package import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.Test import io.circe._ import import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.parser.decode import model.Github._ import org.http4s.client.blaze._ import scalaz.concurrent.Task class PRServiceTests extends PullRequestService { val user = sys.env("USER") val token = sys.env("TOKEN") def getResource(r: String): String = Option(getClass.getResourceAsStream(r)).map( .map(_.mkString) .getOrElse(throw new Exception(s"resource not found: $r")) @Test def canUnmarshalIssueJson = { val json = getResource("/test-pr.json") val issue: Issue = decode[Issue](json) match { case Right(is: Issue) => is case Left(ex) => throw ex } assert(issue.pull_request.isDefined, "missing pull request") } @Test def canGetAllCommitsFromPR = { val httpClient = PooledHttp1Client() val issueNbr = 1941 // has 2 commits: val List(c1, c2) = getCommits(issueNbr, httpClient).run assertEquals( "Represent untyped operators as Ident instead of Name", c1.commit.message.takeWhile(_ != '\n') ) assertEquals( "Better positions for infix term operations.", c2.commit.message.takeWhile(_ != '\n') ) } @Test def canGetMoreThan100Commits = { val httpClient = PooledHttp1Client() val issueNbr = 1840 // has >100 commits: val numberOfCommits = getCommits(issueNbr, httpClient).run.length assert( numberOfCommits > 100, s"PR 1840, should have a number of commits greater than 100, but was: $numberOfCommits" ) } @Test def canCheckCLA = { val httpClient = PooledHttp1Client() val validUserCommit = Commit("sha-here", Author(Some("felixmulder")), Author(Some("felixmulder")), CommitInfo("")) val statuses: List[CommitStatus] = checkCLA(validUserCommit :: Nil, httpClient).run assert(statuses.length == 1, s"wrong number of valid statuses: got ${statuses.length}, expected 1") httpClient.shutdownNow() } @Test def canSetStatus = { val httpClient = PooledHttp1Client() val sha = "fa64b4b613fe5e78a5b4185b4aeda89e2f1446ff" val status = Invalid("smarter", Commit(sha, Author(Some("smarter")), Author(Some("smarter")), CommitInfo(""))) val statuses: List[StatusResponse] = sendStatuses(status :: Nil, httpClient).run assert( statuses.length == 1, s"assumed one status response would be returned, got: ${statuses.length}" ) assert( statuses.head.state == "failure", s"status set had wrong state, expected 'failure', got: ${statuses.head.state}" ) httpClient.shutdownNow() } }