// This file is copied straight from // https://github.com/sbt/sbt/blob/0.13/compile/api/src/main/scala/xsbt/api/ShowAPI.scala // It is convenient to be able to pretty-print the API from Dotty itself to test // the sbt phase without having to run sbt. /* sbt -- Simple Build Tool * Copyright 2010 Mark Harrah */ package dotty.tools.dotc package sbt import xsbti.api._ import scala.util.Try object DefaultShowAPI { private lazy val defaultNesting = Try { java.lang.Integer.parseInt(sys.props.get("sbt.inc.apidiff.depth").get) } getOrElse 2 def apply(d: Definition) = ShowAPI.showDefinition(d)(defaultNesting) def apply(d: Type) = ShowAPI.showType(d)(defaultNesting) def apply(a: SourceAPI) = ShowAPI.showApi(a)(defaultNesting) } object ShowAPI { private lazy val numDecls = Try { java.lang.Integer.parseInt(sys.props.get("sbt.inc.apidiff.decls").get) } getOrElse 0 private def truncateDecls(decls: Array[Definition]): Array[Definition] = if (numDecls <= 0) decls else decls.take(numDecls) private def lines(ls: Seq[String]): String = ls.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n") def showApi(a: SourceAPI)(implicit nesting: Int) = a.packages.map(pkg => "package " + pkg.name).mkString("\n") + lines(truncateDecls(a.definitions).map(showDefinition)) def showDefinition(d: Definition)(implicit nesting: Int): String = d match { case v: Val => showMonoDef(v, "val") + ": " + showType(v.tpe) case v: Var => showMonoDef(v, "var") + ": " + showType(v.tpe) case d: Def => showPolyDef(d, "def") + showValueParams(d.valueParameters) + ": " + showType(d.returnType) case ta: TypeAlias => showPolyDef(ta, "type") + " = " + showType(ta.tpe) case td: TypeDeclaration => showPolyDef(td, "type") + showBounds(td.lowerBound, td.upperBound) case cl: ClassLike => showPolyDef(cl, showDefinitionType(cl.definitionType)) + " extends " + showTemplate(cl) } private def showTemplate(cl: ClassLike)(implicit nesting: Int) = if (nesting <= 0) "" else { val showSelf = if (cl.selfType.isInstanceOf[EmptyType]) "" else " self: " + showNestedType(cl.selfType) + " =>" cl.structure.parents.map(showNestedType).mkString("", " with ", " {") + showSelf + lines(truncateDecls(cl.structure.inherited).map(d => "^inherited^ " + showNestedDefinition(d))) + lines(truncateDecls(cl.structure.declared).map(showNestedDefinition)) + "}" } def showType(t: Type)(implicit nesting: Int): String = t match { case st: Projection => showType(st.prefix) + "#" + st.id case st: ParameterRef => "<" + st.id + ">" case st: Singleton => showPath(st.path) case st: EmptyType => "" case p: Parameterized => showType(p.baseType) + p.typeArguments.map(showType).mkString("[", ", ", "]") case c: Constant => showType(c.baseType) + "(" + c.value + ")" case a: Annotated => showAnnotations(a.annotations) + " " + showType(a.baseType) case s: Structure => s.parents.map(showType).mkString(" with ") + ( if (nesting <= 0) "{ }" else truncateDecls(s.declared).map(showNestedDefinition).mkString(" {", "\n", "}")) case e: Existential => showType(e.baseType) + ( if (nesting <= 0) " forSome { }" else e.clause.map(t => "type " + showNestedTypeParameter(t)).mkString(" forSome { ", "; ", " }")) case p: Polymorphic => showType(p.baseType) + ( if (nesting <= 0) " [ ]" else showNestedTypeParameters(p.parameters)) } private def showPath(p: Path): String = p.components.map(showPathComponent).mkString(".") private def showPathComponent(pc: PathComponent) = pc match { case s: Super => "super[" + showPath(s.qualifier) + "]" case _: This => "this" case i: Id => i.id } private def space(s: String) = if (s.isEmpty) s else s + " " private def showMonoDef(d: Definition, label: String)(implicit nesting: Int): String = space(showAnnotations(d.annotations)) + space(showAccess(d.access)) + space(showModifiers(d.modifiers)) + space(label) + d.name private def showPolyDef(d: ParameterizedDefinition, label: String)(implicit nesting: Int): String = showMonoDef(d, label) + showTypeParameters(d.typeParameters) private def showTypeParameters(tps: Seq[TypeParameter])(implicit nesting: Int): String = if (tps.isEmpty) "" else tps.map(showTypeParameter).mkString("[", ", ", "]") private def showTypeParameter(tp: TypeParameter)(implicit nesting: Int): String = showAnnotations(tp.annotations) + " " + showVariance(tp.variance) + tp.id + showTypeParameters(tp.typeParameters) + " " + showBounds(tp.lowerBound, tp.upperBound) private def showAnnotations(as: Seq[Annotation])(implicit nesting: Int) = as.map(showAnnotation).mkString(" ") private def showAnnotation(a: Annotation)(implicit nesting: Int) = "@" + showType(a.base) + ( if (a.arguments.isEmpty) "" else a.arguments.map(a => a.name + " = " + a.value).mkString("(", ", ", ")") ) private def showBounds(lower: Type, upper: Type)(implicit nesting: Int): String = ">: " + showType(lower) + " <: " + showType(upper) private def showValueParams(ps: Seq[ParameterList])(implicit nesting: Int): String = ps.map(pl => pl.parameters.map(mp => mp.name + ": " + showParameterModifier(showType(mp.tpe), mp.modifier) + (if (mp.hasDefault) "= ..." else "") ).mkString(if (pl.isImplicit) "(implicit " else "(", ", ", ")") ).mkString("") private def showParameterModifier(base: String, pm: ParameterModifier): String = pm match { case ParameterModifier.Plain => base case ParameterModifier.Repeated => base + "*" case ParameterModifier.ByName => "=> " + base } private def showDefinitionType(d: DefinitionType) = d match { case DefinitionType.Trait => "trait" case DefinitionType.ClassDef => "class" case DefinitionType.Module => "object" case DefinitionType.PackageModule => "package object" } private def showAccess(a: Access) = a match { case p: Public => "" case p: Protected => "protected" + showQualifier(p.qualifier) case p: Private => "private" + showQualifier(p.qualifier) } private def showQualifier(q: Qualifier) = q match { case _: Unqualified => "" case _: ThisQualifier => "[this]" case i: IdQualifier => "[" + i.value + "]" } private def showModifiers(m: Modifiers) = List( (m.isOverride, "override"), (m.isFinal, "final"), (m.isSealed, "sealed"), (m.isImplicit, "implicit"), (m.isAbstract, "abstract"), (m.isLazy, "lazy") ).collect { case (true, mod) => mod }.mkString(" ") private def showVariance(v: Variance) = v match { case Variance.Invariant => "" case Variance.Covariant => "+" case Variance.Contravariant => "-" } // limit nesting to prevent cycles and generally keep output from getting humongous private def showNestedType(tp: Type)(implicit nesting: Int) = showType(tp)(nesting - 1) private def showNestedTypeParameter(tp: TypeParameter)(implicit nesting: Int) = showTypeParameter(tp)(nesting - 1) private def showNestedTypeParameters(tps: Seq[TypeParameter])(implicit nesting: Int) = showTypeParameters(tps)(nesting - 1) private def showNestedDefinition(d: Definition)(implicit nesting: Int) = showDefinition(d)(nesting - 1) }