package dotty package tools package vulpix object TestConfiguration { implicit val defaultOutputDir: String = "../out/" implicit class RichStringArray(val xs: Array[String]) extends AnyVal { def and(args: String*): Array[String] = { val argsArr: Array[String] = args.toArray xs ++ argsArr } } val noCheckOptions = Array( "-pagewidth", "120", "-color:never" ) val checkOptions = Array( "-Yno-deep-subtypes", "-Yno-double-bindings", "-Yforce-sbt-phases" ) val classPath = { val paths = Jars.dottyTestDeps map { p => val file = new assert( file.exists, s"""|File "$p" couldn't be found. Run `packageAll` from build tool before |testing. | |If running without sbt, test paths need to be setup environment variables: | | - DOTTY_LIBRARY | - DOTTY_COMPILER | - DOTTY_INTERFACES | - DOTTY_EXTRAS | |Where these all contain locations, except extras which is a colon |separated list of jars. | |When compiling with eclipse, you need the sbt-interfaces jar, put |it in extras.""" ) file.getAbsolutePath } mkString (":") Array("-classpath", paths) } private val yCheckOptions = Array("-Ycheck:tailrec,resolveSuper,mixin,restoreScopes,labelDef") val defaultOptions = noCheckOptions ++ checkOptions ++ yCheckOptions ++ classPath val allowDeepSubtypes = defaultOptions diff Array("-Yno-deep-subtypes") val allowDoubleBindings = defaultOptions diff Array("-Yno-double-bindings") val picklingOptions = defaultOptions ++ Array( "-Xprint-types", "-Ytest-pickler", "-Ystop-after:pickler", "-Yprintpos" ) val scala2Mode = defaultOptions ++ Array("-language:Scala2") val explicitUTF8 = defaultOptions ++ Array("-encoding", "UTF8") val explicitUTF16 = defaultOptions ++ Array("-encoding", "UTF16") }