package test import dotty.partest.DPConfig import{Main, Bench, Driver} import import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import{ Path, Directory, File => SFile } import{ FileManager, NestUI } import{ RandomAccessFile, File => JFile } import org.junit.Test /** This class has two modes: it can directly run compiler tests, or it can * generate the necessary file structure for partest in the directory * DPConfig.testRoot. Both modes are regular JUnit tests. Which mode is used * depends on the existence of the tests/locks/partest-ppid.lock file which is * created by sbt to trigger partest generation. Sbt will then run partest on * the generated sources. * * Through overriding the partestableXX methods, tests can always be run as * JUnit compiler tests. Run tests cannot be run by JUnit, only by partest. * * A test can either be a file or a directory. Partest will generate a * -.log file with output of failed tests. Partest reads compiler * flags and the number of errors expected from a neg test from .flags * and .nerr files (also generated). The test is in a parent directory * that determines the kind of test: * - pos: checks that compilation succeeds * - neg: checks that compilation fails with the given number of errors * - run: compilation succeeds, partest: test run generates the output in * .check. Run tests always need to be: * object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = ... } * Classpath jars can be added to partestDeps in the sbt Build.scala. */ abstract class CompilerTest extends DottyTest { /** Override with output dir of test so it can be patched. Partest expects * classes to be in partest-generated/[kind]/[testname]-[kind].obj/ */ val defaultOutputDir: String /** Override to filter out tests that should not be run by partest. */ def partestableFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, extension: String, args: List[String], xerrors: Int) = true def partestableDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String], xerrors: Int) = true def partestableList(testName: String, files: List[String], args: List[String], xerrors: Int) = true val generatePartestFiles = { /* Because we fork in test, the JVM in which this JUnit test runs has a * different pid from the one that started the partest. But the forked VM * receives the pid of the parent as system property. If the lock file * exists, the parent is requesting partest generation. This mechanism * allows one sbt instance to run test (JUnit only) and another partest. * We cannot run two instances of partest at the same time, because they're * writing to the same directories. The sbt lock file generation prevents * this. */ val pid = System.getProperty("partestParentID") if (pid == null) false else new JFile("." + JFile.separator + "tests" + JFile.separator + "locks" + JFile.separator + s"partest-$pid.lock").exists } // Delete generated files from previous run if (generatePartestFiles) CompilerTest.init /** Always run with JUnit. */ def compileLine(cmdLine: String, xerrors: Int = 0)(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = { if (generatePartestFiles) NestUI.echoWarning("WARNING: compileLine will always run with JUnit, no partest files generated.") compileArgs(cmdLine.split("\n"), xerrors) } /** Compiles the given code file. * * @param prefix the parent directory (including separator at the end) * @param fileName the filename, by default without extension * @param args arguments to the compiler * @param xerrors if > 0, this test is a neg test with the expected number * of compiler errors. Otherwise, this is a pos test. * @param extension the file extension, .scala by default * @param defaultOptions more arguments to the compiler */ def compileFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, xerrors: Int = 0, extension: String = ".scala", runTest: Boolean = false) (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = { if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableFile(prefix, fileName, extension, args ++ defaultOptions, xerrors)) { if (runTest) NestUI.echoWarning(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$fileName$extension") compileArgs((s"$prefix$fileName$extension" :: args).toArray, xerrors) } else { val kind = testKind(prefix, xerrors, runTest) println(s"generating partest files for test file: $prefix$fileName$extension of kind $kind") val sourceFile = new JFile(prefix + fileName + extension) if (sourceFile.exists) { val firstDest = SFile(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + kind + JFile.separator + fileName + extension) computeDestAndCopyFiles(sourceFile, firstDest, kind, args ++ defaultOptions, xerrors.toString) } else { throw new"Unable to locate test file $prefix$fileName") } } } def runFile(prefix: String, fileName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, xerrors: Int = 0, extension: String = ".scala")(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = compileFile(prefix, fileName, args, xerrors, extension, true) /** Compiles the code files in the given directory together. If args starts * with "-deep", all files in subdirectories (and so on) are included. */ def compileDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, xerrors: Int = 0, runTest: Boolean = false) (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = { if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableDir(prefix, dirName, args ++ defaultOptions, xerrors)) { if (runTest) NestUI.echoWarning(s"WARNING: run tests can only be run by partest, JUnit just verifies compilation: $prefix$dirName") val dir = Directory(prefix + dirName) val (files, normArgs) = args match { case "-deep" :: args1 => (dir.deepFiles, args1) case _ => (dir.files, args) } val fileNames = => (name endsWith ".scala") || (name endsWith ".java")) compileArgs(fileNames ++ normArgs, xerrors) } else { val (sourceDir, flags, deep) = args match { case "-deep" :: args1 => (flattenDir(prefix, dirName), args1 ++ defaultOptions, "deep") case _ => (new JFile(prefix + dirName), args ++ defaultOptions, "shallow") } val kind = testKind(prefix, xerrors, runTest) println(s"generating partest files for test directory ($deep): $prefix$dirName of kind $kind") if (sourceDir.exists) { val firstDest = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + kind + JFile.separator + dirName) computeDestAndCopyFiles(sourceDir, firstDest, kind, flags, xerrors.toString) if (deep == "deep") { sourceDir.listFiles.foreach(_.delete) sourceDir.delete } } else { throw new"Unable to locate test dir $prefix$dirName") } } } def runDir(prefix: String, dirName: String, args: List[String] = Nil, xerrors: Int = 0) (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = compileDir(prefix, dirName, args, xerrors, true) /** Compiles each source in the directory path separately by calling * compileFile resp. compileDir. */ def compileFiles(path: String, args: List[String] = Nil, verbose: Boolean = true) (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = { val dir = Directory(path) val fileNames = => (name endsWith ".scala") || (name endsWith ".java")) for (name <- fileNames) { if (verbose) println(s"testing $path$name") compileFile(path, name, args, 0, "") } for (subdir <- dir.dirs) { if (verbose) println(s"testing $subdir") compileDir(path, subdir.jfile.getName, args, 0) } } /** Compiles the given list of code files. */ def compileList(testName: String, files: List[String], args: List[String] = Nil, xerrors: Int = 0) (implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = { if (!generatePartestFiles || !partestableList(testName, files, args ++ defaultOptions, xerrors)) { compileArgs((files ++ args).toArray, xerrors) } else { val destDir = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + testName) files.foreach({ file => val jfile = new JFile(file) recCopyFiles(jfile, destDir / jfile.getName) }) compileDir(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator, testName, args, xerrors) } } // ========== HELPERS ============= private def compileArgs(args: Array[String], xerrors: Int = 0)(implicit defaultOptions: List[String]): Unit = { val allArgs = args ++ defaultOptions val processor = if (allArgs.exists(_.startsWith("#"))) Bench else Main val nerrors = processor.process(allArgs, ctx).errorCount assert(nerrors == xerrors, s"Wrong # of errors. Expected: $xerrors, found: $nerrors") } // In particular, don't copy flags from scalac tests private val extensionsToCopy = scala.collection.immutable.HashSet("scala", "java", "check") /** Determines what kind of test to run. */ private def testKind(prefixDir: String, xerrors: Int, runTest: Boolean) = { if (runTest) "run" else if (xerrors > 0) "neg" else if (prefixDir.endsWith("run" + JFile.separator)) { NestUI.echoWarning("WARNING: test is being run as pos test despite being in a run directory. " + "Use runFile/runDir instead of compileFile/compileDir to do a run test") "pos" } else "pos" } /** The three possibilities: no generated sources exist yet, the same sources * exist already, different sources exist. */ object Difference extends Enumeration { type Difference = Value val NotExists, ExistsSame, ExistsDifferent = Value } import Difference._ /** The same source might be used for several partest test cases (e.g. with * different flags). Detects existing versions and computes the path to be * used for this version, e.g. testname_v1 for the first alternative. */ private def computeDestAndCopyFiles(source: JFile, dest: Path, kind: String, oldFlags: List[String], nerr: String, nr: Int = 0, oldOutput: String = defaultOutputDir): Unit = { val partestOutput = dest.jfile.getParentFile + JFile.separator + dest.stripExtension + "-" + kind + ".obj" val flags = => if (f == oldOutput) partestOutput else f) getExisting(dest).isDifferent(source, flags, nerr) match { case NotExists => copyFiles(source, dest, partestOutput, flags, nerr, kind) case ExistsSame => // nothing else to do case ExistsDifferent => val nextDest = dest.parent / (dest match { case f: SFile => SFile(replaceVersion(f.stripExtension, nr)).addExtension(f.extension) case d: Directory => Directory(replaceVersion(, nr)) }) computeDestAndCopyFiles(source, nextDest, kind, flags, nerr, nr + 1, partestOutput) } } /** Copies the test sources. Creates flags, nerr, check and output files. */ private def copyFiles(sourceFile: Path, dest: Path, partestOutput: String, flags: List[String], nerr: String, kind: String) = { recCopyFiles(sourceFile, dest) new JFile(partestOutput).mkdirs if (flags.nonEmpty) dest.changeExtension("flags").createFile(true).writeAll(flags.mkString(" ")) if (nerr != "0") dest.changeExtension("nerr").createFile(true).writeAll(nerr) sourceFile.changeExtension("check").ifFile({ check => if (kind == "run") FileManager.copyFile(check.jfile, dest.changeExtension("check").jfile) else NestUI.echoWarning(s"WARNING: ignoring $check for test kind $kind") }) } /** Recursively copy over source files and directories, excluding extensions * that aren't in extensionsToCopy. */ private def recCopyFiles(sourceFile: Path, dest: Path): Unit = { processFileDir(sourceFile, { sf => if (extensionsToCopy.contains(sf.extension)) { dest.parent.jfile.mkdirs FileManager.copyFile(sourceFile.jfile, dest.jfile) } else { NestUI.echoWarning(s"WARNING: ignoring $sf") } }, { sdir => dest.jfile.mkdirs sdir.list.foreach(path => recCopyFiles(path, dest / }, Some("DPCompilerTest.recCopyFiles: sourceFile not found: " + sourceFile)) } /** Reads the existing files for the given test source if any. */ private def getExisting(dest: Path): ExistingFiles = { val content: Option[Option[String]] = processFileDir(dest, f => f.safeSlurp, d => Some("")) if (content.isDefined && content.get.isDefined) { val flags = (dest changeExtension "flags").toFile.safeSlurp val nerr = (dest changeExtension "nerr").toFile.safeSlurp ExistingFiles(content.get, flags, nerr) } else ExistingFiles() } /** Encapsulates existing generated test files. */ case class ExistingFiles(genSrc: Option[String] = None, flags: Option[String] = None, nerr: Option[String] = None) { def isDifferent(sourceFile: JFile, otherFlags: List[String], otherNerr: String): Difference = { if (!genSrc.isDefined) { NotExists } else { val source = processFileDir(sourceFile, { f => f.safeSlurp }, { d => Some("") }, Some("DPCompilerTest sourceFile doesn't exist: " + sourceFile)).get if (source == genSrc) { nerr match { case Some(n) if (n != otherNerr) => ExistsDifferent case None if (otherNerr != "0") => ExistsDifferent case _ if ( == otherFlags.mkString(" ")).getOrElse(otherFlags.isEmpty)) => ExistsSame case _ => ExistsDifferent } } else ExistsDifferent } } } import scala.util.matching.Regex val nrFinder = """(.*_v)(\d+)""".r /** Changes the version number suffix in the name (without extension). */ private def replaceVersion(name: String, nr: Int): String = { val nrString = nr.toString name match { case nrFinder(prefix, `nrString`) => prefix + (nr + 1) case _ => assert(nr == 0, "DPCompilerTest couldn't create new version of files, match error") name + "_v1" } } /** Returns None if the given path doesn't exist, otherwise returns Some of * applying either processFile or processDir, depending on what the path * refers to in the file system. If failMsgOnNone is defined, this function * asserts that the file exists using the provided message. */ private def processFileDir[T](input: Path, processFile: SFile => T, processDir: Directory => T, failMsgOnNone: Option[String] = None): Option[T] = { val res = input.ifFile(f => processFile(f)).orElse(input.ifDirectory(d => processDir(d))) (failMsgOnNone, res) match { case (Some(msg), None) => assert(false, msg); None case _ => res } } /** Creates a temporary directory and copies all (deep) files over, thus * flattening the directory structure. */ private def flattenDir(prefix: String, dirName: String): JFile = { val destDir = Directory(DPConfig.testRoot + JFile.separator + "_temp") Directory(prefix + dirName).deepFiles.foreach(source => recCopyFiles(source, destDir / destDir.jfile } } object CompilerTest extends App { /** Delete generated partest sources from a previous run. */ lazy val init = { new } // val dotcDir = "/Users/odersky/workspace/dotty/src/dotty/" // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "CompilationUnit") // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Compiler") // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Driver") // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Main") // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Run") // new CompilerTest().compileDir(dotcDir + "tools/dotc") // new CompilerTest().compileFile(dotcDir + "tools/dotc/", "Run") }