package package dotc package typer import core._ import ast._ import Trees._, Constants._, StdNames._, Scopes._, Denotations._ import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, SymDenotations._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._, Decorators._ import ast.desugar, ast.desugar._ import Typer.AnySelectionProto import util.Positions._ import util.SourcePosition import collection.mutable import annotation.tailrec import ErrorReporting._ import language.implicitConversions trait NamerContextOps { this: Context => def enter(sym: Symbol): Symbol = { ctx.owner match { case cls: ClassSymbol => cls.enter(sym) case _ => this.scope.asInstanceOf[MutableScope].enter(sym) } sym } def denotsNamed(name: Name): PreDenotation = if (owner.isClass) owner.asClass.membersNamed(name) else scope.denotsNamed(name) def effectiveScope = if (owner != null && owner.isClass) owner.asClass.decls else scope } /** This class attaches creates symbols from definitions and imports and gives them * lazy types. * * Timeline: * * During enter, trees are expanded as necessary, populating the expandedTree map. * Symbols are created, and the symOfTree map is set up. * * Symbol completion causes some trees to be already typechecked and typedTree * entries are created to associate the typed trees with the untyped expanded originals. * * During typer, original trees are first expanded using expandedTree. For each * expanded member definition or import we extract and remove the corresponding symbol * from the symOfTree map and complete it. We then consult the typedTree map to see * whether a typed tree exists already. If yes, the typed tree is returned as result. * Otherwise, we proceed with regular type checking. * * The scheme is designed to allow sharing of nodes, as long as each duplicate appears * in a different method. */ class Namer { typer: Typer => import untpd._ /** A partial map from unexpanded member defs to their expansions. * Populated during enterSyms, emptied during typer. */ lazy val expandedTree = new mutable.HashMap[MemberDef, Tree] /** A map from expanded MemberDef or Import trees to their symbols. * Populated during enterSyms, emptied at the point a typed tree * with the same symbol is created (this can be when the symbol is completed * or at the latest when the tree is typechecked. */ lazy val symOfTree = new mutable.HashMap[Tree, Symbol] /** A map from expanded trees their typed versions. * Populated when trees are typechecked during completion (using method typedAhead). * Emptied during typer. */ lazy val typedTree = new mutable.HashMap[Tree, tpd.Tree] /** A map from method symbols to nested typers. * Populated when methods are completed. Emptied when they are typechecked. * The nested typer contains new versions of the four maps above including this * one, so that trees that are shared between different DefDefs can be independently * used as indices. It also contains a scope that contains nested parameters. */ lazy val nestedTyper = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Typer] /** The scope of the typer. * For nested typers this is a place parameters are entered during completion * and where they survive until typechecking. */ val scope = newScope /** The symbol of the given expanded tree. */ def symbolOfTree(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = typedTree get tree match { case Some(tree1) => tree1.denot.symbol case _ => symOfTree(tree) } /** The enclosing class with given name; error if none exists */ def enclosingClassNamed(name: TypeName, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = { if (name.isEmpty) NoSymbol else { val cls = ctx.owner.enclosingClassNamed(name) if (!cls.exists) ctx.error(s"no enclosing class or object is named $name", pos) cls } } /** If this tree is a member def or an import, create a symbol of it * and store in symOfTree map. */ def createSymbol(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = { def privateWithinClass(mods: Modifiers) = enclosingClassNamed(mods.privateWithin, mods.pos) def record(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol): Symbol = { symOfTree(tree) = sym println(s"entered: $sym in ${ctx.owner} and ${ctx.effectiveScope}") sym } def recordEnter(tree: Tree, sym: Symbol) = { if (sym.owner is PackageClass) { val preExisting = sym.owner.decls.lookup( if (preExisting.defRunId == ctx.runId) ctx.error(s"${sym.showLocated} is compiled twice", tree.pos) } record(tree, ctx.enter(sym)) } println(i"creating symbol for $tree") tree match { case tree: TypeDef if tree.isClassDef => recordEnter(tree, ctx.newClassSymbol( ctx.owner,, tree.mods.flags, new ClassCompleter(tree), privateWithinClass(tree.mods), tree.pos, ctx.source.file)) case Thicket((moduleDef: ValDef) :: (modclsDef: TypeDef) :: Nil) => assert(moduleDef.mods is Module) val module = ctx.newModuleSymbol( ctx.owner,, moduleDef.mods.flags, modclsDef.mods.flags, (modul, modcls) => new ClassCompleter(modclsDef, modul), privateWithinClass(moduleDef.mods), modclsDef.pos, ctx.source.file) recordEnter(modclsDef, module.moduleClass) recordEnter(moduleDef, module) case tree: MemberDef => recordEnter(tree, ctx.newSymbol( ctx.owner,, tree.mods.flags, new Completer(tree), privateWithinClass(tree.mods), tree.pos)) case imp: Import => record(imp, ctx.newSymbol( ctx.owner, nme.IMPORT, Synthetic, new Completer(tree), NoSymbol, tree.pos)) case _ => NoSymbol } } /** All PackageClassInfoTypes come from here. */ private def createPackageSymbol(pid: RefTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = { val pkgOwner = pid match { case Ident(_) => if (ctx.owner eq defn.EmptyPackageClass) defn.RootClass else ctx.owner case Select(qual: RefTree, _) => createPackageSymbol(qual).moduleClass } val existing = if ((existing is Package) && (pkgOwner eq existing.owner)) existing else ctx.newCompletePackageSymbol(pkgOwner, } /** The expansion of a member def */ def expansion(mdef: MemberDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { val expanded = desugar.memberDef(mdef) if (expanded ne mdef) expandedTree(mdef) = expanded expanded } /** A new context that summarizes an import statement */ def importContext(sym: Symbol, selectors: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = ctx.fresh.withImportInfo(new ImportInfo(sym, selectors)) /** A new context for the interior of a class */ def inClassContext(cls: ClassSymbol, selfName: TermName)(implicit ctx: Context): Context = { val localCtx: Context = ctx.fresh.withNewScope if (selfName != nme.WILDCARD) localCtx.enter(localCtx.newSelfSym(cls, selfName, cls.thisType)) localCtx } /** Enter statement */ def enterSym(stat: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Context = stat match { case pcl: PackageDef => val pkg = createPackageSymbol( enterSyms(pcl.stats)(ctx.fresh.withOwner(pkg.moduleClass)) ctx case imp: Import => importContext(createSymbol(imp), imp.selectors) case mdef: ModuleDef => createSymbol(expansion(mdef)) ctx case mdef: MemberDef => expansion(mdef).toList foreach createSymbol ctx case _ => ctx } /** Enter all statements in stats. */ def enterSyms(stats: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Context = { @tailrec def traverse(stats: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): Context = stats match { case stat :: stats1 => traverse(stats1)(enterSym(stat)) case nil => ctx } /** Merge the definitions of a synthetic companion generated by a case class * and the real companion, if both exist. */ def mergeCompanionDefs() = { val caseClassDef = mutable.Map[TypeName, TypeDef]() for (cdef @ TypeDef(mods, name, _) <- stats) if (mods is Case) caseClassDef(name) = cdef for (mdef @ ModuleDef(_, name, _) <- stats) caseClassDef get name.toTypeName match { case Some(cdef) => val Thicket((mcls @ TypeDef(_, _, impl: Template)) :: mrest) = expandedTree(mdef) val Thicket(cls :: TypeDef(_, _, compimpl: Template) :: crest) = expandedTree(cdef) val mcls1 = cpy.TypeDef(mcls, mcls.mods,, cpy.Template(impl, impl.constr, impl.parents, impl.self, compimpl.body ++ impl.body)) expandedTree(mdef) = Thicket(mcls1 :: mrest) expandedTree(cdef) = Thicket(cls :: crest) case none => } } val result = traverse(stats) mergeCompanionDefs() result } /** The completer of a symbol defined by a member def or import (except ClassSymbols) */ class Completer(original: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) extends LazyType { def complete(denot: SymDenotation): Unit = { val sym = denot.symbol def localContext = ctx.fresh.withOwner(sym) def typeSig(tree: Tree): Type = tree match { case tree: ValDef => valOrDefDefSig(tree, sym, identity)(localContext) case tree: DefDef => val typer1 = new Typer nestedTyper(sym) = typer1 typer1.defDefSig(tree, sym)(localContext.withTyper(typer1)) case tree: TypeDef => typeDefSig(tree, sym)(localContext.withNewScope) case imp: Import => val expr1 = typedAheadExpr(imp.expr, AnySelectionProto) ImportType(tpd.SharedTree(expr1)) } = typeSig(original) } } /** The completer for a symbol defined by a class definition */ class ClassCompleter(original: TypeDef, override val sourceModule: Symbol = NoSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ClassCompleterWithDecls(newScope) { override def complete(denot: SymDenotation): Unit = { val cls = denot.symbol.asClass def localContext = ctx.fresh.withOwner(cls) println(s"completing ${}, sourceModule = ${}") = classDefSig(original, cls, decls.asInstanceOf[MutableScope])(localContext) } } /** Typecheck tree during completion, and remember result in typedtree map */ private def typedAheadImpl(tree: Tree, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = typedTree.getOrElseUpdate(tree, typer.typedExpanded(tree, pt)) def typedAheadType(tree: Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = typedAheadImpl(tree, pt)(ctx retractMode Mode.PatternOrType addMode Mode.Type) def typedAheadExpr(tree: Tree, pt: Type = WildcardType)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = typedAheadImpl(tree, pt)(ctx retractMode Mode.PatternOrType) /** Enter and typecheck parameter list */ def completeParams(params: List[MemberDef])(implicit ctx: Context) = { enterSyms(params) for (param <- params) typedAheadExpr(param) } /** The type signature of a ValDef or DefDef * @param mdef The definition * @param sym Its symbol * @param paramFn A wrapping function that produces the type of the * defined symbol, given its final return type */ def valOrDefDefSig(mdef: ValOrDefDef, sym: Symbol, paramFn: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val pt = if (!mdef.tpt.isEmpty) WildcardType else { lazy val schema = paramFn(WildcardType) val site = sym.owner.thisType val inherited = { // TODO: Look only at member of supertype instead? ((NoType: Type) /: { (tp, cls) => val itpe = .nonPrivateDecl( .matchingDenotation(site, schema) .asSeenFrom(site) .info.finalResultType tp & itpe } } inherited orElse typedAheadExpr(mdef.rhs).tpe } paramFn(typedAheadType(mdef.tpt, pt).tpe) } /** The type signature of a DefDef with given symbol */ def defDefSig(ddef: DefDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val DefDef(_, name, tparams, vparamss, _, _) = ddef completeParams(tparams) vparamss foreach completeParams val isConstructor = name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR val isSecondaryConstructor = isConstructor && sym != sym.owner.primaryConstructor def typeParams = if (isSecondaryConstructor) sym.owner.primaryConstructor.typeParams else tparams map symbolOfTree def wrapMethType(restpe: Type): Type = { val monotpe = (restpe /: vparamss) { (restpe, params) => val make = if (params.nonEmpty && (params.head.mods is Implicit)) ImplicitMethodType else MethodType make.fromSymbols(params map symbolOfTree, restpe) } if (typeParams.nonEmpty) PolyType.fromSymbols(typeParams, monotpe) else if (vparamss.isEmpty) ExprType(monotpe) else monotpe } if (isConstructor) { // set result type tree to unit, but set the current class as result type of the symbol typedAheadType(ddef.tpt, defn.UnitType) wrapMethType(sym.owner.typeConstructor.appliedTo(typeParams map (_.symRef))) } else valOrDefDefSig(ddef, sym, wrapMethType) } def typeDefSig(tdef: TypeDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { completeParams(tdef.tparams) val tparamSyms = tdef.tparams map symbolOfTree val rhsType = typedAheadType(tdef.rhs).tpe rhsType match { case bounds: TypeBounds => if (tparamSyms.nonEmpty) bounds.higherKinded(tparamSyms) else rhsType case _ => if (tparamSyms.nonEmpty) rhsType.LambdaAbstract(tparamSyms)(ctx.error(_, _)) else TypeBounds(rhsType, rhsType) } } /** The type signature of a ClassDef with given symbol */ def classDefSig(cdef: TypeDef, cls: ClassSymbol, decls: MutableScope)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def parentType(constr: untpd.Tree): Type = { val Trees.Select(Trees.New(tpt), _) = methPart(constr) val ptype = typedAheadType(tpt).tpe if (ptype.uninstantiatedTypeParams.isEmpty) ptype else typedAheadExpr(constr).tpe } val TypeDef(_, _, impl @ Template(constr, parents, self, body)) = cdef val (params, rest) = body span { case td: TypeDef => td.mods is Param case td: ValDef => td.mods is ParamAccessor case _ => false } enterSyms(params) def defaultSelfType = if (cls is Module) TermRef.withSym(ctx.owner.thisType, cls.sourceModule.asTerm) else NoType // pre-set info, so that parent types can refer to type params = ClassInfo(cls.owner.thisType, cls, Nil, decls, defaultSelfType) val parentTypes = parents map parentType val parentRefs = ctx.normalizeToRefs(parentTypes, cls, decls) val optSelfType = if (self.tpt.isEmpty) defaultSelfType else { val t = typedAheadType(self.tpt).tpe if (!t.isError) t else defaultSelfType } enterSym(constr) enterSyms(rest)(inClassContext(cls, ClassInfo(cls.owner.thisType, cls, parentRefs, decls, optSelfType) } }