package test import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.{Before, After, Test} import import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger} import{File => JFile, FileNotFoundException} class TestScripts { private val lineSep = util.Properties.lineSeparator private def doUnlessWindows(op: => Unit) = if (!System.getProperty("").toLowerCase.contains("windows")) op else Console.err.println("[warn] Could not perform test, windows batch-scripts not available") private def executeScript(script: String): (Int, String) = { val sb = new StringBuilder val ret = Process(script) ! ProcessLogger(sb append _) (ret, sb.toString) } private def deletePackages: Unit = { def delete(path: String) = { val file = new JFile(path) if (file.exists) file.delete() } try { for (jar <- Source.fromFile("../.packages").getLines()) delete(jar) delete("../.packages") delete("./src/dotty/tools/dotc/Dummy.scala") delete("HelloWorld.class") delete("HelloWorld$.class") } catch { case _: FileNotFoundException => () } } @Before def buildUp = deletePackages @After def tearDown = deletePackages /** bin/dotc script should be able to build hello world and successfully * execute it using dotr */ @Test def buildAndRunHelloWorld = doUnlessWindows { val (retDotc, dotcOutput) = executeScript("./bin/dotc ./tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala") // Check correct output of building and running dotc assert( retDotc == 0, s"bin/dotc script did not run properly. Output:$lineSep$dotcOutput" ) val (retDotr, dotrOutput) = executeScript("./bin/dotr HelloWorld") assert( retDotr == 0 && dotrOutput == "hello world", s"Running hello world exited with status: $retDotr and output: $dotrOutput" ) } /** bin/dotc script should be able to detect changes in dotty sources and * rebuild dotty if needed */ @Test def rebuildIfNecessary = doUnlessWindows { val (retFirstBuild, _) = executeScript("./bin/dotc ./tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala") assert(retFirstBuild == 0, "building dotc failed") // Create a new file to force rebuild new JFile("./src/dotty/tools/dotc/Dummy.scala").createNewFile() val (retSecondBuild, output) = executeScript("./bin/dotc ./tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala") assert( retSecondBuild == 0 && output.contains("rebuilding"), s"Rebuilding the tool should result in jar files being rebuilt. Status: $retSecondBuild, output:$lineSep$output") } /** if no changes to dotty, dotc script should be fast */ @Test def beFastOnNoChanges = doUnlessWindows { val (retFirstBuild, _) = executeScript("./bin/dotc ./tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala") assert(retFirstBuild == 0, "building dotc failed") val (ret, output) = executeScript("./bin/dotc ./tests/pos/HelloWorld.scala") assert( ret == 0 && !output.contains("rebuilding"), s"Project recompiled when it didn't need to be. Status $ret, output:$lineSep$output") } }