/* sbt -- Simple Build Tool * Copyright 2008, 2009 Mark Harrah */ package xsbt import xsbti.Logger import dotty.tools.dottydoc.api.scala.Dottydoc import java.net.URL class ScaladocInterface { def run(args: Array[String], log: Logger, delegate: xsbti.Reporter) = (new DottydocRunner(args, log, delegate)).run() } class DottydocRunner(args: Array[String], log: Logger, delegate: xsbti.Reporter) extends Dottydoc { def run(): Unit = getOutputFolder(args).map { outputFolder => val index = createIndex(args) val resources = getResources(args) val template = getTemplate(resources) // FIXME: temporarily disabled until new implementation in place //template.fold(writeJson(index, outputFolder)) { tpl => // buildDocs(outputFolder, tpl, resources, index) //} } getOrElse { delegate.log( NoPosition, "No output folder set for API documentation (\"-d\" parameter should be passed to the documentation tool)", xsbti.Severity.Error ) } private[this] val NoPosition = new xsbti.Position { val line = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[Integer] val lineContent = "" val offset = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[Integer] val sourcePath = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[String] val sourceFile = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[java.io.File] val pointer = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[Integer] val pointerSpace = xsbti.Maybe.nothing[String] } private def getStringSetting(name: String): Option[String] = args find (_.startsWith(name)) map (_.drop(name.length)) private def getOutputFolder(args: Array[String]): Option[String] = args sliding(2) find { case Array(x, _) => x == "-d" } map (_.tail.head.trim) private def getTemplate(resources: List[URL]): Option[URL] = resources.find(_.getFile.endsWith("template.html")) private def getResources(args: Array[String]): List[URL] = { val cp = args sliding (2) find { case Array(x, _) => x == "-classpath" } map (_.tail.head.trim) getOrElse "" cp.split(":").find(_.endsWith("dottydoc-client.jar")).map { resourceJar => import java.util.jar.JarFile val jarEntries = (new JarFile(resourceJar)).entries var entries: List[URL] = Nil while (jarEntries.hasMoreElements) { val entry = jarEntries.nextElement() if (!entry.isDirectory()) { val path = s"jar:file:$resourceJar!/${entry.getName}" val url = new URL(path) entries = url :: entries } } entries } getOrElse (Nil) } }