package import import Scanners._ import Tokens._ object kwords { println("Welcome to the Scala worksheet") //> Welcome to the Scala worksheet //> res0: List[String] = List(if, for, else, this, null, new, with, super, case, //| case class, case object, val, abstract, final, private, protected, override //| , implicit, var, def, type, extends, true, false, object, class, import, pac //| kage, yield, do, trait, sealed, throw, try, catch, finally, while, return, m //| atch, lazy, then, forSome, _, :, =, <-, =>, ';', ';', <:, >:, #, @, <%) keywords.toList.filter(kw => tokenString(kw) == null) //> res1: List[Int] = List() canStartStatTokens contains CASE //> res2: Boolean = false }