class StoreReporter
extends Reporter

This class implements a Reporter that stores all messages

Beware that this reporter can leak memory, and force messages in two scenarios:

  • During debugging config.Printers.typr is set from noPrinter to new Printer, which forces the message
  • The reporter is not flushed and the message containers capture a Context (about 4MB)


StoreReporter ( outer: Reporter )


private var infos : ListBuffer [ MessageContainer ]
private val outer : Reporter
def doReport ( m: MessageContainer ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit

Report a diagnostic

Report a diagnostic

override def errorsReported : Boolean

Have errors been reported by this reporter, or in the case where this is a StoreReporter, by an outer reporter?

Have errors been reported by this reporter, or in the case where this is a StoreReporter, by an outer reporter?

override def hasPending : Boolean

Does this reporter contain not yet reported errors or warnings?

Does this reporter contain not yet reported errors or warnings?

private def infos_= ( x$1: ListBuffer [ MessageContainer ] ) : Unit
override def removeBufferedMessages ( implicit ctx: Context ) : List [ MessageContainer ]

If this reporter buffers messages, remove and return all buffered messages.

If this reporter buffers messages, remove and return all buffered messages.