class JarWriter


JarWriter ( file: File , manifest: Manifest )


val file : File
val manifest : Manifest
private lazy val out : JarOutputStream
def addDirectory ( entry: Directory , prefix: String ) : Unit
def addEntry ( entry: Path , prefix: String ) : Unit
def addFile ( file: File , prefix: String ) : Unit
def addStream ( entry: JarEntry , in: InputStream ) : Unit
def close ( ) : Unit
[+] def newOutputStream ( path: String ) : DataOutputStream

Adds a jar entry for the given path and returns an output stream to which the data should immediately be written. This unusual interface exists to work...

Adds a jar entry for the given path and returns an output stream to which the data should immediately be written. This unusual interface exists to work with fjbg.

private def transfer ( in: InputStream , out: OutputStream ) : Unit
def writeAllFrom ( dir: Directory ) : Unit