path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala')
1 files changed, 83 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
index c9405af86..44cefe5e6 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Typer.scala
@@ -14,8 +14,87 @@ import language.implicitConversions
trait TyperContextOps { ctx: Context => }
-class Typer {
- def typed(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = ???
- def typedExpr(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = ???
- def typedType(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = ???
+class Typer extends Namer {
+ import tpd._
+ def typed(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = ???
+ def typedExpr(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = ???
+ def typedType(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = ???
+ type DefTyper[UT <: untpd.NameTree, T <: tpd.Tree] = (UT, NamedType) => Context => T
+ def lateDef[UT <: untpd.NameTree, T <: tpd.Tree](defn: UT, op: DefTyper[UT, T])(implicit ctx: Context): T = {
+ val sym = symOfUntypedTree(defn)
+ sym.ensureCompleted()
+ untypedTreeOfSym -= sym
+ typedTreeOfSym remove sym match {
+ case Some(tree) => tree.asInstanceOf[T]
+ case None => op(defn, sym.symRef)(ctx)
+ }
+ }
+ def aheadDef[UT <: untpd.NameTree, T <: tpd.Tree](defn: UT, op: DefTyper[UT, T])(implicit ctx: Context): T = {
+ val sym = symOfUntypedTree(defn)
+ val tree1 = op(defn, sym.symRef)(ctx)
+ typedTreeOfSym(sym) = tree1
+ tree1
+ }
+ def noDefTyper: DefTyper[untpd.NameTree, Nothing] = { (tdef, pt) => implicit ctx => ??? }
+ val completeTypeDef: DefTyper[untpd.TypeDef, TypeDef] = { (tdef, pt) => implicit ctx =>
+ val Trees.TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) = tdef
+ val mods1 = typedModifiers(mods)
+ val tparams1 = reEnterParams(tparams)
+ val rhs1 = typedType(rhs)
+ tdef.withType(pt).derivedTypeDef(mods1, name, tparams1, rhs1)
+ }
+ def typedTypedDef(tdef: untpd.TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef =
+ lateDef(tdef, completeTypeDef)
+ def typedTptRhs(tpt: untpd.Tree, rhs: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): (Tree, Tree) = {
+ var tpt1: Tree = EmptyTree
+ var rhs1: Tree = EmptyTree
+ if (tpt.isEmpty) {
+ rhs1 = typedExpr(rhs)
+ tpt1 = tpt.withType(rhs1.tpe)
+ } else {
+ tpt1 = typedType(tpt)
+ rhs1 = typedExpr(rhs, tpt1.tpe)
+ }
+ (tpt1, rhs1)
+ }
+ val completeValDef: DefTyper[untpd.ValDef, ValDef] = { (vdef, pt) => implicit ctx: Context =>
+ val Trees.ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) = vdef
+ val mods1 = typedModifiers(mods)
+ val (tpt1, rhs1) = typedTptRhs(tpt, rhs)
+ vdef.withType(tpt1.tpe).derivedValDef(mods1, name, tpt1, rhs1)
+ }
+ def reEnterParams[UT <: untpd.NameTree, T <: tpd.Tree](params: List[UT])(implicit ctx: Context): List[T] = {
+ for (param <- params) yield {
+ val sym = symOfUntypedTree(param)
+ ctx.enterSym(sym)
+ lateDef(param, noDefTyper)
+ }
+ }
+ val completeDefDef: DefTyper[untpd.DefDef, DefDef] = { (ddef, pt) => implicit ctx: Context =>
+ val Trees.DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) = ddef
+ val mods1 = typedModifiers(mods)
+ val tparams1: List[TypeDef] = reEnterParams(tparams)
+ val vparamss1: List[List[ValDef]] = vparamss.mapconserve(reEnterParams)
+ val (tpt1, rhs1) = typedTptRhs(tpt, rhs)
+ ddef.withType(tpt1.tpe).derivedDefDef(mods1, name, tparams1, vparamss1, tpt1, rhs1)
+ }
+ def typedImport(imp: untpd.Import, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Import = {
+ val expr1 = typed(imp.expr)
+ imp.withType(pt).derivedImport(expr1, imp.selectors)
+ }
+ def typedModifiers(mods: untpd.Modifiers): Modifiers = ???
} \ No newline at end of file