package package dotc package reporting import core.Contexts._ import core.Positions._ import core.Decorators.PhaseListDecorator import collection.mutable import io.{SourceFile, NoSource} import java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis trait Reporting { this: Context => def error(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition): Unit = reporter.error(msg, pos) def warning(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition): Unit = reporter.warning(msg, pos) def inform(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition): Unit =, pos) def log(msg: => String): Unit = if (this.settings.log.value.containsPhase(phase)) inform(s"[log ${ctx.phasesStack.reverse.mkString(" -> ")}] $msg") def debuglog(msg: => String): Unit = if (ctx.debug) log(msg) def informTime(msg: => String, start: Long): Unit = informProgress(msg + elapsed(start)) private def elapsed(start: Long) = " in " + (currentTimeMillis - start) + "ms" def informProgress(msg: => String) = if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) inform("[" + msg + "]") def trace[T](msg: => String)(value: T) = { log(msg + " " + value) value } def traceIndented[T](leading: => String, trailing: => String)(op: => T): T = { var finalized = false def finalize(note: String) = if (!finalized) { base.indent -= 1 log(s"${base.indentTab * base.indent}$trailing$note") finalized = true } try { log(s"${base.indentTab * base.indent}$leading") base.indent += 1 op } catch { case ex: Throwable => finalize(s" (with exception $ex)") throw ex } finally { finalize("") } } } object Reporter { object Severity extends Enumeration { val INFO, WARNING, ERROR = Value } } /** * This interface provides methods to issue information, warning and * error messages. */ abstract class Reporter { import Reporter.Severity.{Value => Severity, _} protected def report(msg: String, severity: Severity, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit protected def isHidden(severity: Severity, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context) = false val count = new mutable.HashMap[Severity, Int]() { override def default(key: Severity) = 0 } /** Whether very long lines can be truncated. This exists so important * debugging information (like printing the classpath) is not rendered * invisible due to the max message length. */ private var _truncationOK: Boolean = true def truncationOK = _truncationOK def withoutTruncating[T](body: => T): T = { val saved = _truncationOK _truncationOK = false try body finally _truncationOK = saved } type ErrorHandler = (String, Position, Context) => Unit private var incompleteHandler: ErrorHandler = error(_, _)(_) def withIncompleteHandler[T](handler: ErrorHandler)(op: => T): T = { val saved = incompleteHandler incompleteHandler = handler try op finally incompleteHandler = saved } def hasErrors = count(ERROR) > 0 def hasWarnings = count(WARNING) > 0 /** For sending messages that are printed only if -verbose is set */ def info(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) info0(msg, INFO, pos) /** For sending a message which should not be labeled as a warning/error, * but also shouldn't require -verbose to be visible. */ def echo(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = info0(msg, INFO, pos) def warning(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = if (!ctx.settings.nowarn.value) withoutTruncating(info0(msg, WARNING, pos)) def error(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = withoutTruncating(info0(msg, ERROR, pos)) def incompleteInputError(msg: String, pos: Position = NoPosition)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = incompleteHandler(msg, pos, ctx) private def info0(msg: String, severity: Severity, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { if (!isHidden(severity, pos)) { count(severity) += 1 report(msg, severity, pos) } } /** Returns a string meaning "n elements". */ private def countElementsAsString(n: Int, elements: String): String = n match { case 0 => "no " + elements + "s" case 1 => "one " + elements case 2 => "two " + elements + "s" case 3 => "three " + elements + "s" case 4 => "four " + elements + "s" case _ => n + " " + elements + "s" } protected def label(severity: Severity): String = severity match { case INFO => "" case ERROR => "error: " case WARNING => "warning: " } protected def countString(severity: Severity) = { assert(severity != INFO) countElementsAsString(count(severity), label(severity).dropRight(2)) } def flush(): Unit = {} def reset(): Unit = count.clear() }