class CheckStatic
extends MiniPhaseTransform

A transformer that check that requirements of Static fields\methods are implemented: 1. Only objects can have members annotated with @static 2. The fields annotated with @static should preceed any non-@static fields. This ensures that we do not introduce surprises for users in initialization order. 3. If a member foo of an object C is annotated with @static, the companion class C is not allowed to define term members with name foo. 4. If a member foo of an object C is annotated with @static, the companion class C is not allowed to inherit classes that define a term member with name foo. 5. Only @static methods and vals are supported in companions of traits. Java8 supports those, but not vars, and JavaScript does not have interfaces at all. 6. @static Lazy vals are currently unsupported.


CheckStatic ( )


[+] def check ( tree: DefTree ) ( implicit ctx: Context ) : Unit
[+] override def phaseName : String

A name given to the Phase that can be used to debug the compiler. For instance, it is possible to print trees after a given phase using:

A name given to the Phase that can be used to debug the compiler. For instance, it is possible to print trees after a given phase using:

$ ./bin/dotc -Xprint:<phaseNameHere> sourceFile.scala
[+] override def transformSelect ( tree: Select ) ( implicit ctx: Context , info: TransformerInfo ) : Tree
[+] override def transformTemplate ( tree: Template ) ( implicit ctx: Context , info: TransformerInfo ) : Tree