package package transform import{TransformerInfo, TreeTransform, TreeTransformer} import{Trees, tpd} import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import ValueClasses._ import scala.annotation.tailrec import core._ import typer.ErrorReporting._ import typer.Checking import Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._, DenotTransformers._ import SymDenotations._, Symbols._, StdNames._, Annotations._, Trees._, Scopes._, Denotations._ import util.Positions._ import Decorators._ import Symbols._, TypeUtils._ /** A macro transform that runs immediately after typer and that performs the following functions: * * (1) Add super accessors and protected accessors (@see SuperAccessors) * * (2) Convert parameter fields that have the same name as a corresponding * public parameter field in a superclass to a forwarder to the superclass * field (corresponding = super class field is initialized with subclass field) * (@see ForwardParamAccessors) * * (3) Add synthetic methods (@see SyntheticMethods) * * (4) Check that `New` nodes can be instantiated, and that annotations are valid * * (5) Convert all trees representing types to TypeTrees. * * (6) Check the bounds of AppliedTypeTrees * * (7) Insert `.package` for selections of package object members * * (8) Replaces self references by name with `this` * * The reason for making this a macro transform is that some functions (in particular * super and protected accessors and instantiation checks) are naturally top-down and * don't lend themselves to the bottom-up approach of a mini phase. The other two functions * (forwarding param accessors and synthetic methods) only apply to templates and fit * mini-phase or subfunction of a macro phase equally well. But taken by themselves * they do not warrant their own group of miniphases before pickling. */ class PostTyper extends MacroTransform with IdentityDenotTransformer { thisTransformer => import tpd._ /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */ override def phaseName: String = "posttyper" override def transformPhase(implicit ctx: Context) = protected def newTransformer(implicit ctx: Context): Transformer = new PostTyperTransformer val superAcc = new SuperAccessors(thisTransformer) val paramFwd = new ParamForwarding(thisTransformer) val synthMth = new SyntheticMethods(thisTransformer) private def newPart(tree: Tree): Option[New] = methPart(tree) match { case Select(nu: New, _) => Some(nu) case _ => None } private def checkValidJavaAnnotation(annot: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { // TODO fill in } /** Check bounds of AppliedTypeTrees and TypeApplys. * Replace type trees with TypeTree nodes. * Replace constant expressions with Literal nodes. * Note: Demanding idempotency instead of purity in literalize is strictly speaking too loose. * Example * * object O { final val x = 42; println("43") } * O.x * * Strictly speaking we can't replace `O.x` with `42`. But this would make * most expressions non-constant. Maybe we can change the spec to accept this * kind of eliding behavior. Or else enforce true purity in the compiler. * The choice will be affected by what we will do with `inline` and with * Singleton type bounds (see SIP 23). Presumably * * object O1 { val x: Singleton = 42; println("43") } * object O2 { inline val x = 42; println("43") } * * should behave differently. * * O1.x should have the same effect as { println("43"; 42 } * * whereas * * O2.x = 42 * * Revisit this issue once we have implemented `inline`. Then we can demand * purity of the prefix unless the selection goes to an inline val. */ private def normalizeTree(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = tree match { case tree: TypeTree => tree case TypeApply(fn, args) => Checking.checkBounds(args, fn.tpe.widen.asInstanceOf[PolyType]) tree case _ => if (tree.isType) { Checking.typeChecker.traverse(tree) TypeTree(tree.tpe).withPos(tree.pos) } else tree.tpe.widenTermRefExpr match { case ConstantType(value) if isIdempotentExpr(tree) => Literal(value) case _ => tree } } class PostTyperTransformer extends Transformer { private var inJavaAnnot: Boolean = false private var parentNews: Set[New] = Set() private def transformAnnot(annot: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { val saved = inJavaAnnot inJavaAnnot = annot.symbol is JavaDefined if (inJavaAnnot) checkValidJavaAnnotation(annot) try transform(annot) finally inJavaAnnot = saved } private def transformAnnot(annot: Annotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Annotation = annot.derivedAnnotation(transformAnnot(annot.tree)) private def transformMemberDef(tree: MemberDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { tree.symbol.transformAnnotations(transformAnnot) Checking.checkNoPrivateLeaks(tree) } private def transformSelect(tree: Select, targs: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { val qual = tree.qualifier qual.symbol.moduleClass.denot match { case pkg: PackageClassDenotation if ! => transformSelect(cpy.Select(tree)(qual select pkg.packageObj.symbol,, targs) case _ => superAcc.transformSelect(super.transform(tree), targs) } } private def normalizeTypeArgs(tree: TypeApply)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeApply = tree.tpe match { case pt: PolyType => // wait for more arguments coming tree case _ => def decompose(tree: TypeApply): (Tree, List[Tree]) = match { case fun: TypeApply => val (tycon, args) = decompose(fun) (tycon, args ++ tree.args) case _ => (, tree.args) } def reorderArgs(pnames: List[Name], namedArgs: List[NamedArg], otherArgs: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = pnames match { case pname :: pnames1 => namedArgs.partition( == pname) match { case (NamedArg(_, arg) :: _, namedArgs1) => arg :: reorderArgs(pnames1, namedArgs1, otherArgs) case _ => val otherArg :: otherArgs1 = otherArgs otherArg :: reorderArgs(pnames1, namedArgs, otherArgs1) } case nil => assert(namedArgs.isEmpty && otherArgs.isEmpty) Nil } val (tycon, args) = decompose(tree) tycon.tpe.widen match { case PolyType(pnames) => val (namedArgs, otherArgs) = args.partition(isNamedArg) val args1 = reorderArgs(pnames, namedArgs.asInstanceOf[List[NamedArg]], otherArgs) TypeApply(tycon, args1).withPos(tree.pos).withType(tree.tpe) case _ => tree } } override def transform(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = try normalizeTree(tree) match { case tree: Ident => tree.tpe match { case tpe: ThisType => This(tpe.cls).withPos(tree.pos) case _ => paramFwd.adaptRef(tree) } case tree: Select => transformSelect(paramFwd.adaptRef(tree), Nil) case tree: TypeApply => val tree1 @ TypeApply(fn, args) = normalizeTypeArgs(tree) Checking.checkBounds(args, fn.tpe.widen.asInstanceOf[PolyType]) fn match { case sel: Select => val args1 = transform(args) val sel1 = transformSelect(sel, args1) if (superAcc.isProtectedAccessor(sel1)) sel1 else cpy.TypeApply(tree1)(sel1, args1) case _ => super.transform(tree1) } case tree @ Assign(sel: Select, _) => superAcc.transformAssign(super.transform(tree)) case tree: Template => val saved = parentNews parentNews ++= tree.parents.flatMap(newPart) try { val templ1 = paramFwd.forwardParamAccessors(tree) synthMth.addSyntheticMethods( superAcc.wrapTemplate(templ1)( super.transform(_).asInstanceOf[Template])) } finally parentNews = saved case tree: DefDef => transformMemberDef(tree) superAcc.wrapDefDef(tree)(super.transform(tree).asInstanceOf[DefDef]) case tree: TypeDef => transformMemberDef(tree) val sym = tree.symbol val tree1 = if (sym.isClass) tree else { Checking.typeChecker.traverse(tree.rhs) cpy.TypeDef(tree)(rhs = TypeTree( } super.transform(tree1) case tree: MemberDef => transformMemberDef(tree) super.transform(tree) case tree: New if !inJavaAnnot && !parentNews.contains(tree) => Checking.checkInstantiable(tree.tpe, tree.pos) super.transform(tree) case tree @ Annotated(annot, annotated) => cpy.Annotated(tree)(transformAnnot(annot), transform(annotated)) case tree: TypeTree => tree.withType( tree.tpe match { case AnnotatedType(tpe, annot) => AnnotatedType(tpe, transformAnnot(annot)) case tpe => tpe } ) case tree => super.transform(tree) } catch { case ex : AssertionError => println(i"error while transforming $tree") throw ex } } }