package package transform import TreeTransforms._ import core.Denotations._ import core.SymDenotations._ import core.Contexts._ import core.Symbols._ import core.Types._ import core.Constants._ import core.StdNames._ import core.TypeErasure.isUnboundedGeneric import typer.ErrorReporting._ import ast.Trees._ import Erasure.Boxing._ /** This transform normalizes type tests and type casts, * also replacing type tests with singleton argument type with reference equality check * Any remaining type tests * - use the object methods $isInstanceOf and $asInstanceOf * - have a reference type as receiver * - can be translated directly to machine instructions */ class TypeTestsCasts extends MiniPhaseTransform { import ast.tpd._ override def phaseName: String = "typeTestsCasts" override def transformTypeApply(tree: TypeApply)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree = ctx.traceIndented(s"transforming ${}", show = true) { match { case fun @ Select(qual, selector) => val sym = tree.symbol def isPrimitive(tp: Type) = tp.classSymbol.isPrimitiveValueClass def derivedTree(qual1: Tree, sym: Symbol, tp: Type) = cpy.TypeApply(tree)(, List(TypeTree(tp))) def qualCls = qual.tpe.widen.classSymbol def transformIsInstanceOf(expr:Tree, argType: Type): Tree = { def argCls = argType.classSymbol if (expr.tpe <:< argType) Literal(Constant(true)) withPos tree.pos else if (qualCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) { if (argCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) Literal(Constant(qualCls == argCls)) else errorTree(tree, "isInstanceOf cannot test if value types are references") } else if (argCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) transformIsInstanceOf(expr, defn.boxedClass(argCls).typeRef) else argType.dealias match { case _: SingletonType => val cmpOp = if (argType derivesFrom defn.AnyValClass) defn.Any_equals else defn.Object_eq case AndType(tp1, tp2) => evalOnce(expr) { fun => val erased1 = transformIsInstanceOf(fun, tp1) val erased2 = transformIsInstanceOf(fun, tp2) erased1 match { case Literal(Constant(true)) => erased2 case _ => erased2 match { case Literal(Constant(true)) => erased1 case _ => erased1 and erased2 } } } case defn.MultiArrayType(elem, ndims) if isUnboundedGeneric(elem) => def isArrayTest(arg: Tree) = runtimeCall(nme.isArray, arg :: Literal(Constant(ndims)) :: Nil) if (ndims == 1) isArrayTest(qual) else evalOnce(qual) { qual1 => derivedTree(qual1, defn.Any_isInstanceOf, qual1.tpe) and isArrayTest(qual1) } case _ => derivedTree(expr, defn.Any_isInstanceOf, argType) } } def transformAsInstanceOf(argType: Type): Tree = { def argCls = argType.classSymbol if (qual.tpe <:< argType) Typed(qual, tree.args.head) else if (qualCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) { if (argCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) primitiveConversion(qual, argCls) else derivedTree(box(qual), defn.Any_asInstanceOf, argType) } else if (argCls.isPrimitiveValueClass) unbox(qual.ensureConforms(defn.ObjectType), argType) else derivedTree(qual, defn.Any_asInstanceOf, argType) } if (sym eq defn.Any_isInstanceOf) transformIsInstanceOf(qual, tree.args.head.tpe) else if (sym eq defn.Any_asInstanceOf) transformAsInstanceOf(tree.args.head.tpe) else tree case _ => tree } } }