abstract case class OrType
extends CachedGroundType with AndOrType


OrType ( tp1: Type , tp2: Type )


[+] private var myJoin : Type
[+] private var myJoinPeriod : Period
[+] val tp1 : Type
[+] val tp2 : Type
[+] def _1 : T1
[+] def _2 : T2
[+] override def computeHash : Int
[+] def derivedAndOrType ( tp1: Type , tp2: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Type
[+] def derivedOrType ( tp1: Type , tp2: Type ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Type
[+] def isAnd : Boolean
[+] def join ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Type

Replace or type by the closest non-or type above it

Replace or type by the closest non-or type above it