package package dotc package repl package ammonite.terminal /** * A collection of helpers that to simpify the common case of building filters */ object FilterTools { val ansiRegex = "\u001B\\[[;\\d]*." def offsetIndex(buffer: Vector[Char], in: Int) = { var splitIndex = 0 var length = 0 while(length < in) { ansiRegex.r.findPrefixOf(buffer.drop(splitIndex)) match { case None => splitIndex += 1 length += 1 case Some(s) => splitIndex += s.length } } splitIndex } /** * Shorthand to construct a filter in the common case where you're * switching on the prefix of the input stream and want to run some * transformation on the buffer/cursor */ def Case(s: String) (f: (Vector[Char], Int, TermInfo) => (Vector[Char], Int)) = new Filter { val op = new PartialFunction[TermInfo, TermAction] { def isDefinedAt(x: TermInfo) = { def rec(i: Int, c: LazyList[Int]): Boolean = { if (i >= s.length) true else if (c.head == s(i)) rec(i + 1, c.tail) else false } rec(0, x.ts.inputs) } def apply(v1: TermInfo) = { val (buffer1, cursor1) = f(v1.ts.buffer, v1.ts.cursor, v1) TermState( v1.ts.inputs.dropPrefix(, buffer1, cursor1 ) } }.lift def identifier = "Case" } /** Shorthand for pattern matching on [[TermState]] */ val TS = TermState def findChunks(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = { val chunks = Terminal.splitBuffer(b) // The index of the first character in each chunk val chunkStarts = => x.length + x.sum).toStream.reverse // Index of the current chunk that contains the cursor val chunkIndex = chunkStarts.indexWhere(_ > c) match { case -1 => chunks.length-1 case x => x - 1 } (chunks, chunkStarts, chunkIndex) } def firstRow(cursor: Int, buffer: Vector[Char], width: Int) = cursor < width && (buffer.indexOf('\n') >= cursor || buffer.indexOf('\n') == -1) def lastRow(cursor: Int, buffer: Vector[Char], width: Int) = (buffer.length - cursor) < width && (buffer.lastIndexOf('\n') < cursor || buffer.lastIndexOf('\n') == -1) }