package package dottydoc package staticsite import dotc.util.SourceFile import com.vladsch.flexmark.html.HtmlRenderer import com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.Parser import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.front.matter.AbstractYamlFrontMatterVisitor import java.util.{ Map => JMap, List => JList } import dotc.config.Printers.dottydoc import model.Package /** When the YAML front matter cannot be parsed, this exception is thrown */ case class IllegalFrontMatter(message: String) extends Exception(message) trait Page { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ /** Full map of includes, from name to contents */ def includes: Map[String, Include] /** `SourceFile` with contents of page */ def sourceFile: SourceFile /** String containing full unexpanded content of page */ final lazy val content: String = new String(sourceFile.content) /** Parameters to page */ def params: Map[String, AnyRef] /** Path to template */ def path: String /** YAML front matter from the top of the file */ def yaml: Map[String, AnyRef] = { if (_yaml eq null) initFields() _yaml } /** HTML generated from page */ def html: String = { if (_html eq null) initFields() _html } /** First paragraph of page extracted from rendered HTML */ def firstParagraph: String = { if (_html eq null) initFields() val sb = new StringBuilder var pos = 0 // to handle nested paragraphs in non markdown code var open = 0 while (pos < _html.length - 4) { val str = _html.substring(pos, pos + 4) val lstr = str.toLowerCase sb append str.head pos += 1 if (lstr.contains("

")) open += 1 else if (lstr == "

") { open -= 1 if (open == 0) { pos = Int.MaxValue sb append "/p>" } } } sb.toString } protected[this] var _yaml: Map[String, AnyRef /* String | JList[String] */] = _ protected[this] var _html: String = _ protected[this] def initFields() = { val md = Parser.builder(Site.markdownOptions).build.parse(content) val yamlCollector = new AbstractYamlFrontMatterVisitor() yamlCollector.visit(md) _yaml = updatedYaml { yamlCollector .getData().asScala .mapValues { case xs if xs.size == 1 => val str = xs.get(0) if (str.length > 0 && str.head == '"' && str.last == '"') str.substring(1, str.length - 1) else str case xs => xs } .toMap } // YAML must start with "---" and end in either "---" or "..." val withoutYaml = if (content.startsWith("---\n")) { val str = content.lines .drop(1) .dropWhile(line => line != "---" && line != "...") .drop(1).mkString("\n") if (str.isEmpty) throw IllegalFrontMatter(content) else str } else content // make accessible via "{{ page.title }}" in templates val page = Map("page" -> _yaml.asJava) _html = LiquidTemplate(path, withoutYaml).render(params ++ page, includes) } /** Takes "page" from `params` map in case this is a second expansion, and * removes "layout" from the parameters if it exists. We don't want to * preserve the layout from the previously expanded template */ private def updatedYaml(newYaml: Map[String, AnyRef]): Map[String, AnyRef] = params .get("page") .flatMap { case page: Map[String, AnyRef] @unchecked => Some(page - "layout" ++ newYaml) case _ => None } .getOrElse(newYaml) } class HtmlPage( val path: String, val sourceFile: SourceFile, val params: Map[String, AnyRef], val includes: Map[String, Include] ) extends Page class MarkdownPage( val path: String, val sourceFile: SourceFile, val params: Map[String, AnyRef], val includes: Map[String, Include], docs: Map[String, Package] ) extends Page { override protected[this] def initFields() = { super.initFields() val md = Parser.builder(Site.markdownOptions).build.parse(_html) // fix markdown linking MarkdownLinkVisitor(md, docs, params) MarkdownCodeBlockVisitor(md) _html = HtmlRenderer .builder(Site.markdownOptions) .escapeHtml(false) .build() .render(md) } }