package import import org.scalameter.Key.reports._ import org.scalameter.PerformanceTest.OnlineRegressionReport import org.scalameter.api._ import org.scalameter.{Context, History, currentContext, persistence} import org.scalameter.reporting.RegressionReporter.Tester import import import // decorator of persitor to expose info for debugging class DecoratorPersistor(p: Persistor) extends SerializationPersistor { override def load(context: Context): History = { val resultdir = currentContext(resultDir) val scope = context.scope val curve = context.curve val fileName = s"$resultdir$sep$scope.$curve.dat" println(s"load file $fileName") p.load(context) } override def save(context: Context, h: History) = { val resultdir = currentContext(resultDir) val scope = context.scope val curve = context.curve val fileName = s"$resultdir$sep$scope.$curve.dat" println(s"save file $fileName"), h) } } object BenchTests extends OnlineRegressionReport { val outputDir = "../out/" val compiler = new CompilerTest { override val defaultOutputDir: String = outputDir } implicit val defaultOptions = List("-d", outputDir) val scala2mode = List("-language:Scala2") val dottyDir = "../compiler/src/dotty/" val testDir = "../bench/tests/" val stdlibFiles = StdLibSources.whitelisted def stdLib = compiler.compileList("compileStdLib", stdlibFiles, "-migration" :: "-Yno-inline" :: scala2mode) def dotty = compiler.compileDir(dottyDir, ".", List("-deep", "-strict")) // NOTE: use `val persistor = ...` would cause persistor ignore command line options for `resultDir` override def persistor = new DecoratorPersistor(super.persistor) // accept all the results, do not fail override def tester: Tester = new Tester.Accepter // store all results override def historian: RegressionReporter.Historian = RegressionReporter.Historian.Complete() override def executor: Executor = LocalExecutor(warmer, aggregator, measurer) def setup = performance of "dotty" in { measure.method("stdlib") in { using(Gen.unit("test")) curve "stdlib" in { r => stdLib } } measure.method("dotty-src") in { using(Gen.unit("test")) curve "dotty-src" in { r => dotty } } val dir = Directory(testDir) val fileNames = => (name endsWith ".scala")) for (name <- fileNames) { measure.method(name) in { using(Gen.unit("test")) curve "dotty" in { r => compiler.compileFile(testDir, name, extension = "") } } } } /** workaround to fix problem in ScalaMeter * * NOTE: Otherwise, command line options would be ignored by HTMLReporter, as * the HTMLReporter uses the context of tree node, which is created via * ScalaMeter DSL before command line option `-CresultDir` takes effect * in `PerformanceTest.main`. * * Following code ensures that the test tree is set up after the `-CresultDir` * option takes effect. **/ override def executeTests(): Boolean = { setup super.executeTests() } }