package package dotc package typer import ast._ import core._ import Trees._ import Types._, Contexts._, Decorators._, Denotations._, Symbols._ import Applications._ import util.Positions._ import printing.Showable import reporting.Reporter.SuppressedMessage object ErrorReporting { import tpd._ def errorTree(tree: untpd.Tree, msg: => String)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = tree withType errorType(msg, tree.pos) def errorType(msg: => String, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): ErrorType = { ctx.error(msg, pos) ErrorType } class Errors(implicit ctx: Context) { def expectedTypeStr(tp: Type): String = tp match { case tp: FunProtoType => val result = tp.resultType match { case tp: WildcardType => "" case tp => i"and expected result type $tp" } i"arguments (${tp.typedArgs.tpes}%, %)$result" case _ => i"expected type $tp" } def anonymousTypeMemberStr(tpe: Type) = { val kind = tpe match { case _: TypeBounds => "type with bounds" case _: PolyType | _: MethodType => "method" case _ => "value of type" } i"$kind $tpe" } def overloadedAltsStr(alts: List[SingleDenotation]) = i"overloaded alternatives of ${denotStr(alts.head)} with types\n" + i" ${alts map (}%\n %" def denotStr(denot: Denotation): String = if (denot.isOverloaded) overloadedAltsStr(denot.alternatives) else if (denot.symbol.exists) denot.symbol.showLocated else anonymousTypeMemberStr( def refStr(tp: Type): String = tp match { case tp: NamedType => denotStr(tp.denot) case _ => anonymousTypeMemberStr(tp) } def exprStr(tree: Tree): String = refStr(tree.tpe) def patternConstrStr(tree: Tree): String = ??? def typeMismatch(tree: Tree, pt: Type): Tree = { val result = errorTree(tree, i"""type mismatch: | found : ${tree.tpe} | required: $pt""".stripMargin) if (ctx.settings.explaintypes.value) new ExplainingTypeComparer().isSubType(tree.tpe, pt) result } } def err(implicit ctx: Context): Errors = new Errors /** Implementation of i"..." string interpolator */ implicit class InfoString(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def i(args: Any*)(implicit ctx: Context): String = { def isSensical(arg: Any): Boolean = arg match { case tpe: Type if tpe.isErroneous => false case NoType => false case sym: Symbol if sym.isCompleted => != ErrorType && != TypeAlias(ErrorType) && != NoType case _ => true } def treatArg(arg: Any, suffix: String): (Any, String) = arg match { case arg: Showable => (, suffix) case arg: List[_] if suffix.head == '%' => val (sep, rest) = suffix.tail.span(_ != '%') if (rest.nonEmpty) (arg mkString sep, rest.tail) else (arg, suffix) case _ => (arg, suffix) } if (ctx.reporter.hasErrors && ctx.suppressNonSensicalErrors && !ctx.settings.YshowSuppressedErrors.value && !args.forall(isSensical(_))) throw new SuppressedMessage val prefix :: suffixes = val (args1, suffixes1) = (args, suffixes), _)).unzip new StringContext(prefix :: suffixes1.toList: _*).s(args1: _*) } } }