final object Names



[+] abstract class Name

A name is essentially a string, with three differences 1. Names belong in one of two name spaces: they are type names or term names. Term names have a s...

A name is essentially a string, with three differences 1. Names belong in one of two name spaces: they are type names or term names. Term names have a sub-category of "local" field names. The same string can correspond a name in each of the three namespaces. 2. Names are hash-consed. Two names representing the same string in the same universe are always reference identical. 3. Names are intended to be encoded strings. @see dotc.util.NameTransformer. The encoding will be applied when converting a string to a name.

trait PreName

A common class for things that can be turned into names. Instances are both names and strings, the latter via a decorator.

A common class for things that can be turned into names. Instances are both names and strings, the latter via a decorator.

class TermName
class TypeName
val CONSTRUCTOR : TermName
val EMPTY_PACKAGE : TermName
val EmptyTermName : TermName

The term name represented by the empty string

The term name represented by the empty string

val EmptyTypeName : TypeName

The type name represented by the empty string

The type name represented by the empty string

private final val InitialHashSize : 32768
private final val InitialNameSize : 131072
implicit val NameOrdering : Ordering [ Name ]
@sharable var chrs : Array [ Char ]

Memory to store all names sequentially.

Memory to store all names sequentially.

val dontEncode : Set [ TermName ]
private final val fillFactor : 0.7
implicit val nameCanBuildFrom : CanBuildFrom [ Name, Char, Name ]
@sharable private var nc : Int

The number of characters filled.

The number of characters filled.

@sharable private var size : Int

The number of defined names.

The number of defined names.

@sharable private var table : Array [ TermName ]

Hashtable for finding term names quickly.

Hashtable for finding term names quickly.

@sharable def chrs_= ( x$1: Array [ Char ] ) : Unit

Memory to store all names sequentially.

Memory to store all names sequentially.

implicit def eqName : Eq [ Name, Name ]
private def equals ( index: Int , cs: Array [ Char ] , offset: Int , len: Int ) : Boolean

Is (the ASCII representation of) name at given index equal to cs[offset..offset+len-1]?

Is (the ASCII representation of) name at given index equal to cs[offset..offset+len-1]?

private def hashValue ( cs: Array [ Char ] , offset: Int , len: Int ) : Int

The hash of a name made of from characters cs[offset..offset+len-1].

The hash of a name made of from characters cs[offset..offset+len-1].

@sharable private def nc_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

The number of characters filled.

The number of characters filled.

@sharable private def size_= ( x$1: Int ) : Unit

The number of defined names.

The number of defined names.

@sharable private def table_= ( x$1: Array [ TermName ] ) : Unit

Hashtable for finding term names quickly.

Hashtable for finding term names quickly.

def termName ( cs: Array [ Char ] , offset: Int , len: Int ) : TermName

Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1]. Assume they are already encoded.

Create a term name from the characters in cs[offset..offset+len-1]. Assume they are already encoded.

def termName ( bs: Array [ Byte ] , offset: Int , len: Int ) : TermName

Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. Assume they are already encoded.

Create a term name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. Assume they are already encoded.

def termName ( s: String ) : TermName

Create a term name from a string, without encoding operators

Create a term name from a string, without encoding operators

def termNameBuilder : Builder [ Char, TermName ]
def typeName ( cs: Array [ Char ] , offset: Int , len: Int ) : TypeName
def typeName ( bs: Array [ Byte ] , offset: Int , len: Int ) : TypeName

Create a type name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. Assume they are already encoded.

Create a type name from the UTF8 encoded bytes in bs[offset..offset+len-1]. Assume they are already encoded.

def typeName ( s: String ) : TypeName

Create a type name from a string, without encoding operators

Create a type name from a string, without encoding operators