abstract class Context
extends Periods with Substituters with TypeOps with Phases with Printers with Symbols with SymDenotations with Reporting with NamerContextOps with Cloneable

A context is passed basically everywhere in dotc. This is convenient but carries the risk of captured contexts in objects that turn into space leaks. To combat this risk, here are some conventions to follow:

  • Never let an implicit context be an argument of a class whose instances live longer than the context.
  • Classes that need contexts for their initialization take an explicit parameter named initctx. They pass initctx to all positions where it is needed (and these positions should all be part of the intialization sequence of the class).
  • Classes that need contexts that survive initialization are instead passed a "condensed context", typically named cctx (or they create one). Condensed contexts just add some basic information to the context base without the risk of capturing complete trees.
  • To make sure these rules are kept, it would be good to do a sanity check using bytecode inspection with javap or scalap: Keep track of all class fields of type context; allow them only in whitelisted classes (which should be short-lived).


Context ( )
Context ( )
Context ( )
Context ( ctx: Context )
Context ( c: Context )
Context ( c: Context )
Context ( ctx: Context )


[+] val NoPhase : NoPhase$
[+] val SomePhase : SomePhase$
[+] private var _compilationUnit : CompilationUnit

The current tree

The current tree

[+] private var _compilerCallback : CompilerCallback

The compiler callback implementation, or null if no callback will be called.

The compiler callback implementation, or null if no callback will be called.

[+] private var _diagnostics : Option [ StringBuilder ]

An optional diagostics buffer than is used by some checking code to provide more information in the buffer if it exists.

An optional diagostics buffer than is used by some checking code to provide more information in the buffer if it exists.

[+] private var _freshNames : FreshNameCreator

The current fresh name creator

The current fresh name creator

[+] private var _gadt : GADTMap

The current bounds in force for type parameters appearing in a GADT

The current bounds in force for type parameters appearing in a GADT

[+] private var _importInfo : ImportInfo

The currently active import info

The currently active import info

[+] private var _mode : Mode

The scope nesting level

The scope nesting level

[+] private var _moreProperties : Map [ Key [ Any ], Any ]

A map in which more contextual properties can be stored

A map in which more contextual properties can be stored

[+] var _nextId : Int

A counter for unique ids

A counter for unique ids

[+] private var _outer : Context

The outer context

The outer context

[+] private var _owner : Symbol

The current owner symbol

The current owner symbol

[+] private var _period : Period

The current context

The current context

[+] private var _printerFn : Context => Printer

The current plain printer

The current plain printer

[+] private var _runInfo : RunInfo

The current compiler-run specific Info

The current compiler-run specific Info

[+] private var _sbtCallback : AnalysisCallback

The sbt callback implementation if we are run from sbt, null otherwise

The sbt callback implementation if we are run from sbt, null otherwise

[+] private var _scope : Scope

The current scope

The current scope

[+] private var _searchHistory : SearchHistory

The history of implicit searches that are currently active

The history of implicit searches that are currently active

[+] private var _sstate : SettingsState

The current settings values

The current settings values

[+] private var _tree : Tree [ Untyped <: Any ]

The current tree

The current tree

[+] private var _typeAssigner : TypeAssigner

The current type assigner or typer

The current type assigner or typer

[+] private var _typeComparer : TypeComparer
[+] private var _typerState : TyperState

The current type comparer

The current type comparer

[+] val base : ContextBase

The context base at the root

The context base at the root

[+] var classOfId : Array [ ClassSymbol ]

A map from a superclass id to the typeref of the class that has it

A map from a superclass id to the typeref of the class that has it

[+] private var creationTrace : Array [ StackTraceElement ]

If -Ydebug is on, the top of the stack trace where this context was created, otherwise null.

If -Ydebug is on, the top of the stack trace where this context was created, otherwise null.

[+] val definitions : Definitions

The standard definitions

The standard definitions

[+] var denotTransformers : Array [ DenotTransformer ]
[+] var findMemberCount : Int

Number of findMember calls on stack

Number of findMember calls on stack

[+] private var implicitsCache : ContextualImplicits

The new implicit references that are introduced by this scope

The new implicit references that are introduced by this scope

[+] var indent : Int
[+] val indentTab : String
[+] val initialCtx : Context

The initial context

The initial context

[+] var lastSuperId : Int

The last allocated superclass id

The last allocated superclass id

[+] val loaders : SymbolLoaders

The symbol loaders

The symbol loaders

[+] var nextDenotTransformerId : Array [ Int ]

Next denotation transformer id

Next denotation transformer id

[+] var pendingMemberSearches : List [ Name ]

List of names which have a findMemberCall on stack, after Config.LogPendingFindMemberThreshold is reached.

List of names which have a findMemberCall on stack, after Config.LogPendingFindMemberThreshold is reached.

[+] val pendingUnderlying : HashSet [ Type ]

The set of named types on which a currently active invocation of underlying during a controlled operation exists.

The set of named types on which a currently active invocation of underlying during a controlled operation exists.

[+] private var phasedCtx : Context

Those fields are used to cache phases created in withPhase. phasedCtx is first phase with altered phase ever requested. phasedCtxs is array that uses ph...

Those fields are used to cache phases created in withPhase. phasedCtx is first phase with altered phase ever requested. phasedCtxs is array that uses phaseId's as indexes, contexts are created only on request and cached in this array

[+] private var phasedCtxs : Array [ Context ]
[+] var phases : Array [ Phase ]

Phases by id

Phases by id

[+] var phasesPlan : List [ List [ Phase ] ]
[+] val settings : ScalaSettings

The applicable settings

The applicable settings

[+] var squashedPhases : Array [ Phase ]

Phases with consecutive Transforms grouped into a single phase, Empty array if squashing is disabled

Phases with consecutive Transforms grouped into a single phase, Empty array if squashing is disabled

[+] val superIdOfClass : AnyRefMap [ ClassSymbol, Int ]

A map from a the typeref of a class to its superclass id

A map from a the typeref of a class to its superclass id

[+] var toTextRecursions : Int

Number of recursive invocations of a show method on current stack

Number of recursive invocations of a show method on current stack

[+] var underlyingRecursions : Int

The number of recursive invocation of underlying on a NamedType during a controlled operation.

The number of recursive invocation of underlying on a NamedType during a controlled operation.

[+] val uniqueNamedTypes : NamedTypeUniques

A table for hash consing unique named types

A table for hash consing unique named types

[+] val uniqueRefinedTypes : RefinedUniques

A table for hash consing unique refined types

A table for hash consing unique refined types

[+] val uniqueTypeAliases : TypeAliasUniques

A table for hash consing unique type bounds

A table for hash consing unique type bounds

[+] val uniques : HashSet [ Type ]

A table for hash consing unique types

A table for hash consing unique types

[+] var unsafeNonvariant : RunId

A flag that some unsafe nonvariant instantiation was encountered in this run. Used as a shortcut to a avoid scans of types in Typer.typedSelect.

A flag that some unsafe nonvariant instantiation was encountered in this run. Used as a shortcut to a avoid scans of types in Typer.typedSelect.

[+] private def _diagnostics_= ( x$1: Option [ StringBuilder ] ) : Unit

An optional diagostics buffer than is used by some checking code to provide more information in the buffer if it exists.

An optional diagostics buffer than is used by some checking code to provide more information in the buffer if it exists.

[+] private def _gadt_= ( x$1: GADTMap ) : Unit

The current bounds in force for type parameters appearing in a GADT

The current bounds in force for type parameters appearing in a GADT

[+] private def _moreProperties_= ( x$1: Map [ Key [ Any ], Any ] ) : Unit

A map in which more contextual properties can be stored

A map in which more contextual properties can be stored

[+] def _nextId_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

A counter for unique ids

A counter for unique ids

[+] private def _searchHistory_= ( x$1: SearchHistory ) : Unit

The history of implicit searches that are currently active

The history of implicit searches that are currently active

[+] private def _typeComparer_= ( x$1: TypeComparer ) : Unit
[+] def addMode ( mode: Mode ) : Context
[+] def allPhases : Repr
[+] def atPrec ( prec: Precedence ) ( op: => Text ) : Text

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec.

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec.

[+] def changePrec ( prec: Precedence ) ( op: => Text ) : Text

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec. If new level prec is lower than previous level, put text in parentheses.

Generate text using op, assuming a given precedence level prec. If new level prec is lower than previous level, put text in parentheses.

[+] def checkSingleThreaded ( ) : Unit

Check that we are on the same thread as before

Check that we are on the same thread as before

[+] def classOfId_= ( x$1: Array [ ClassSymbol ] ) : Unit

A map from a superclass id to the typeref of the class that has it

A map from a superclass id to the typeref of the class that has it

[+] def clone ( ) : Object
[+] def compilationUnit : CompilationUnit
[+] protected def compilationUnit_= ( compilationUnit: CompilationUnit ) : Unit
[+] def compilerCallback : CompilerCallback
[+] protected def compilerCallback_= ( callback: CompilerCallback ) : Unit
[+] private def creationTrace_= ( x$1: Array [ StackTraceElement ] ) : Unit

If -Ydebug is on, the top of the stack trace where this context was created, otherwise null.

If -Ydebug is on, the top of the stack trace where this context was created, otherwise null.

[+] implicit def ctx : Context
[+] def currentPrecedence : Precedence

The current precedence level

The current precedence level

[+] def dclText ( sym: Symbol ) : Text

Textual representation of symbol's declaration

Textual representation of symbol's declaration

[+] def dclText ( sd: SingleDenotation ) : Text

Textual representation of single denotation's declaration

Textual representation of single denotation's declaration

[+] def dclsText ( syms: List [ Symbol ] , sep: String ) : Text

Textual representation of all symbols in given list, using dclText for displaying each.

Textual representation of all symbols in given list, using dclText for displaying each.

[+] def debug : Boolean

Is the debug option set?

Is the debug option set?

[+] def denotTransformers_= ( x$1: Array [ DenotTransformer ] ) : Unit
[+] def diagnose ( str: => String ) : Unit

Leave message in diagnostics buffer if it exists

Leave message in diagnostics buffer if it exists

[+] def diagnostics : Option [ StringBuilder ]
[+] protected def diagnostics_= ( diagnostics: Option [ StringBuilder ] ) : Unit
[+] def docCtx : Option [ ContextDocstrings ]
[+] def docbase : ContextDottydoc
[+] def elimErasedValueTypePhase : Phase
[+] def elimRepeatedPhase : Phase
[+] def enclTemplate : Context

The next outer context whose tree is a template or package definition

The next outer context whose tree is a template or package definition

[+] def eq ( x$0: Object ) : Boolean
[+] def erasedTypes : Boolean

Does current phase use an erased types interpretation?

Does current phase use an erased types interpretation?

[+] def erasurePhase : Phase
[+] def explicitOuterPhase : Phase
[+] def exprContext ( stat: Tree [ Untyped <: Any ] , exprOwner: Symbol ) : Context

The context of expression expr seen as a member of a statement sequence

The context of expression expr seen as a member of a statement sequence

[+] def extendedLocationText ( sym: Symbol ) : Text

A description of sym's location

A description of sym's location

[+] def extensionMethodsPhase : Phase
[+] def finalize ( ) : Unit
[+] def findMemberCount_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

Number of findMember calls on stack

Number of findMember calls on stack

[+] def flattenPhase : Phase
[+] def fresh : FreshContext

A fresh clone of this context.

A fresh clone of this context.

[+] def freshName ( prefix: String ) : String
[+] def freshName ( prefix: Name ) : String
[+] def freshName$default$1 : String
[+] def freshNames : FreshNameCreator
[+] protected def freshNames_= ( freshNames: FreshNameCreator ) : Unit
[+] def fullNameString ( sym: Symbol ) : String

The fully qualified name of the symbol

The fully qualified name of the symbol

[+] def gadt : GADTMap
[+] protected def gadt_= ( gadt: GADTMap ) : Unit
[+] def genBCodePhase : Phase
[+] def gettersPhase : Phase
[+] def implicits : ContextualImplicits
[+] private def implicitsCache_= ( x$1: ContextualImplicits ) : Unit

The new implicit references that are introduced by this scope

The new implicit references that are introduced by this scope

[+] def importInfo : ImportInfo
[+] protected def importInfo_= ( importInfo: ImportInfo ) : Unit
[+] def indent_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit
[+] protected def init ( outer: Context ) : Context & Context

A condensed context containing essential information of this but no outer contexts except the initial context. private var _condensed: CondensedContext...

A condensed context containing essential information of this but no outer contexts except the initial context. private var _condensed: CondensedContext = null def condensed: CondensedContext = { if (_condensed eq outer.condensed) _condensed = base.initialCtx.fresh .withPeriod(period) .withNewMode(mode) // typerState and its constraint is not preserved in condensed // reporter is always ThrowingReporter .withPrinterFn(printerFn) .withOwner(owner) .withSettings(sstate) // tree is not preserved in condensed .withRunInfo(runInfo) .withDiagnostics(diagnostics) .withMoreProperties(moreProperties) _condensed }

[+] def initialize ( ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Initializes the ContextBase with a starting context. This initializes the platform and the definitions.

Initializes the ContextBase with a starting context. This initializes the platform and the definitions.

[+] def isAfterTyper ( phase: Phase ) : Boolean
[+] def isClassDefContext : Boolean

Is this a context for the members of a class definition?

Is this a context for the members of a class definition?

[+] def isImportContext : Boolean

Is this a context that introduces an import clause?

Is this a context that introduces an import clause?

[+] def isNonEmptyScopeContext : Boolean

Is this a context that introduces a non-empty scope?

Is this a context that introduces a non-empty scope?

[+] def kindString ( sym: Symbol ) : String

The kind of the symbol

The kind of the symbol

[+] def lambdaLiftPhase : Phase
[+] def lastSuperId_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

The last allocated superclass id

The last allocated superclass id

[+] def locatedText ( sym: Symbol ) : Text

Textual representation of symbol and its location

Textual representation of symbol and its location

[+] def locationText ( sym: Symbol ) : Text

If symbol's owner is a printable class C, the text "in C", otherwise ""

If symbol's owner is a printable class C, the text "in C", otherwise ""

[+] def maskMode ( mode: Mode ) : Context
[+] def missingHook ( owner: Symbol , name: Name ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Symbol

If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package, assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and enter it.

If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package, assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and enter it.

[+] def mode : Mode
[+] protected def mode_= ( mode: Mode ) : Unit
[+] def moreProperties : Map [ Key [ Any ], Any ]
[+] protected def moreProperties_= ( moreProperties: Map [ Key [ Any ], Any ] ) : Unit
[+] def nameString ( sym: Symbol ) : String

The name of the given symbol. If !settings.debug, the original name where expansions of operators are translated back to operator symbol. E.g. $eq => =. I...

The name of the given symbol. If !settings.debug, the original name where expansions of operators are translated back to operator symbol. E.g. $eq => =. If settings.uniqid, adds id.

[+] def nameString ( name: Name ) : String

The name, possibley with with namespace suffix if debugNames is set: /L for local names, /V for other term names, /T for type names

The name, possibley with with namespace suffix if debugNames is set: /L for local names, /V for other term names, /T for type names

[+] def ne ( x$0: Object ) : Boolean
[+] def newPlatform ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Platform
[+] def nextDenotTransformerId_= ( x$1: Array [ Int ] ) : Unit

Next denotation transformer id

Next denotation transformer id

[+] def nextId : Int
[+] def nextSuperId : Int

Allocate and return next free superclass id

Allocate and return next free superclass id

[+] def notify ( ) : Unit
[+] def notifyAll ( ) : Unit
[+] def outer : Context
[+] protected def outer_= ( outer: Context ) : Unit
[+] def outersIterator : Iterator [ Context ]

All outer contexts, ending in base.initialCtx and then NoContext

All outer contexts, ending in base.initialCtx and then NoContext

[+] def owner : Symbol
[+] protected def owner_= ( owner: Symbol ) : Unit
[+] def patmatPhase : Phase
[+] def pendingMemberSearches_= ( x$1: List [ Name ] ) : Unit

List of names which have a findMemberCall on stack, after Config.LogPendingFindMemberThreshold is reached.

List of names which have a findMemberCall on stack, after Config.LogPendingFindMemberThreshold is reached.

[+] def period : Period
[+] protected def period_= ( period: Period ) : Unit
[+] def phaseOfClass ( pclass: Class [ Nothing <: Any ] ) : A
[+] def phasePlan : List [ List [ Phase ] ]
[+] private def phasedCtx_= ( x$1: Context ) : Unit

Those fields are used to cache phases created in withPhase. phasedCtx is first phase with altered phase ever requested. phasedCtxs is array that uses ph...

Those fields are used to cache phases created in withPhase. phasedCtx is first phase with altered phase ever requested. phasedCtxs is array that uses phaseId's as indexes, contexts are created only on request and cached in this array

[+] private def phasedCtxs_= ( x$1: Array [ Context ] ) : Unit
[+] def phasesPlan_= ( x$1: List [ List [ Phase ] ] ) : Unit
[+] def phases_= ( x$1: Array [ Phase ] ) : Unit

Phases by id

Phases by id

[+] def picklerPhase : Phase
[+] def plain : Printer

A plain printer without any embellishments

A plain printer without any embellishments

[+] def platform : Platform

The platform

The platform

[+] def printCreationTraces ( ) : Unit

Print all enclosing context's creation stacktraces

Print all enclosing context's creation stacktraces

[+] def printerFn : Context => Printer
[+] protected def printerFn_= ( printerFn: Context => Printer ) : Unit
[+] def property ( key: Key [ T ] ) : Option [ T ]
[+] def refchecksPhase : Phase
[+] def reporter : Reporter

The current reporter

The current reporter

[+] def reset ( ) : Unit
[+] def retractMode ( mode: Mode ) : Context
[+] def rootLoader ( root: TermSymbol ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SymbolLoader

The loader that loads the members of root

The loader that loads the members of root

[+] def runInfo : RunInfo
[+] protected def runInfo_= ( runInfo: RunInfo ) : Unit
[+] def sbtCallback : AnalysisCallback
[+] protected def sbtCallback_= ( callback: AnalysisCallback ) : Unit
[+] def scope : Scope
[+] protected def scope_= ( scope: Scope ) : Unit
[+] def searchHistory : SearchHistory
[+] protected def searchHistory_= ( searchHistory: SearchHistory ) : Unit
[+] private def setCreationTrace ( ) : Unit
[+] def setPhasePlan ( phasess: List [ List [ Phase ] ] ) : Unit
[+] def shouldExplain ( cont: MessageContainer ) : Boolean
[+] def source : SourceFile

The current source file; will be derived from current compilation unit.

The current source file; will be derived from current compilation unit.

[+] def squashPhases ( phasess: List [ List [ Phase ] ] , phasesToSkip: List [ String ] , stopBeforePhases: List [ String ] , stopAfterPhases: List [ String ] , YCheckAfter: List [ String ] ) : List [ Phase ]

Squash TreeTransform's beloning to same sublist to a single TreeTransformer Each TreeTransform gets own period, whereas a combined TreeTransformer gets...

Squash TreeTransform's beloning to same sublist to a single TreeTransformer Each TreeTransform gets own period, whereas a combined TreeTransformer gets period equal to union of periods of it's TreeTransforms

[+] def squashed ( p: Phase ) : Phase
[+] def squashedPhases_= ( x$1: Array [ Phase ] ) : Unit

Phases with consecutive Transforms grouped into a single phase, Empty array if squashing is disabled

Phases with consecutive Transforms grouped into a single phase, Empty array if squashing is disabled

[+] def sstate : SettingsState
[+] protected def sstate_= ( sstate: SettingsState ) : Unit
[+] def staticRef ( path: Name , generateStubs: Boolean ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Denotation

The current denotation of the static reference given by path, or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. if generateStubs is set...

The current denotation of the static reference given by path, or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. if generateStubs is set, generates stubs for missing top-level symbols

[+] def summarized ( depth: Int ) ( op: => T ) : [T] => (depth: Int)(op: => T)T (not handled)

Perform string or text-producing operation op so that only a summarized text with given recursion depth is shown

Perform string or text-producing operation op so that only a summarized text with given recursion depth is shown

[+] def superCallContext : Context

The context for a supercall. This context is used for elaborating the parents of a class and their arguments. The context is computed from the current c...

      The context for a supercall. This context is used for elaborating the parents of a class and their arguments. The context is computed from the current class context. It has

      • as owner: The primary constructor of the class
      • as outer context: The context enclosing the class context
      • as scope: The parameter accessors in the class context
      • with additional mode: InSuperCall

      The reasons for this peculiar choice of attributes are as follows:

      • The constructor must be the owner, because that's where any local methods or closures should go.
      • The context may not see any class members (inherited or defined), and should instead see definitions defined in the outer context which might be shadowed by such class members. That's why the outer context must be the outer context of the class.
      • At the same time the context should see the parameter accessors of the current class, that's why they get added to the local scope. An alternative would have been to have the context see the constructor parameters instead, but then we'd need a final substitution step from constructor parameters to class parameter accessors.
      [+] private def superOrThisCallContext ( owner: Symbol , locals: Scope ) : FreshContext

      The super- or this-call context with given owner and locals.

      The super- or this-call context with given owner and locals.

      [+] def synchronized ( x$0: X0 ) : [X0] => (x$0: X0)X0 (not handled)
      [+] def thisCallArgContext : Context

      The context for the arguments of a this(...) constructor call. The context is computed from the local auxiliary constructor context. It has

      • as owner: The auxiliary constructor
      • as outer context: The context enclosing the enclosing class context
      • as scope: The parameters of the auxiliary constructor.

      The context for the arguments of a this(...) constructor call. The context is computed from the local auxiliary constructor context. It has

      • as owner: The auxiliary constructor
      • as outer context: The context enclosing the enclosing class context
      • as scope: The parameters of the auxiliary constructor.
      [+] override def toString : String
      [+] def toText ( sym: Symbol ) : Text

      Textual representation, including symbol's kind e.g., "class Foo", "method Bar". If hasMeaninglessName is true, uses the owner's name to disambiguate i...

      Textual representation, including symbol's kind e.g., "class Foo", "method Bar". If hasMeaninglessName is true, uses the owner's name to disambiguate identity.

      [+] def toText ( name: Name ) : Text

      The name as a text

      The name as a text

      [+] def toText ( denot: Denotation ) : Text

      Textual representation of denotation

      Textual representation of denotation

      [+] def toText ( annot: Annotation ) : Text

      Textual representation of annotation

      Textual representation of annotation

      [+] def toText ( tree: Tree [ T ] ) : [T >: dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees.Untyped] => (tree: dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees.Tree[T])dotty.tools.dotc.printing.Texts.Text (not handled)

      Textual representation of tree

      Textual representation of tree

      [+] def toText ( sc: Scope ) : Text

      Textual representation of all definitions in a scope using dclText for each

      Textual representation of all definitions in a scope using dclText for each

      [+] def toText ( result: SearchResult ) : Text

      Textual representation of implicit search result

      Textual representation of implicit search result

      [+] def toText ( tp: Type ) : Text

      Textual representation of type

      Textual representation of type

      [+] def toText ( const: Constant ) : Text

      Textual representation of constant

      Textual representation of constant

      [+] def toTextRecursions_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

      Number of recursive invocations of a show method on current stack

      Number of recursive invocations of a show method on current stack

      [+] def tree : Tree [ Untyped <: Any ]
      [+] protected def tree_= ( tree: Tree [ Untyped <: Any ] ) : Unit
      [+] def typeAssigner : TypeAssigner
      [+] protected def typeAssigner_= ( typeAssigner: TypeAssigner ) : Unit
      [+] def typeComparer : TypeComparer
      [+] protected def typeComparer_= ( typeComparer: TypeComparer ) : Unit
      [+] def typer : Typer
      [+] def typerPhase : Phase
      [+] def typerState : TyperState
      [+] protected def typerState_= ( typerState: TyperState ) : Unit
      [+] def underlyingRecursions_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

      The number of recursive invocation of underlying on a NamedType during a controlled operation.

      The number of recursive invocation of underlying on a NamedType during a controlled operation.

      [+] def uniquesSizes : Map [ String, Int ]

      A map that associates label and size of all uniques sets

      A map that associates label and size of all uniques sets

      [+] def unsafeNonvariant_= ( x$1: RunId ) : Unit

      A flag that some unsafe nonvariant instantiation was encountered in this run. Used as a shortcut to a avoid scans of types in Typer.typedSelect.

      A flag that some unsafe nonvariant instantiation was encountered in this run. Used as a shortcut to a avoid scans of types in Typer.typedSelect.

      [+] def useColors : Boolean

      Should use colors when printing?

      Should use colors when printing?

      [+] def usePhases ( phasess: List [ Phase ] , squash: Boolean ) : Unit

      Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if squashing is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be sq...

      Use the following phases in the order they are given. The list should never contain NoPhase. if squashing is enabled, phases in same subgroup will be squashed to single phase.

      [+] def verbose : Boolean

      Is the verbose option set?

      Is the verbose option set?

      [+] def wait ( ) : Unit
      [+] def wait ( x$0: Long ) : Unit
      [+] def wait ( x$0: Long , x$1: Int ) : Unit
      [+] def withModeBits ( mode: Mode ) : Context
      [+] final def withOwner ( owner: Symbol ) : Context
      [+] final def withPhase ( phaseId: PhaseId ) : Context

      This context at given phase. This method will always return a phase period equal to phaseId, thus will never return squashed phases

      This context at given phase. This method will always return a phase period equal to phaseId, thus will never return squashed phases

      [+] final def withPhase ( phase: Phase ) : Context
      [+] final def withPhaseNoEarlier ( phase: Phase ) : Context
      [+] final def withPhaseNoLater ( phase: Phase ) : Context
      [+] final def withProperty ( key: Key [ T ] , value: Option [ T ] ) : Context