path: root/AUTHORS.md
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix #2186: Synchronize classpath handling with Scala 2.12Guillaume Martres2017-04-111-9/+14
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This commit is a very crude port of the classpath handling as it exists in the 2.12.x branch of scalac (hash: 232d95a198c94da0c6c8393624e83e9b9ac84e81), this replaces the existing Classpath code that was adapted from scalac years ago. This code was written by Grzegorz Kossakowski, MichaƂ Pociecha, Lukas Rytz, Jason Zaugg and other scalac contributors, many thanks to them! For more information on this implementation, see the description of the PR that originally added it to scalac: https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/4060 Changes made to the copied code to get it to compile with dotty: - Rename scala.tools.nsc.util.ClassPath to dotty.tools.io.ClassPath - Rename scala.tools.nsc.classpath.* to dotty.tools.dotc.classpath.* - Replace "private[nsc]" by "private[dotty]" - Changed `isClass` methods in FileUtils to skip Scala 2.11 implementation classes (needed until we stop being retro-compatible with Scala 2.11) I also copied PlainFile.scala from scalac to get access to `PlainNioFile`.
* Make the dotty-bridge sbt project a subproject of dottyGuillaume Martres2016-06-071-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | Note that the dotty-bridge tests will not be run automatically by `test` which is short for `dotty/test`, to run the dotty-bridge tests, do in sbt: > dotty-bridge/test > dotty-bridge/scripted Original history: https://github.com/smarter/dotty-bridge/commits/master
* Add sbt incremental compilation supportGuillaume Martres2016-05-281-1/+10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | To test this with sbt, see https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/wiki/Using-Dotty-with-sbt The following flags are added: - -Yforce-sbt-phases: Run the phases used by sbt for incremental compilation (ExtractDependencies and ExtractAPI) even if the compiler is ran outside of sbt, for debugging. - -Ydump-sbt-inc: For every compiled foo.scala, output the API representation and dependencies used for sbt incremental compilation in foo.inc, implies -Yforce-sbt-phases. This commit introduces two new phases which do not transform trees: - `ExtractDependencies` which extracts the dependency information of the current compilation unit and sends it to sbt via callbacks - `ExtractAPI` which creates a representation of the API of the current compilation unit and sends it to sbt via callbacks Briefly, when a file changes sbt will recompile it, if its API has changed (determined by what `ExtractAPI` sent) then sbt will determine which reverse-dependencies (determined by what `ExtractDependencies` sent) of the API have to be recompiled depending on what changed. See http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Understanding-Recompilation.html for more information on how sbt incremental compilation works. This phase was originally based on https://github.com/adriaanm/scala/tree/sbt-api-consolidate/src/compiler/scala/tools/sbt which attempts to integrate the sbt phases into scalac (and is itself based on https://github.com/sbt/sbt/tree/0.13/compile/interface/src/main/scala/xsbt), but it has been heavily refactored and adapted to Dotty. The main functional differences are: - ExtractDependencies runs right after Frontend (so that we don't lose dependency informations because of the simplifications done by PostTyper), but ExtractAPI runs right after PostTyper (so that SuperAccessors are part of the API). - `ExtractAPI` only extract types as they are defined and never "as seen from" some some specific prefix, see its documentation for more details. - `ExtractDependenciesTraverser` and `ExtractUsedNames` have been fused into one tree traversal in `ExtractDependenciesCollector`. TODO: Try to run these phases in parallel with the rest of the compiler pipeline since they're independent (except for the sbt callbacks in `GenBCode`) ?
* Add attribution in AUTHORS.mdFelix Mulder2016-05-171-0/+7
* Fix typos in docsAdriaan Moors2014-02-231-11/+6
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-1/+1
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-1/+1
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-1/+1
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-2/+3
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-1/+1
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-9/+9
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-1/+1
* Update AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-1/+1
* Create AUTHORS.mdodersky2014-02-231-0/+51