package dotty.runtime import scala.annotation.tailrec /** * Helper methods used in thread-safe lazy vals. */ object LazyVals { private val unsafe = scala.concurrent.util.Unsafe.instance final val BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL = 2L final val LAZY_VAL_MASK = 3L final val debug = false @inline def STATE(cur: Long, ord: Int) = { val r = (cur >> (ord * BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL)) & LAZY_VAL_MASK if (debug) println(s"STATE($cur, $ord) = $r") r } @inline def CAS(t: Object, offset: Long, e: Long, v: Int, ord: Int) = { if (debug) println(s"CAS($t, $offset, $e, $v, $ord)") val mask = ~(LAZY_VAL_MASK << ord * BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL) val n = (e & mask) | (v << (ord * BITS_PER_LAZY_VAL)) compareAndSet(t, offset, e, n) } @inline def setFlag(t: Object, offset: Long, v: Int, ord: Int) = { if (debug) println(s"setFlag($t, $offset, $v, $ord)") var retry = true while (retry) { val cur = get(t, offset) if (STATE(cur, ord) == 1) retry = CAS(t, offset, cur, v, ord) else { // cur == 2, somebody is waiting on monitor if (CAS(t, offset, cur, v, ord)) { val monitor = getMonitor(t, ord) monitor.synchronized { monitor.notifyAll() } retry = false } } } } @inline def wait4Notification(t: Object, offset: Long, cur: Long, ord: Int) = { if (debug) println(s"wait4Notification($t, $offset, $cur, $ord)") var retry = true while (retry) { val cur = get(t, offset) val state = STATE(cur, ord) if (state == 1) CAS(t, offset, cur, 2, ord) else if (state == 2) { val monitor = getMonitor(t, ord) monitor.synchronized { monitor.wait() } } else retry = false } } @inline def compareAndSet(t: Object, off: Long, e: Long, v: Long) = unsafe.compareAndSwapLong(t, off, e, v) @inline def get(t: Object, off: Long) = { if (debug) println(s"get($t, $off)") unsafe.getLongVolatile(t, off) } val processors: Int = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() val base: Int = 8 * processors * processors val monitors: Array[Object] = (0 to base).map { x => new Object() }.toArray @inline def getMonitor(obj: Object, fieldId: Int = 0) = { var id = ( /*java.lang.System.identityHashCode(obj) + */ // should be here, but #548 fieldId) % base if (id < 0) id += base monitors(id) } @inline def getOffset(clz: Class[_], name: String) = { val r = unsafe.objectFieldOffset(clz.getDeclaredField(name)) if (debug) println(s"getOffset($clz, $name) = $r") r } object Names { final val state = "STATE" final val cas = "CAS" final val setFlag = "setFlag" final val wait4Notification = "wait4Notification" final val compareAndSet = "compareAndSet" final val get = "get" final val getOffset = "getOffset" } }