package package dotc package typer import core._ import ast.{Trees, untpd, tpd, TreeInfo} import Contexts._ import Types._ import Flags._ import NameOps._ import Symbols._ import Decorators._ import Names._ import StdNames._ import Trees._ import Inferencing._ import util.Positions._ import collection.mutable object EtaExpansion { import tpd._ private def lift(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], expr: Tree, prefix: String = "")(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = if (isPureExpr(expr)) expr else { val name = ctx.freshName(prefix).toTermName val liftedType = fullyDefinedType(expr.tpe.widen, "lifted expression", expr.pos) val sym = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, name, EmptyFlags, liftedType, coord = positionCoord(expr.pos)) defs += ValDef(sym, expr) ref(sym.valRef) } /** Lift out common part of lhs tree taking part in an operator assignment such as * * lhs += expr */ def liftAssigned(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = tree match { case Apply(MaybePoly(fn @ Select(pre, name), targs), args) => cpy.Apply(tree)( cpy.Select(fn)( lift(defs, pre), name).appliedToTypeTrees(targs), liftArgs(defs, fn.tpe, args)) case Select(pre, name) => cpy.Select(tree)(lift(defs, pre), name) case _ => tree } /** Lift a function argument, stripping any NamedArg wrapper */ def liftArg(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], arg: Tree, prefix: String = "")(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = arg match { case arg @ NamedArg(name, arg1) => cpy.NamedArg(arg)(name, lift(defs, arg1, prefix)) case arg => lift(defs, arg, prefix) } /** Lift arguments that are not-idempotent into ValDefs in buffer `defs` * and replace by the idents of so created ValDefs. */ def liftArgs(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], methRef: Type, args: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = methRef.widen match { case MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes) => (args, paramNames, paramTypes).zipped map { (arg, name, tp) => if (tp.isInstanceOf[ExprType]) arg else liftArg(defs, arg, if (name contains '$') "" else name.toString + "$") } case _ => args map (liftArg(defs, _)) } /** Lift out function prefix and all arguments from application * * pre.f(arg1, ..., argN) becomes * * val x0 = pre * val x1 = arg1 * ... * val xN = argN * x0.f(x1, ..., xN) * * But leave idempotent expressions alone. * */ def liftApp(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = tree match { case Apply(fn, args) => cpy.Apply(tree)(liftApp(defs, fn), liftArgs(defs, fn.tpe, args)) case TypeApply(fn, targs) => cpy.TypeApply(tree)(liftApp(defs, fn), targs) case Select(pre, name) if isPureRef(tree) => cpy.Select(tree)(liftPrefix(defs, pre), name) case Block(stats, expr) => liftApp(defs ++= stats, expr) case New(tpt) => tree case _ => lift(defs, tree) } /** Lift prefix `pre` of an application `pre.f(...)` to * * val x0 = pre * x0.f(...) * * unless `pre` is a `New` or `pre` is idempotent. */ def liftPrefix(defs: mutable.ListBuffer[Tree], tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = tree match { case New(_) => tree case _ => if (isIdempotentExpr(tree)) tree else lift(defs, tree) } /** Eta-expanding a tree means converting a method reference to a function value. * @param tree The tree to expand * @param mt The type of the method reference * @param xarity The arity of the expected function type * and assume the lifted application of `tree` (@see liftApp) is * * { val xs = es; expr } * * If xarity matches the number of parameters in `mt`, the eta-expansion is * * { val xs = es; (x1, ..., xn) => expr(x1, ..., xn) } * * Note that the function value's parameters are untyped, hence the type will * be supplied by the environment (or if missing be supplied by the target * method as a fallback). On the other hand, if `xarity` is different from * the number of parameters in `mt`, then we cannot propagate parameter types * from the expected type, and we fallback to using the method's original * parameter types instead. * * In either case, the result is an untyped tree, with `es` and `expr` as typed splices. */ def etaExpand(tree: Tree, mt: MethodType, xarity: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Tree = { import untpd._ assert(!ctx.isAfterTyper) val defs = new mutable.ListBuffer[tpd.Tree] val lifted: Tree = TypedSplice(liftApp(defs, tree)) val paramTypes: List[Tree] = if (mt.paramTypes.length == xarity) mt.paramTypes map (_ => TypeTree()) else mt.paramTypes map TypeTree val params = (mt.paramNames, paramTypes), tpe) => ValDef(name, tpe, EmptyTree).withFlags(Synthetic | Param).withPos(tree.pos)) var ids: List[Tree] = mt.paramNames map (name => Ident(name).withPos(tree.pos)) if (mt.paramTypes.nonEmpty && mt.paramTypes.last.isRepeatedParam) ids = ids.init :+ repeated(ids.last) var body: Tree = Apply(lifted, ids) mt.resultType match { case rt: MethodType if !rt.isImplicit => body = PostfixOp(body, nme.WILDCARD) case _ => } val fn = untpd.Function(params, body) if (defs.nonEmpty) untpd.Block(defs.toList map (untpd.TypedSplice(_)), fn) else fn } } /**

not needed * Expand partial function applications of type `type`. *

   *  p.f(es_1)...(es_n)
   *     ==>  {
   *            private synthetic val eta$f   = p.f   // if p is not stable
   *            ...
   *            private synthetic val eta$e_i = e_i    // if e_i is not stable
   *            ...
   *            (ps_1 => ... => ps_m => eta$f([es_1])...([es_m])(ps_1)...(ps_m))
   *          }

* tree is already attributed *

def etaExpandUntyped(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Tree = { // kept as a reserve for now def expand(tree: Tree): untpd.Tree = tree.tpe match { case mt @ MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes) if !mt.isImplicit => val paramsArgs: List[(untpd.ValDef, untpd.Tree)] = (paramNames, paramTypes) { (name, tp) => val droppedStarTpe = defn.underlyingOfRepeated(tp) val param = ValDef( Modifiers(Param), name, untpd.TypedSplice(TypeTree(droppedStarTpe)), untpd.EmptyTree) var arg: untpd.Tree = Ident(name) if (defn.isRepeatedParam(tp)) arg = Typed(arg, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) (param, arg) } val (params, args) = paramsArgs.unzip untpd.Function(params, Apply(untpd.TypedSplice(tree), args)) } val defs = new mutable.ListBuffer[Tree] val tree1 = liftApp(defs, tree) Block(defs.toList map untpd.TypedSplice, expand(tree1)) } */