package import reflect.ClassTag object Util { /** The index `i` in `candidates.indices` such that `candidates(i) <= x` and * `candidates(i)` is closest to `x`, determined by binary search, or -1 * if `x < candidates(0)`. * @param hint If between 0 and `candidates.length` use this * as the first search point, otherwise use * `candidates.length/2`. * @pre candidates is sorted */ def bestFit(candidates: Array[Int], length: Int, x: Int, hint: Int = -1): Int = { def recur(lo: Int, hi: Int, mid: Int): Int = if (x < candidates(mid)) recur(lo, mid - 1, (lo + mid - 1) / 2) else if (mid + 1 < length && x >= candidates(mid + 1)) recur(mid + 1, hi, (mid + 1 + hi) / 2) else mid val initMid = if (0 <= hint && hint < length) hint else length / 2 if (length == 0 || x < candidates(0)) -1 else recur(0, length, initMid) } /** An array twice the size of given array, with existing elements copied over */ def dble[T: ClassTag](arr: Array[T]) = { val arr1 = new Array[T](arr.length * 2) Array.copy(arr, 0, arr1, 0, arr.length) arr1 } }