package package transform package patmat import core.Types._ import core.Contexts._ import core.Flags._ import ast.Trees._ import ast.tpd import core.Decorators._ import core.Symbols._ import core.StdNames._ import core.NameOps._ import core.Constants._ import reporting.diagnostic.messages._ import config.Printers.{ exhaustivity => debug } /** Space logic for checking exhaustivity and unreachability of pattern matching * * Space can be thought of as a set of possible values. A type or a pattern * both refer to spaces. The space of a type is the values that inhabit the * type. The space of a pattern is the values that can be covered by the * pattern. * * Space is recursively defined as follows: * * 1. `Empty` is a space * 2. For a type T, `Typ(T)` is a space * 3. A union of spaces `S1 | S2 | ...` is a space * 4. For a case class Kon(x1: T1, x2: T2, .., xn: Tn), if S1, S2, ..., Sn * are spaces, then `Kon(S1, S2, ..., Sn)` is a space. * 5. A constant `Const(value, T)` is a point in space * * For the problem of exhaustivity check, its formulation in terms of space is as follows: * * Is the space Typ(T) a subspace of the union of space covered by all the patterns? * * The problem of unreachable patterns can be formulated as follows: * * Is the space covered by a pattern a subspace of the space covered by previous patterns? * * Assumption: * (1) One case class cannot be inherited directly or indirectly by another * case class. * (2) Inheritance of a case class cannot be well handled by the algorithm. * */ /** space definition */ sealed trait Space /** Empty space */ case object Empty extends Space /** Space representing the set of all values of a type * * @param tp: the type this space represents * @param decomposed: does the space result from decomposition? Used for pretty print * */ case class Typ(tp: Type, decomposed: Boolean) extends Space /** Space representing a constructor pattern */ case class Kon(tp: Type, params: List[Space]) extends Space /** Union of spaces */ case class Or(spaces: List[Space]) extends Space /** Point in space */ sealed trait Point extends Space /** Point representing literal constants in patterns */ case class Const(value: Constant, tp: Type) extends Point /** abstract space logic */ trait SpaceLogic { /** Is `tp1` a subtype of `tp2`? */ def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean /** Is `tp1` the same type as `tp2`? */ def isEqualType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean /** Is the type `tp` decomposable? i.e. all values of the type can be covered * by its decomposed types. * * Abstract sealed class, OrType, Boolean and Java enums can be decomposed. */ def canDecompose(tp: Type): Boolean /** Return term parameter types of the case class `tp` */ def signature(tp: Type): List[Type] /** Get components of decomposable types */ def decompose(tp: Type): List[Space] /** Display space in string format */ def show(sp: Space): String /** Simplify space using the laws, there's no nested union after simplify */ def simplify(space: Space): Space = space match { case Kon(tp, spaces) => val sp = Kon(tp, _)) if (sp.params.contains(Empty)) Empty else sp case Or(spaces) => val set = _).flatMap { case Or(ss) => ss case s => Seq(s) } filter (_ != Empty) if (set.isEmpty) Empty else if (set.size == 1) set.toList(0) else Or(set) case Typ(tp, _) => if (canDecompose(tp) && decompose(tp).isEmpty) Empty else space case _ => space } /** Flatten space to get rid of `Or` for pretty print */ def flatten(space: Space): List[Space] = space match { case Kon(tp, spaces) => val flats = _) flats.foldLeft(List[Kon]()) { (acc, flat) => if (acc.isEmpty) => Kon(tp, Nil :+ s)) else for (Kon(tp, ss) <- acc; s <- flat) yield Kon(tp, ss :+ s) } case Or(spaces) => spaces.flatMap(flatten _) case _ => List(space) } /** Is `a` a subspace of `b`? Equivalent to `a - b == Empty`, but faster */ def isSubspace(a: Space, b: Space): Boolean = { def tryDecompose1(tp: Type) = canDecompose(tp) && isSubspace(Or(decompose(tp)), b) def tryDecompose2(tp: Type) = canDecompose(tp) && isSubspace(a, Or(decompose(tp))) val res = (a, b) match { case (Empty, _) => true case (_, Empty) => false case (Or(ss), _) => ss.forall(isSubspace(_, b)) case (Typ(tp1, _), Typ(tp2, _)) => isSubType(tp1, tp2) || tryDecompose1(tp1) || tryDecompose2(tp2) case (Typ(tp1, _), Or(ss)) => ss.exists(isSubspace(a, _)) || tryDecompose1(tp1) case (Typ(tp1, _), Kon(tp2, ss)) => isSubType(tp1, tp2) && isSubspace(Kon(tp2, signature(tp2).map(Typ(_, false))), b) || tryDecompose1(tp1) case (Kon(tp1, ss), Typ(tp2, _)) => isSubType(tp1, tp2) || simplify(a) == Empty || (isSubType(tp2, tp1) && tryDecompose1(tp1)) || tryDecompose2(tp2) case (Kon(_, _), Or(_)) => simplify(minus(a, b)) == Empty case (Kon(tp1, ss1), Kon(tp2, ss2)) => isEqualType(tp1, tp2) && _).tupled) case (Const(v1, _), Const(v2, _)) => v1 == v2 case (Const(_, tp1), Typ(tp2, _)) => isSubType(tp1, tp2) || tryDecompose2(tp2) case (Const(_, _), Or(ss)) => ss.exists(isSubspace(a, _)) case (Const(_, _), _) => false case (_, Const(_, _)) => false } debug.println(s"${show(a)} < ${show(b)} = $res") res } /** Intersection of two spaces */ def intersect(a: Space, b: Space): Space = { def tryDecompose1(tp: Type) = intersect(Or(decompose(tp)), b) def tryDecompose2(tp: Type) = intersect(a, Or(decompose(tp))) val res = (a, b) match { case (Empty, _) | (_, Empty) => Empty case (_, Or(ss)) => Or(, _)).filterConserve(_ ne Empty)) case (Or(ss), _) => Or(, b)).filterConserve(_ ne Empty)) case (Typ(tp1, _), Typ(tp2, _)) => if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) a else if (isSubType(tp2, tp1)) b else if (canDecompose(tp1)) tryDecompose1(tp1) else if (canDecompose(tp2)) tryDecompose2(tp2) else Empty case (Typ(tp1, _), Kon(tp2, ss)) => if (isSubType(tp2, tp1)) b else if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) a // problematic corner case: inheriting a case class else if (canDecompose(tp1)) tryDecompose1(tp1) else Empty case (Kon(tp1, ss), Typ(tp2, _)) => if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) a else if (isSubType(tp2, tp1)) a // problematic corner case: inheriting a case class else if (canDecompose(tp2)) tryDecompose2(tp2) else Empty case (Kon(tp1, ss1), Kon(tp2, ss2)) => if (!isEqualType(tp1, tp2)) Empty else if ( => simplify(intersect(p._1, p._2)) == Empty)) Empty else Kon(tp1, _).tupled)) case (Const(v1, _), Const(v2, _)) => if (v1 == v2) a else Empty case (Const(_, tp1), Typ(tp2, _)) => if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) a else if (canDecompose(tp2)) tryDecompose2(tp2) else Empty case (Const(_, _), _) => Empty case (Typ(tp1, _), Const(_, tp2)) => if (isSubType(tp2, tp1)) b else if (canDecompose(tp1)) tryDecompose1(tp1) else Empty case (_, Const(_, _)) => Empty } debug.println(s"${show(a)} & ${show(b)} = ${show(res)}") res } /** The space of a not covered by b */ def minus(a: Space, b: Space): Space = { def tryDecompose1(tp: Type) = minus(Or(decompose(tp)), b) def tryDecompose2(tp: Type) = minus(a, Or(decompose(tp))) val res = (a, b) match { case (Empty, _) => Empty case (_, Empty) => a case (Typ(tp1, _), Typ(tp2, _)) => if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) Empty else if (canDecompose(tp1)) tryDecompose1(tp1) else if (canDecompose(tp2)) tryDecompose2(tp2) else a case (Typ(tp1, _), Kon(tp2, ss)) => // corner case: inheriting a case class // rationale: every instance of `tp1` is covered by `tp2(_)` if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) minus(Kon(tp2, signature(tp2).map(Typ(_, false))), b) else if (canDecompose(tp1)) tryDecompose1(tp1) else a case (_, Or(ss)) => ss.foldLeft(a)(minus) case (Or(ss), _) => Or(, b))) case (Kon(tp1, ss), Typ(tp2, _)) => // uncovered corner case: tp2 :< tp1 if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) Empty else if (simplify(a) == Empty) Empty else if (canDecompose(tp2)) tryDecompose2(tp2) else a case (Kon(tp1, ss1), Kon(tp2, ss2)) => if (!isEqualType(tp1, tp2)) a else if ( => simplify(intersect(p._1, p._2)) == Empty)) a else if ( _).tupled)) Empty else // `(_, _, _) - (Some, None, _)` becomes `(None, _, _) | (_, Some, _) | (_, _, Empty)` Or( _).tupled).zip(0 to ss2.length - 1).map { case (ri, i) => Kon(tp1, ss1.updated(i, ri)) }) case (Const(v1, _), Const(v2, _)) => if (v1 == v2) Empty else a case (Const(_, tp1), Typ(tp2, _)) => if (isSubType(tp1, tp2)) Empty else if (canDecompose(tp2)) tryDecompose2(tp2) else a case (Const(_, _), _) => a case (Typ(tp1, _), Const(_, tp2)) => // Boolean & Java enum if (canDecompose(tp1)) tryDecompose1(tp1) else a case (_, Const(_, _)) => a } debug.println(s"${show(a)} - ${show(b)} = ${show(res)}") res } } /** Scala implementation of space logic */ class SpaceEngine(implicit ctx: Context) extends SpaceLogic { import tpd._ /** Return the space that represents the pattern `pat` * * If roundUp is true, approximate extractors to its type, * otherwise approximate extractors to Empty */ def project(pat: Tree, roundUp: Boolean = true)(implicit ctx: Context): Space = pat match { case Literal(c) => Const(c, c.tpe) case _: BackquotedIdent => Typ(pat.tpe, false) case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) => pat.tpe.stripAnnots match { case tp: TermRef => if ( Const(Constant(pat.symbol), tp) else Typ(tp, false) case tp => Typ(tp, false) } case Alternative(trees) => Or(, roundUp))) case Bind(_, pat) => project(pat) case UnApply(_, _, pats) => if ( Kon(pat.tpe.stripAnnots, => project(pat, roundUp))) else if (roundUp) Typ(pat.tpe.stripAnnots, false) else Empty case Typed(pat @ UnApply(_, _, _), _) => project(pat) case Typed(expr, _) => Typ(expr.tpe.stripAnnots, true) case _ => Empty } /* Erase a type binding according to erasure semantics in pattern matching */ def erase(tp: Type): Type = { def doErase(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case tp: HKApply => erase(tp.superType) case tp: RefinedType => erase(tp.parent) case _ => tp } tp match { case OrType(tp1, tp2) => OrType(erase(tp1), erase(tp2)) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => AndType(erase(tp1), erase(tp2)) case _ => val origin = doErase(tp) if (origin =:= defn.ArrayType) tp else origin } } /** Is `tp1` a subtype of `tp2`? */ def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = { // check SI-9657 and tests/patmat/gadt.scala val res = erase(tp1) <:< erase(tp2) debug.println(s"${} <:< ${} = $res") res } def isEqualType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 =:= tp2 /** Parameter types of the case class type `tp` */ def signature(tp: Type): List[Type] = { val ktor = val meth = ktor match { case ktor: PolyType => ktor.instantiate(, tp.classSymbol) case _ => ktor } // refine path-dependent type in params. refer to t9672, tp.classSymbol)) } /** Decompose a type into subspaces -- assume the type can be decomposed */ def decompose(tp: Type): List[Space] = { val children = tp.classSymbol.annotations.filter(_.symbol == ctx.definitions.ChildAnnot).map { annot => // refer to definition of Annotation.makeChild annot.tree match { case Apply(TypeApply(_, List(tpTree)), _) => tpTree.symbol } } debug.println(s"candidates for ${} : [${", ")}]") tp match { case OrType(tp1, tp2) => List(Typ(tp1, true), Typ(tp2, true)) case _ if tp =:= ctx.definitions.BooleanType => List( Const(Constant(true), ctx.definitions.BooleanType), Const(Constant(false), ctx.definitions.BooleanType) ) case _ if => => Const(Constant(sym), tp)) case _ => val parts = { sym => if ( refine(tp, sym.sourceModule.termRef) else if (sym.isTerm) refine(tp, sym.termRef) else if ( > 0 || tp.isInstanceOf[TypeRef]) refine(tp, sym.typeRef) else sym.typeRef } filter { tpe => // Child class may not always be subtype of parent: // GADT & path-dependent types val res = tpe <:< expose(tp) if (!res) debug.println(s"unqualified child ousted: ${} !< ${}") res } debug.println(s"${} decomposes to [${", ")}]"), true)) } } // simplify p.Case$.This.m => p.Case.m def simplifyPrefix(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case tp @ ThisType(mcls: TypeRef) if mcls.symbol.sourceModule.exists => TermRef(simplifyPrefix(mcls.prefix), mcls.symbol.sourceModule.asTerm) case tp @ TypeRef(prefix, _) => tp.derivedSelect(simplifyPrefix(prefix)) case tp @ TermRef(prefix, _) => tp.derivedSelect(simplifyPrefix(prefix)) case _ => tp } /** Refine tp2 based on tp1 * * E.g. if `tp1` is `Option[Int]`, `tp2` is `Some`, then return * `Some[Int]`. * * If `tp1` is `path1.A`, `tp2` is `path2.B`, and `path1` is subtype of * `path2`, then return `path1.B`. */ def refine(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = (tp1, tp2) match { case (tp1: RefinedType, _: TypeRef) => tp1.wrapIfMember(refine(tp1.parent, tp2)) case (tp1: HKApply, _) => refine(tp1.superType, tp2) case (TypeRef(ref1: TypeProxy, _), tp2 @ TypeRef(ref2: TypeProxy, _)) => if (ref1.underlying <:< ref2.underlying) tp2.derivedSelect(ref1) else tp2 case (TypeRef(ref1: TypeProxy, _), tp2 @ TermRef(ref2: TypeProxy, _)) => if (ref1.underlying <:< ref2.underlying) tp2.derivedSelect(ref1) else tp2 case _ => tp2 } /** Abstract sealed types, or-types, Boolean and Java enums can be decomposed */ def canDecompose(tp: Type): Boolean = { val res =, Sealed)) ||, Sealed)) || tp.isInstanceOf[OrType] || tp =:= ctx.definitions.BooleanType || debug.println(s"decomposable: ${} = $res") res } /** Show friendly type name with current scope in mind * * E.g. C.this.B --> B if current owner is C * C.this.x.T --> x.T if current owner is C * X[T] --> X * C --> C if current owner is C !!! * */ def showType(tp: Type): String = { val enclosingCls = ctx.owner.enclosingClass.asClass.classInfo.symbolicTypeRef def isOmittable(sym: Symbol) = sym.isEffectiveRoot || sym.isAnonymousClass || || ctx.definitions.UnqualifiedOwnerTypes.exists(_.symbol == sym) || sym.showFullName.startsWith("scala.") || sym == enclosingCls.typeSymbol def refinePrefix(tp: Type): String = tp match { case NoPrefix => "" case tp: NamedType if isOmittable(tp.symbol) => "" case tp: ThisType => refinePrefix(tp.tref) case tp: RefinedType => refinePrefix(tp.parent) case tp: NamedType =>"$") } def refine(tp: Type): String = tp match { case tp: RefinedType => refine(tp.parent) case tp: ThisType => refine(tp.tref) case tp: NamedType => val pre = refinePrefix(tp.prefix) if ( == tpnme.higherKinds) pre else if (pre.isEmpty)"$") else pre + "." +"$") case _ =>"$") } val text = tp.stripAnnots match { case tp: OrType => showType(tp.tp1) + " | " + showType(tp.tp2) case tp => refine(tp) } if (text.isEmpty)"$") else text } /** Display spaces */ def show(s: Space): String = { def doShow(s: Space, mergeList: Boolean = false): String = s match { case Empty => "" case Const(v, _) => case Typ(tp: TermRef, _) => tp.symbol.showName case Typ(tp, decomposed) => val sym = tp.widen.classSymbol if (ctx.definitions.isTupleType(tp)) signature(tp).map(_ => "_").mkString("(", ", ", ")") else if (sym.showFullName == "scala.collection.immutable.::") if (mergeList) "_" else "List(_)" else if ( // use constructor syntax for case class showType(tp) + signature(tp).map(_ => "_").mkString("(", ", ", ")") else if (signature(tp).nonEmpty) + signature(tp).map(_ => "_").mkString("(", ", ", ")") else if (decomposed) "_: " + showType(tp) else "_" case Kon(tp, params) => if (ctx.definitions.isTupleType(tp)) "(" +", ") + ")" else if (tp.widen.classSymbol.showFullName == "scala.collection.immutable.::") if (mergeList), mergeList)).mkString(", ") else, true)).filter(_ != "Nil").mkString("List(", ", ", ")") else showType(tp) +"(", ", ", ")") case Or(_) => throw new Exception("incorrect flatten result " + s) } flatten(s).map(doShow(_, false)).distinct.mkString(", ") } def checkable(tree: Match): Boolean = { def isCheckable(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case AnnotatedType(tp, annot) => (ctx.definitions.UncheckedAnnot != annot.symbol) && isCheckable(tp) case _ => // Possible to check everything, but be compatible with scalac by default ctx.settings.YcheckAllPatmat.value || || tp.isInstanceOf[OrType] || tp.typeSymbol == ctx.definitions.BooleanType.typeSymbol || || canDecompose(tp) || (defn.isTupleType(tp) && tp.dealias.argInfos.exists(isCheckable(_))) } val Match(sel, cases) = tree val res = isCheckable(sel.tpe.widen.deAnonymize.dealiasKeepAnnots) debug.println(s"checkable: ${} = $res") res } /** Expose refined type to eliminate reference to type variables * * A = B M { type T = A } ~~> M { type T = B } * * A <: X :> Y M { type T = A } ~~> M { type T <: X :> Y } * * A <: X :> Y B <: U :> V M { type T <: A :> B } ~~> M { type T <: X :> V } * * A = X B = Y M { type T <: A :> B } ~~> M { type T <: X :> Y } */ def expose(tp: Type): Type = { def follow(tp: Type, up: Boolean): Type = tp match { case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => follow(if (up) hi else lo, up) case _ => tp } case OrType(tp1, tp2) => OrType(follow(tp1, up), follow(tp2, up)) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => AndType(follow(tp1, up), follow(tp2, up)) } tp match { case tp: RefinedType => tp.refinedInfo match { case tpa : TypeAlias => val hi = follow(tpa.alias, true) val lo = follow(tpa.alias, false) val refined = if (hi =:= lo) tpa.derivedTypeAlias(hi) else tpa.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi) tp.derivedRefinedType( expose(tp.parent), tp.refinedName, refined ) case tpb @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => tp.derivedRefinedType( expose(tp.parent), tp.refinedName, tpb.derivedTypeBounds(follow(lo, false), follow(hi, true)) ) } case _ => tp } } def checkExhaustivity(_match: Match): Unit = { val Match(sel, cases) = _match val selTyp = sel.tpe.widen.deAnonymize.dealias val patternSpace ={ x => val space = project(x.pat) debug.println(s"${} projects to ${show(space)}") space }).reduce((a, b) => Or(List(a, b))) val uncovered = simplify(minus(Typ(selTyp, true), patternSpace)) if (uncovered != Empty) ctx.warning(PatternMatchExhaustivity(show(uncovered)), _match.pos) } def checkRedundancy(_match: Match): Unit = { val Match(sel, cases) = _match // ignore selector type for now // val selTyp = sel.tpe.widen.deAnonymize.dealias // starts from the second, the first can't be redundant (1 until cases.length).foreach { i => // in redundancy check, take guard as false, take extractor as match // nothing in order to soundly approximate val prevs = cases.take(i).map { x => if (x.guard.isEmpty) project(x.pat, false) else Empty }.reduce((a, b) => Or(List(a, b))) val curr = project(cases(i).pat) if (isSubspace(curr, prevs)) { ctx.warning(MatchCaseUnreachable(), cases(i).body.pos) } } } }