package package dotc package repl import{BufferedReader, File, FileReader, PrintWriter} import import java.lang.{ClassLoader, System} import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import reporting.Reporter import core._ import Contexts._ import annotation.tailrec import /** The interactive shell. It provides a read-eval-print loop around * the Interpreter class. * After instantiation, clients should call the `run` method. * * @author Moez A. Abdel-Gawad * @author Lex Spoon * @author Martin Odersky */ class InterpreterLoop(compiler: Compiler, config: REPL.Config)(implicit ctx: Context) { import config._ val interpreter = compiler.asInstanceOf[Interpreter] private var in = input(interpreter) /** The context class loader at the time this object was created */ protected val originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader /** A reverse list of commands to replay if the user * requests a :replay */ var replayCommandsRev: List[String] = Nil /** A list of commands to replay if the user requests a :replay */ def replayCommands = replayCommandsRev.reverse /** Record a command for replay should the user request a :replay */ def addReplay(cmd: String) = replayCommandsRev = cmd :: replayCommandsRev /** Close the interpreter */ def closeInterpreter()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { ctx.reporter.flush() Thread.currentThread.setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader) } /** print a friendly help message */ def printHelp(): Unit = { printWelcome() output.println("Type :load followed by a filename to load a Scala file.") output.println("Type :replay to reset execution and replay all previous commands.") output.println("Type :quit to exit the interpreter.") } /** Print a welcome message */ def printWelcome(): Unit = { output.println(s"Welcome to Scala$version " + " (" + System.getProperty("") + ", Java " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ")." ) output.println("Type in expressions to have them evaluated.") output.println("Type :help for more information.") output.flush() } val version = ".next (pre-alpha)" /** The main read-eval-print loop for the interpreter. It calls * `command()` for each line of input. */ @tailrec final def repl(line: String = in.readLine(prompt)): Unit = if (line != null) { val (keepGoing, finalLineOpt) = command(line) if (keepGoing) { finalLineOpt.foreach(addReplay) output.flush() repl() } } /** interpret all lines from a specified file */ def interpretAllFrom(filename: String): Unit = { val fileIn = try { new FileReader(filename) } catch { case _: IOException => output.println("Error opening file: " + filename) return } val oldIn = in val oldReplay = replayCommandsRev try { val inFile = new BufferedReader(fileIn) in = new SimpleReader(inFile, output, false) output.println("Loading " + filename + "...") output.flush repl() } finally { in = oldIn replayCommandsRev = oldReplay fileIn.close } } /** create a new interpreter and replay all commands so far */ def replay(): Unit = { for (cmd <- replayCommands) { output.println("Replaying: " + cmd) output.flush() // because maybe cmd will have its own output command(cmd) output.println } } /** Run one command submitted by the user. Three values are returned: * (1) whether to keep running, (2) the line to record for replay, * if any. */ def command(line: String): (Boolean, Option[String]) = { def withFile(command: String)(action: String => Unit): Unit = { val spaceIdx = command.indexOf(' ') if (spaceIdx <= 0) { output.println("That command requires a filename to be specified.") return } val filename = command.substring(spaceIdx).trim if (!new File(filename).exists) { output.println("That file does not exist") return } action(filename) } val helpRegexp = ":h(e(l(p)?)?)?" val quitRegexp = ":q(u(i(t)?)?)?" val loadRegexp = ":l(o(a(d)?)?)?.*" val replayRegexp = ":r(e(p(l(a(y)?)?)?)?)?.*" val lastOutput = interpreter.lastOutput() var shouldReplay: Option[String] = None if (line.matches(helpRegexp)) printHelp() else if (line.matches(quitRegexp)) return (false, None) else if (line.matches(loadRegexp)) { withFile(line)(f => { interpretAllFrom(f) shouldReplay = Some(line) }) } else if (line matches replayRegexp) replay() else if (line startsWith ":") output.println("Unknown command. Type :help for help.") else shouldReplay = lastOutput match { // don't interpret twice case Nil => interpretStartingWith(line) case oldRes => oldRes foreach output.print Some(line) } (true, shouldReplay) } def silentlyRun(cmds: List[String]): Unit = cmds.foreach { cmd => interpreter.beQuietDuring(interpreter.interpret(cmd)) } def silentlyBind(values: Array[(String, Any)]): Unit = values.foreach { case (id, value) => interpreter.beQuietDuring( interpreter.bind(id, value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass.getName, value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])) } /** Interpret expressions starting with the first line. * Read lines until a complete compilation unit is available * or until a syntax error has been seen. If a full unit is * read, go ahead and interpret it. Return the full string * to be recorded for replay, if any. */ def interpretStartingWith(code: String): Option[String] = interpreter.interpret(code) match { case Interpreter.Success => Some(code) case _ => None } /* def loadFiles(settings: Settings) { settings match { case settings: GenericRunnerSettings => for (filename <- settings.loadfiles.value) { val cmd = ":load " + filename command(cmd) replayCommandsRev = cmd :: replayCommandsRev output.println() } case _ => } } */ def run(): Reporter = { // loadFiles(settings) try { if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors) { // if there are already errors, no sense to continue printWelcome() silentlyRun(config.initialCommands) silentlyBind(config.boundValues) repl(in.readLine(prompt)) silentlyRun(config.cleanupCommands) } } finally { closeInterpreter() } ctx.reporter } }