class ContextBase
extends ContextState with DenotationsBase with PhasesBase

A context base defines state and associated methods that exist once per compiler run.


ContextBase ( )


[+] private var _platform : Platform

The platform, initialized by initPlatform().

The platform, initialized by initPlatform().

[+] val definitions : Definitions

The standard definitions

The standard definitions

[+] val initialCtx : Context

The initial context

The initial context

[+] val loaders : SymbolLoaders

The symbol loaders

The symbol loaders

[+] val settings : ScalaSettings

The applicable settings

The applicable settings

[+] private def _platform_= ( x$1: Platform ) : Unit

The platform, initialized by initPlatform().

The platform, initialized by initPlatform().

[+] def initialize ( ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Initializes the ContextBase with a starting context. This initializes the platform and the definitions.

Initializes the ContextBase with a starting context. This initializes the platform and the definitions.

[+] protected def newPlatform ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Platform
[+] def platform : Platform

The platform

The platform

[+] def rootLoader ( root: TermSymbol ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : SymbolLoader

The loader that loads the members of root

The loader that loads the members of root

[+] def squashed ( p: Phase ) : Phase