package package typer import core._ import Phases._ import Contexts._ import Symbols._ import import parsing.Parsers.Parser import config.Config import config.Printers.{typr, default} import util.Stats._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal import ast.Trees._ class FrontEnd extends Phase { override def phaseName = "frontend" override def isTyper = true import ast.tpd /** The contexts for compilation units that are parsed but not yet entered */ private var remaining: List[Context] = Nil /** Does a source file ending with `.scala` belong to a compilation unit * that is parsed but not yet entered? */ def stillToBeEntered(name: String): Boolean = remaining.exists(_.compilationUnit.toString.endsWith(name + ".scala")) def monitor(doing: String)(body: => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context) = try body catch { case NonFatal(ex) => ctx.echo(s"exception occurred while $doing ${ctx.compilationUnit}") throw ex } def parse(implicit ctx: Context) = monitor("parsing") { val unit = ctx.compilationUnit unit.untpdTree = if (unit.isJava) new JavaParser(unit.source).parse() else new Parser(unit.source).parse() val printer = if (ctx.settings.Xprint.value.contains("parser")) default else typr printer.println("parsed:\n" + if (Config.checkPositions) unit.untpdTree.checkPos(nonOverlapping = !unit.isJava && !ctx.reporter.hasErrors) } def enterSyms(implicit ctx: Context) = monitor("indexing") { val unit = ctx.compilationUnit ctx.typer.index(unit.untpdTree) typr.println("entered: " + unit.source) } def enterAnnotations(implicit ctx: Context) = monitor("annotating") { val unit = ctx.compilationUnit ctx.typer.annotate(unit.untpdTree :: Nil) typr.println("annotated: " + unit.source) } def typeCheck(implicit ctx: Context) = monitor("typechecking") { val unit = ctx.compilationUnit unit.tpdTree = ctx.typer.typedExpr(unit.untpdTree) typr.println("typed: " + unit.source) record("retained untyped trees", unit.untpdTree.treeSize) record("retained typed trees after typer", unit.tpdTree.treeSize) } private def firstTopLevelDef(trees: List[tpd.Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = trees match { case PackageDef(_, defs) :: _ => firstTopLevelDef(defs) case Import(_, _) :: defs => firstTopLevelDef(defs) case (tree @ TypeDef(_, _)) :: _ => tree.symbol case _ => NoSymbol } protected def discardAfterTyper(unit: CompilationUnit)(implicit ctx: Context) = unit.isJava || firstTopLevelDef(unit.tpdTree :: Nil).isPrimitiveValueClass override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): List[CompilationUnit] = { val unitContexts = for (unit <- units) yield { ctx.inform(s"compiling ${unit.source}") ctx.fresh.setCompilationUnit(unit) } unitContexts foreach (parse(_)) record("parsedTrees", ast.Trees.ntrees) remaining = unitContexts while (remaining.nonEmpty) { enterSyms(remaining.head) remaining = remaining.tail } unitContexts.foreach(enterAnnotations(_)) unitContexts.foreach(typeCheck(_)) record("total trees after typer", ast.Trees.ntrees) } override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { parse enterSyms typeCheck } }