package package dotc package sbt import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import xsbti.api /** Create and hold thunks. A thunk is a (potentially) unevaluated value * that may be evaluated once. */ private[sbt] trait ThunkHolder { private[this] val thunks = new ListBuffer[api.Lazy[_]] /** Force all unevaluated thunks to prevent space leaks. */ @tailrec protected final def forceThunks(): Unit = if (!thunks.isEmpty) { val toForce = thunks.toList thunks.clear() toForce.foreach(_.get()) // Forcing thunks may create new thunks forceThunks() } /** Store the by-name parameter `s` in a `Lazy` container without evaluating it. * It will be forced by the next call to `forceThunks()` */ def lzy[T <: AnyRef](t: => T): api.Lazy[T] = { val l = SafeLazyWrapper(() => t) thunks += l l } /** Store the parameter `s` in a `Lazy` container, since `s` is not by-name, there * is nothing to force. * * TODO: Get rid of this method. It is only needed because some xsbti.api classes * take lazy arguments when they could be strict, but this can be fixed in sbt, * see */ def strict2lzy[T <: AnyRef](t: T): api.Lazy[T] = SafeLazyWrapper.strict(t) } /** Wrapper around SafeLazy implementations. * * `xsbti.SafeLazy` is part of sbt but it is not part of the `interface` jar * that dotty depends on, therefore we can only access it by reflection, * and this will only succeed when dotty is run by sbt (otherwise * `xsbti.SafeLazy` won't be on the classpath at all). * * For testing purposes, we still want to be able to run the sbt phases outside * of sbt, using `-Yforce-sbt-phases` and `-Ydump-sbt-inc`, therefore we * provide a copy of SafeLazy in `` that we use * when `xsbti.SafeLazy` is unavailable. * * This raises a question: why bother with `xsbti.SafeLazy` if we have our own * version anyway? Because sbt uses Java serialization to persist the output of * the incremental compilation analysis when sbt is stopped and restarted. If * we used `` with sbt, deserialization would fail * and every restart of sbt would require a full recompilation. * * Note: this won't be needed once we switch to zinc 1.0 where `SafeLazy` becomes * part of the `interface` jar, see */ private object SafeLazyWrapper { @sharable private[this] val safeLazy = try { Class.forName("xsbti.SafeLazy") } catch { case e: ClassNotFoundException => null } @sharable private[this] val safeLazyApply = if (safeLazy != null) safeLazy.getMethod("apply", classOf[xsbti.F0[_]]) else null @sharable private[this] val safeLazyStrict = if (safeLazy != null) safeLazy.getMethod("strict", classOf[Object]) else null def apply[T <: AnyRef](eval: () => T): xsbti.api.Lazy[T] = if (safeLazyApply != null) safeLazyApply .invoke(null, new xsbti.F0[T] { def apply() = eval() }) .asInstanceOf[xsbti.api.Lazy[T]] else SafeLazy(eval) def strict[T <: AnyRef](value: T): xsbti.api.Lazy[T] = if (safeLazyStrict != null) safeLazyStrict .invoke(null, value) .asInstanceOf[xsbti.api.Lazy[T]] else SafeLazy.strict(value) } // Adapted from private object SafeLazy { def apply[T <: AnyRef](eval: () => T): xsbti.api.Lazy[T] = new Impl(eval) def strict[T <: AnyRef](value: T): xsbti.api.Lazy[T] = new Strict(value) private[this] final class Impl[T <: AnyRef](private[this] var eval: () => T) extends xsbti.api.AbstractLazy[T] { private[this] lazy val _t = { val t = eval() eval = null // clear the reference, ensuring the only memory we hold onto is the result t } def get: T = _t } private[this] final class Strict[T <: AnyRef](val get: T) extends xsbti.api.Lazy[T] with }