abstract case class MethodType
extends CachedGroundType with BindingType with TermType with MethodOrPoly with NarrowCached


MethodType ( paramNames: List [ TermName ] )
MethodType ( paramTypesExp: MethodType => List [ Type ] , resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type )


var myDependencyStatus : DependencyStatus
var myParamDependencyStatus : DependencyStatus
val paramNames : List [ TermName ]
val paramTypes : R
private val paramTypesExp : MethodType => List [ Type ]
val resType : R
private val resultTypeExp : MethodType => Type
def _1 : T1
override def computeHash : Int
protected def computeSignature ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Signature
private def depStatus ( initial: DependencyStatus , tp: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : DependencyStatus
[+] private def dependencyStatus ( implicit ctx: Context ) : DependencyStatus

The dependency status of this method. Some examples:

class C extends { type S; type T = String } def f(x: C)(y: Boolean) // dependencyStatus = NoDeps d...

The dependency status of this method. Some examples:

class C extends { type S; type T = String } def f(x: C)(y: Boolean) // dependencyStatus = NoDeps def f(x: C)(y: x.S) // dependencyStatus = TrueDeps def f(x: C)(y: x.T) // dependencyStatus = FalseDeps, i.e. // dependency can be eliminated by dealiasing.

def derivedMethodType ( paramNames: List [ TermName ] , paramTypes: List [ Type ] , resType: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : MethodType
def derivedMethodType$default$1 : List [ TermName ]
def derivedMethodType$default$2 : List [ Type ]
def derivedMethodType$default$3 : Type
override def equals ( that: Any ) : Boolean
def instantiate ( argTypes: => List [ Type ] ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Type
def isDependent ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Boolean
def isImplicit : Boolean
def isJava : Boolean
def isParamDependent ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Boolean

Does one of the parameter types contain references to earlier parameters of this method type which cannot be eliminated by de-aliasing?

Does one of the parameter types contain references to earlier parameters of this method type which cannot be eliminated by de-aliasing?

def myDependencyStatus_= ( x$1: Byte ) : Unit
def myParamDependencyStatus_= ( x$1: Byte ) : Unit
private def paramDependencyStatus ( implicit ctx: Context ) : DependencyStatus

The parameter dependency status of this method. Analogous to dependencyStatus, but tracking dependencies in same parameter list.

The parameter dependency status of this method. Analogous to dependencyStatus, but tracking dependencies in same parameter list.

protected def prefixString : String
override def resultType ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Type

The resultType of a PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType, the type itself for others

The resultType of a PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType, the type itself for others

override def toString : String