--- layout: default title: "Dotty Documentation" --- The Dotty compiler is currently somewhat lacking in documentation - PRs welcome! But, we've attempted to gather the most essential knowledge in these pages. Index ----- * Usage - [Migrating from Scala 2](usage/migrating.md) - [Using Dotty with cbt](usage/cbt-projects.md) - [Using Dotty with sbt](usage/sbt-projects.md) * Contributing - [Getting Started](contributing/getting-started.md) details on how to run tests, use the cli scripts - [Workflow](contributing/workflow.md) common dev patterns and hints - [Eclipse](contributing/eclipse.md) setting up dev environment - [Intellij-IDEA](contributing/intellij-idea.md) setting up dev environment * Internals document the compiler internals - [Project Structure](internals/overall-structure.md) of the project - [Backend](internals/backend.md) details on the bytecode backend - [Contexts](internals/contexts.md) details the use of `Context` in the compiler - [Dotty vs Scala2](internals/dotc-scalac.md) - [Higher Kinded Type Scheme](internals/higher-kinded-v2.md) scheme - [Periods](internals/periods.md) - [Type System](internals/type-system.md)