsolutePath
+ } mkString (":")
+ Array("-classpath", paths)
+ }
+ private val yCheckOptions = Array("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef")
+ val defaultOptions = noCheckOptions ++ checkOptions ++ yCheckOptions ++ classPath
+ val allowDeepSubtypes = defaultOptions diff Array("-Yno-deep-subtypes")
+ val allowDoubleBindings = defaultOptions diff Array("-Yno-double-bindings")
+ val picklingOptions = defaultOptions ++ Array(
+ "-Xprint-types",
+ "-Ytest-pickler",
+ "-Ystop-after:pickler",
+ "-Yprintpos"
+ )
+ val scala2Mode = defaultOptions ++ Array("-language:Scala2")
+ val explicitUTF8 = defaultOptions ++ Array("-encoding", "UTF8")
+ val explicitUTF16 = defaultOptions ++ Array("-encoding", "UTF16")
diff --git a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTestTests.scala b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/VulpixTests.scala
index cfb108ea7..f875e7c13 100644
--- a/compiler/test/dotty/tools/dotc/ParallelTestTests.scala
+++ b/compiler/test/dotty/tools/vulpix/VulpixTests.scala
@@ -1,15 +1,21 @@
-package dotty
-package tools
-package dotc
+package dotty.tools
+package vulpix
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
+import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
-class ParallelTestTests extends ParallelTesting {
- import CompilationTests._
+/** Meta tests for the Vulpix test suite */
+class VulpixTests extends ParallelTesting {
+ import TestConfiguration._
+ implicit val _: SummaryReporting = new NoSummaryReport
+ def maxDuration = 3.seconds
+ def numberOfSlaves = 5
+ def safeMode = sys.env.get("SAFEMODE").isDefined
def isInteractive = !sys.env.contains("DRONE")
def testFilter = None
@@ -55,4 +61,16 @@ class ParallelTestTests extends ParallelTesting {
@Test def runOutRedirects: Unit =
compileFile("../tests/partest-test/i2147.scala", defaultOptions).expectFailure.checkRuns()
+ @Test def infiteNonRec: Unit =
+ compileFile("../tests/partest-test/infinite.scala", defaultOptions).expectFailure.checkRuns()
+ @Test def infiteTailRec: Unit =
+ compileFile("../tests/partest-test/infiniteTail.scala", defaultOptions).expectFailure.checkRuns()
+ @Test def infiniteAlloc: Unit =
+ compileFile("../tests/partest-test/infiniteAlloc.scala", defaultOptions).expectFailure.checkRuns()
+ @Test def deadlock: Unit =
+ compileFile("../tests/partest-test/deadlock.scala", defaultOptions).expectFailure.checkRuns()