case class PolyParam
extends ParamType

TODO Some docs would be nice here!


PolyParam ( binder: PolyType , paramNum: Int )


[+] type BT = PolyType
[+] val binder : PolyType
[+] val paramNum : Int
[+] def _1 : T1
[+] def _2 : T2
[+] override def computeHash : Int
[+] def copy ( binder: PolyType , paramNum: Int ) : PolyParam
[+] def copy$default$1 : PolyType
[+] def copy$default$2 : Int
[+] def copyBoundType ( bt: BT ) : Type
[+] override def equals ( that: Any ) : Boolean
[+] def occursIn ( bound: Type , fromBelow: Boolean ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Boolean

Looking only at the structure of bound, is one of the following true? - fromBelow and param <:< bound - !fromBelow and param >:> bound

Looking only at the structure of bound, is one of the following true? - fromBelow and param <:< bound - !fromBelow and param >:> bound

[+] def paramName : Name
[+] override def toString : String
[+] override def underlying ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Type

The type to which this proxy forwards operations.

The type to which this proxy forwards operations.