package package config import collection.mutable.{ ArrayBuffer } import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure } import scala.reflect.internal.util.StringOps import reflect.ClassTag import core.Contexts._ // import annotation.unchecked // Dotty deviation: Imports take precedence over definitions in enclosing package // (Note that @unchecked is in scala, not annotation, so annotation.unchecked gives // us a package, which is not what was intended anyway). import language.existentials object Settings { val BooleanTag = ClassTag.Boolean val IntTag = ClassTag.Int val StringTag = ClassTag(classOf[String]) val ListTag = ClassTag(classOf[List[_]]) val VersionTag = ClassTag(classOf[ScalaVersion]) val OptionTag = ClassTag(classOf[Option[_]]) class SettingsState(initialValues: Seq[Any]) { private var values = ArrayBuffer(initialValues: _*) private var _wasRead: Boolean = false override def toString = s"SettingsState(values: ${values.toList})" def value(idx: Int): Any = { _wasRead = true values(idx) } def update(idx: Int, x: Any): SettingsState = if (_wasRead) new SettingsState(values).update(idx, x) else { values(idx) = x this } } case class ArgsSummary( sstate: SettingsState, arguments: List[String], errors: List[String]) { def fail(msg: String) = ArgsSummary(sstate, arguments, errors :+ msg) } case class Setting[T: ClassTag] private[Settings] ( name: String, description: String, default: T, helpArg: String = "", choices: Seq[T] = Nil, prefix: String = "", aliases: List[String] = Nil, depends: List[(Setting[_], Any)] = Nil, propertyClass: Option[Class[_]] = None)(private[Settings] val idx: Int) { def withAbbreviation(abbrv: String): Setting[T] = copy(aliases = aliases :+ abbrv)(idx) def dependsOn[U](setting: Setting[U], value: U): Setting[T] = copy(depends = depends :+ (setting, value))(idx) def valueIn(state: SettingsState): T = state.value(idx).asInstanceOf[T] def updateIn(state: SettingsState, x: Any): SettingsState = x match { case _: T => state.update(idx, x) case _ => // would like to do: // throw new ClassCastException(s"illegal argument, found: $x of type ${x.getClass}, required: ${implicitly[ClassTag[T]]}") // but this runs afoul of primitive types. Concretely: if T is Boolean, then x is a boxed Boolean and the test will fail. // Maybe this is a bug in Scala 2.10? state.update(idx, x.asInstanceOf[T]) } def isDefaultIn(state: SettingsState) = valueIn(state) == default def legalChoices: String = if (choices.isEmpty) "" else choices match { case r: Range => r.head + ".." + r.last case xs: List[_] => xs.mkString(", ") } def isLegal(arg: Any): Boolean = if (choices.isEmpty) arg match { case _: T => true case _ => false } else choices match { case r: Range => arg match { case x: Int => r.head <= x && x <= r.last case _ => false } case xs: List[_] => xs contains arg } def tryToSet(state: ArgsSummary): ArgsSummary = { val ArgsSummary(sstate, arg :: args, errors) = state def update(value: Any, args: List[String]) = ArgsSummary(updateIn(sstate, value), args, errors) def fail(msg: String, args: List[String]) = ArgsSummary(sstate, args, errors :+ msg) def missingArg = fail(s"missing argument for option $name", args) def doSet(argRest: String) = ((implicitly[ClassTag[T]], args): @unchecked) match { case (BooleanTag, _) => update(true, args) case (OptionTag, _) => update(Some(propertyClass.get.newInstance), args) case (ListTag, _) => if (argRest.isEmpty) missingArg else update((argRest split ",").toList, args) case (StringTag, _) if choices.nonEmpty => if (argRest.isEmpty) missingArg else if (!choices.contains(argRest)) fail(s"$arg is not a valid choice for $name", args) else update(argRest, args) case (StringTag, arg2 :: args2) => update(arg2, args2) case (IntTag, arg2 :: args2) => try { val x = arg2.toInt choices match { case r: Range if x < r.head || r.last < x => fail(s"$arg2 is out of legal range $legalChoices for $name", args2) case _ => update(x, args2) } } catch { case _: NumberFormatException => fail(s"$arg2 is not an integer argument for $name", args2) } case (VersionTag, _) => ScalaVersion.parse(argRest) match { case Success(v) => update(v, args) case Failure(ex) => fail(ex.getMessage, args) } case (_, Nil) => missingArg } if (prefix != "" && arg.startsWith(prefix)) doSet(arg drop prefix.length) else if (prefix == "" && name == arg.takeWhile(_ != ':')) doSet(arg.dropWhile(_ != ':').drop(1)) else state } } object Setting { implicit class SettingDecorator[T](val setting: Setting[T]) extends AnyVal { def value(implicit ctx: Context): T = setting.valueIn(ctx.sstate) def update(x: T)(implicit ctx: Context): SettingsState = setting.updateIn(ctx.sstate, x) def isDefault(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = setting.isDefaultIn(ctx.sstate) } } class SettingGroup { val _allSettings = new ArrayBuffer[Setting[_]] def allSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = _allSettings def defaultState = new SettingsState(allSettings map (_.default)) def userSetSettings(state: SettingsState) = allSettings filterNot (_.isDefaultIn(state)) def toConciseString(state: SettingsState) = userSetSettings(state).mkString("(", " ", ")") private def checkDependencies(state: ArgsSummary): ArgsSummary = (state /: userSetSettings(state.sstate))(checkDependenciesOfSetting) private def checkDependenciesOfSetting(state: ArgsSummary, setting: Setting[_]) = (state /: setting.depends) { (s, dep) => val (depSetting, reqValue) = dep if (depSetting.valueIn(state.sstate) == reqValue) s else"incomplete option ${} (requires ${})") } /** Iterates over the arguments applying them to settings where applicable. * Then verifies setting dependencies are met. * * This temporarily takes a boolean indicating whether to keep * processing if an argument is seen which is not a command line option. * This is an expedience for the moment so that you can say * * scalac -d /tmp foo.scala -optimise * * while also allowing * * scala Program opt opt * * to get their arguments. */ protected def processArguments(state: ArgsSummary, processAll: Boolean, skipped: List[String]): ArgsSummary = { def stateWithArgs(args: List[String]) = ArgsSummary(state.sstate, args, state.errors) state.arguments match { case Nil => checkDependencies(stateWithArgs(skipped)) case "--" :: args => checkDependencies(stateWithArgs(skipped ++ args)) case x :: _ if x startsWith "-" => def loop(settings: List[Setting[_]]): ArgsSummary = settings match { case setting :: settings1 => val state1 = setting.tryToSet(state) if (state1 ne state) processArguments(state1, processAll, skipped) else loop(settings1) case Nil =>"bad option: '$x'") } loop(allSettings.toList) case arg :: args => if (processAll) processArguments(stateWithArgs(args), processAll, skipped :+ arg) else state } } def processArguments(arguments: List[String], processAll: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): ArgsSummary = processArguments(ArgsSummary(ctx.sstate, arguments, Nil), processAll, Nil) def publish[T](settingf: Int => Setting[T]): Setting[T] = { val setting = settingf(_allSettings.length) _allSettings += setting setting } def BooleanSetting(name: String, descr: String, initialValue: Boolean = false): Setting[Boolean] = publish(Setting(name, descr, initialValue)) def StringSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, default: String): Setting[String] = publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg)) def ChoiceSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String, choices: List[String], default: String): Setting[String] = publish(Setting(name, descr, default, helpArg, choices)) def IntSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: Int, range: Seq[Int] = Nil): Setting[Int] = publish(Setting(name, descr, default, choices = range)) def MultiStringSetting(name: String, helpArg: String, descr: String): Setting[List[String]] = publish(Setting(name, descr, Nil, helpArg)) def PathSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: String): Setting[String] = publish(Setting(name, descr, default)) def PhasesSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: String = ""): Setting[List[String]] = publish(Setting(name, descr, if (default.isEmpty) Nil else List(default))) def PrefixSetting(name: String, pre: String, descr: String): Setting[List[String]] = publish(Setting(name, descr, Nil, prefix = pre)) def VersionSetting(name: String, descr: String, default: ScalaVersion = NoScalaVersion): Setting[ScalaVersion] = publish(Setting(name, descr, default)) def OptionSetting[T: ClassTag](name: String, descr: String): Setting[Option[T]] = publish(Setting(name, descr, None, propertyClass = Some(implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass))) } }