final class TempClassInfo
extends CachedClassInfo


TempClassInfo ( prefix: Type , cls: ClassSymbol , decls: Scope , selfInfo: DotClass )


private val cls : ClassSymbol
private val decls : Scope
private val prefix : Type
private val selfInfo : DotClass
[+] private var suspensions : List [ Context => Unit ]

A list of actions that were because they rely on the class info of cls to be no longer temporary. These actions will be performed once cls gets a real C...

A list of actions that were because they rely on the class info of cls to be no longer temporary. These actions will be performed once cls gets a real ClassInfo.

def addSuspension ( suspension: Context => Unit ) : Unit
def finalize ( denot: SymDenotation , parents: List [ TypeRef ] ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Install classinfo with known parents in denot and resume all suspensions

Install classinfo with known parents in denot and resume all suspensions

[+] private def suspensions_= ( x$1: List [ Context => Unit ] ) : Unit

A list of actions that were because they rely on the class info of cls to be no longer temporary. These actions will be performed once cls gets a real C...

A list of actions that were because they rely on the class info of cls to be no longer temporary. These actions will be performed once cls gets a real ClassInfo.