package package transform import core._ import Types._ import Symbols._ import SymDenotations._ import Contexts._ import Flags._ import StdNames._ /** Methods that apply to user-defined value classes */ object ValueClasses { def isDerivedValueClass(d: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context) = { !ctx.settings.XnoValueClasses.value && !d.isRefinementClass && d.isValueClass && (d.initial.symbol ne defn.AnyValClass) && // Compare the initial symbol because AnyVal does not exist after erasure !d.isPrimitiveValueClass } def isMethodWithExtension(d: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context) = d.isRealMethod && isDerivedValueClass(d.owner) && !d.isConstructor && ! && ! /** The member that of a derived value class that unboxes it. */ def valueClassUnbox(d: ClassDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = // (info.decl(nme.unbox)).orElse(...) uncomment once we accept unbox methods d.classInfo.decls .find(d => d.isTerm && .map(_.symbol) .getOrElse(NoSymbol) /** For a value class `d`, this returns the synthetic cast from the underlying type to * ErasedValueType defined in the companion module. This method is added to the module * and further described in [[ExtensionMethods]]. */ def u2evt(d: ClassDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = /** For a value class `d`, this returns the synthetic cast from ErasedValueType to the * underlying type defined in the companion module. This method is added to the module * and further described in [[ExtensionMethods]]. */ def evt2u(d: ClassDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = /** The unboxed type that underlies a derived value class */ def underlyingOfValueClass(d: ClassDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = valueClassUnbox(d).info.resultType }